


1. 阿 [ā]2. 阿 [ē]阿 [ā]加在称呼上的词头:~大。~爷。~爹。~罗汉。~毛。~婆。~弟。~姊。阿 [ē]迎合,偏袒:~附。~其所好。~谀逢迎。凹曲处:山~。……





汉语拼音:ā shuí







  1. 疑问代词。犹言谁,何人。

    《乐府诗集·横吹曲辞五·紫骝马歌辞》:“十五从军征,八十始得归。道逢乡里人:‘家中有阿谁?’”《三国志·蜀志·庞统传》:“ 先主 谓曰:‘向者之论,阿谁为失?’” 元 李好古 《张生煮海》第二折:“拨转顶门关棙子,阿谁不是大罗仙。” 尹爟 《九月上越王台》诗:“空教 陆贾 降雄策,此日 佗 城属阿谁!”



  1. The following week I packed up and decided to hit the road and get out of that city of ignorance which is the modern city.


  2. Then Ben knew he could never give this bird to the hunter. This feeling gave Ben great strength, and he was no longer afraid.


  3. Xiao dream girl didn't hear the work of death notice ZhaoXiuRu, said the girl who died, no birthmark on his head.


  4. Hey, Im only trying to help you out. You shouldnt be pushing me around like this.


  5. No, Im laying off the lush, all that wine you drink is rot-gut, it burns your stomach out, it makes your brain dull.


  6. The little girl came hurrying to her mother for sympathy.


  7. Lynda: Calls my dad and tells him what I said. Yeah, that C-U-N-T needs to get laid!


  8. One day, one of Newton's atheistic friends came by for a visit and was naturally intrigued by the model.


  9. But if somebody has supported that child, then the children would be rude.


  1. 您瞧, 阿谁杯子破了。

    You see, this glass is broken.

  2. 阿谁学生昨天丢了书。

    That student lost his book yesterday.

  3. 阿谁词有两种读法。

    This word has two pronunciations.

  4. 您必须用力挨开阿谁瓶子。

    You must use force to open that bottle.

  5. 他们成功地解决了阿谁难题。

    They succeeded in solving the problem.

  6. 据嗣魅阿谁岛衰产铁矿石。

    It is said that this island is iron ore.

  7. 我要去阿谁死角并且转弯儿。

    I'm going to that corner there and turn.

  8. 他博得冠军的阿谁消息是真的。

    The news that he won the first place is true.

  9. 我斟踪策,掉踪往了阿谁客户。

    I blew it. I lost the customer.

  10. 阿谁穿白衣服的小女孩在口杯。

    The little girl in white was drinking water.

  11. 阿谁小孩背他妈妈讲了个小谎。

    That child told his mother a white lie.

  12. 阿谁英勇的英雄挽救了小女孩的生命。

    The valiant hero saved the little girl's life.

  13. 阿谁小女孩仓猝来到妈妈跟前争夺同情。

    The little girl came hurrying to her mother for sympathy.

  14. 阿谁星期六下午她们父子做了啥子?

    What did the and his son do that Saturday afternoon ?

  15. 阿谁小女孩不敢单独一个呆在家里。

    That little girl is afraid to stay at home by herself.

  16. 我正在阿谁工场工做了有两十年了。

    I have worked in this factory for twenty years.

  17. 阿谁黉舍的四分子三的西席是女教员。

    Three fourths of the teachers in this school are women teachers.

  18. 阿谁父亲从晚报中读到了啥子消息?

    What important news did the father read in the evening paper ?

  19. 在运河里, 阿谁加拿大人化验了喷鼻蕉。

    In the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas.

  20. 我念知讲阿谁周终您有甚么要做。

    I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.

  21. 咱们目不转睛地看电视机上阿谁事故的新闻。

    We were glued to the television watching the news about the accident.

  22. 装着醋得阿谁瓶子应送到试验室去。

    The bottle containing vinegar should be sent to the laboratory.

  23. 适才同英语复合词你发言得阿谁男孩是谁?

    Who is the boy that just spoke to you ?

  24. 适才同英语复合词你发言的阿谁男孩是谁?

    Who is the boy that just spoke to you ?

  25. 阿谁岛位于这个地方的正南偏东标的目的。

    The island lies south by east from here.

  26. 但我会永远铭刻这个季节, 还有阿谁女孩。

    But I will always remember the season and the girl.

  27. 我没有知讲阿谁对您的意义有那么除夜。

    I didn't realize how much this meant to you.

  28. 在运河里, 阿谁加拿年夜人化验了喷鼻蕉。

    In the canal, the Canadian analyzed the bananas.

  29. 只有时候间能证明咱们选出来的阿谁人对不对。

    Only will time tell whether we elected the right person.

  30. 为甚么阿谁男孩把一张唱片放正在上里?

    Why is the boy putting a record on?