




1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:tán de






  1. 古代妇女用红色点于面部的装饰。亦借指美貌女子。

    唐 杜牧 《寄澧州张舍人笛》诗:“檀的染时痕半月,落梅飘处响穿云。” 宋 徐铉 《梦游》诗之一:“檀的慢调银字管,云鬟低缀折枝花。”



  1. The Exploitation of Wild Rare Plant Nauclea officinalis


  2. Landscaping Value and Application of Pteroceltis Tatarinowii


  1. 在今后几年里, 他同方檀见面的机会一定很多。

    He and Johnny would have to see a lot of each other in the next few years.

  2. 而且,香草和白檀的回味悠长。

    Long lingering finish of vanilla and sandalwood.

  3. 珍稀野生植物乌檀的开发利用

    The Exploitation of Wild Rare Plant Nauclea officinalis

  4. 珍稀植物青檀的生物学特性及栽培技术

    Biotic features and planting technology of the rare plant Pterocektis tatarinowii Maxim

  5. 有竹子图案的檀木柜

    rosewood cabinet with bamboo design

  6. 镶嵌珍珠母的檀木床

    rosewood couch with inlay of mother of pearl

  7. 带桃花喜雀图案的檀木柜

    rosewood cabinet with peach flower and magpie design

  8. 乌檀木般的秀发

    Wandered into the wispy ebony hair

  9. 钢琴上的黑檀木键

    the ebony keys on a piano

  10. 各种黑檀树木的深色木料。

    very dark wood of any of several blackwood trees.

  11. 黑檀木的指板和琴桥

    Ebony fingerboard and butterfly bridge

  12. 降香檀叶挥发油成分的研究

    Studies on the Chemical Constituents of the Essential Oil from the Leaves of Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen

  13. 黑黄檀木材的构造、性质及用途

    Wood structure, properties and uses of Dalbergia fusca.

  14. 青檀一年生播种苗的年生长规律

    Studies on Annul Growth Dynamics of Oneyear Seedlings of Pteroceltis tatarinowii

  15. 黑檀木以其坚硬的木材而闻名。

    Ebony trees are valued for their black hardwood.

  16. 可以说这些故事是檀君神话的再次翻版。

    It can be said that these stories pirated again.

  17. 这是我在吠檀多寺里的证悟。

    This was My Realization, in the Vedanta Temple.

  18. 他用黄檀制作了一个精美的小盒子。

    He made a delicate small box using sandalwood.

  19. 他用黄檀制作了一个精美的小盒子。

    He made a delicate small box using sandalwood.

  20. 他发现师父是吠檀多经文的具体表现。

    He found in the Master the embodiment of the Vedanta scriptures.

  21. 酒存放在这个穿孔的黑檀木板墙上。

    Wine is stored in a perforated black wood wall.

  22. 降香黄檀和印度紫檀中微量元素的研究

    Studies on the Trace Element of Lignum from Dalbergia odorifera T. Chen and Pterocarpus indicus Willd

  23. 所以我说根据吠檀多的推论,梵天没有属性。

    Therefore I say that in the light of Vedantic reasoning Brahman has no attributes.

  24. 檀宫的外观采用全进口的石材、砂岩和石板瓦。

    Tangong the appearance of a fully imported stone, sandstone and slate.

  25. 黄檀群落的生活型谱接近落叶阔叶林的生活型谱。

    Second, the life form spectrum of species of the community was similar to that of the Deciduous Broadleaved Forest.

  26. 有一位皇后坐在窗边在黑檀木的框上刺绣。

    A queen sat at her window and embroidered on an ebony frame.

  27. 建立了一种粉檀麝香的单扫描极谱的测定方法。

    A method for the determination of phantolide by using single sweep polarography was established.

  28. 我希望生个像雪般白、血般红、黑檀木般黑的孩子。

    I would like to have a child as white as snow, as red as blood and as black as ebony.

  29. 过了不久,那间黑屋子里的黑檀木时钟又敲响了。

    And, anon , there strikes the ebony clock which stands in the hall of the velvet.

  30. 南岭黄檀思茅黄檀的筛管寿命分别为812个月和911个月。

    The longevity of sieve tubes in D. balansae and D. szemaoensis last812 months and911 months respectively.