




1. 雅 [yǎ]雅 [yǎ]正规的,标准的:~言。~正(a.规范的;b.正直;c.客气话,用于赠给他人的书画题款上,请对方指正)。美好的,高尚的,不粗俗的:文~。高~。典~。~观。~教(jiào )。~兴(xìng )。~座。~俗。平素,……



汉语拼音:qīng yǎ









  1. 清高拔俗。

    《三国志·魏志·徐宣传》:“尚书 徐宣 ,体忠厚之行,秉直亮之性,清雅特立,不拘世俗。” 唐 李复言 《续玄怪录·李卫公靖》:“青裙素襦,神气清雅,宛若士大夫家。” 明 高启 《送丁至恭河南省亲序》:“ 丁儼 至恭 日抱琴与余游,余爱其清雅和易,且能相慰於寂寞之滨,故数与燕咏啸歌。”

  2. 清新雅致。

    南朝 梁 锺嵘 《诗品》卷下:“ 希逸 诗气候清雅,不逮于 范 袁 。”《四游记·张果老骑驴应召》:“﹝小道士﹞言词清雅,礼数中度。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话补遗》卷五:“ 京口 诗人,皆奉 梦楼先生 之教,诗多清雅。” 李斌奎 《天山深处的“大兵”》:“清雅的紫竹调伴着他灵活潇洒的舞步,宛如蜻蜓点水,萍浮河面。”

  3. 清静幽雅。

    《西游记》第二五回:“那林里是个清雅的去处,决然没有妖精。” 清 刘献廷 《广阳杂记》卷二:“ 长沙 小西门 外,望两岸居人,虽竹篱茅屋,皆清雅淡远,絶无烟火气。” 冰心 《离家的一家》:“好清雅的院子。”



  1. Such an elegant and beautiful and how can such a word valianthook hang it? We see her life from the beginning.


  2. If asked, mostly boys should have or realism school, whenever a man chose the latter, only a small number of elegant people.


  3. "Peak of peaks" Magazine (Special of Rolls-Royce owners): "the calm, grace, and elegant place within the deep of the soul of Old Shanghai "


  4. The style of this clothes designer is of classic beauty and fresh elegance.


  5. And this land should be one with elegance as well as simplicity, whose architecture, customs and life are all closely related to water.


  6. Hypertrophy of soft leaf tea has a rich texture of the characteristics of pectin, elegant aroma, finish rich, throat rhyme infinity.


  7. Nowadays, the choice of a new trend in travel: people more often chose the simple farm tourism.


  8. That Lotus straighten high squid, resplendent in the branches open, showing the elegant yet charming lovely virtuous beauty.


  9. The studying room with simple and elegant decoration extends my sensible antenna. I can fly my lonely spirit in the inspirational space.


  1. 味道很清雅。

    Mmm.tastes so elegant.

  2. 清雅的橱窗,纤细唯美。

    The elegant window, fine and aesthetic.

  3. 清雅的馨香,使环境怡然。

    Pure incense makes the environment pleasurable.

  4. 你不觉得这很清雅吗?

    Don't you think it's elegant?

  5. 浅稻黄色酒体,清雅迷人。

    This wine is a vibrant pale straw color.

  6. 我喜欢百合,喜欢它的纯洁,喜欢它的清雅。

    I love lilies like the purity of it like it's elegant.

  7. 清雅的色调营造轻松的备餐环境。

    Of elegant tonal build easy equipment food environment.

  8. 这座精致的庭院显得清雅、安静。

    This exquiste courtyard rather sugests peace and tranquility.

  9. 鲜美的味道,清雅的香味,柔和的色彩等

    a delicate flavor,odor,color,etc.

  10. 清雅得生活方式, 演绎对生命得深层感悟。

    The clean and elegant life style deduces the deep thought of life.

  11. 清雅的生活方式,演绎对生命的深层感悟。

    The clean and elegant life style deduces the deep thought of life.

  12. 此诗清雅脱尘,句内饱含春意。

    This poem is elegant and sublime, and the lines are full of spring longing.

  13. 我看到了一窗清雅细致的冰凌花!

    I saw a window of elegant and meticulous icicle flowers!

  14. 清雅的淡黄色酒体掩映着亮绿色光泽。

    Pale yellow in color with light green hues.

  15. 宋代文人创作的道教曲牌音乐风格清雅。

    Tune in Taoist music, composed by literators in the Song Dynasty, was characteristed by the elegant style.

  16. 哪一条恶龙曾经住在这样清雅的洞府?

    Did ever dragon deep so fair a cave ?

  17. 清雅得稻黄色酒体伴着几分淡绿色泽。

    Pale straw color with light green hues.

  18. 清雅的稻黄色酒体伴着几分淡绿色泽。

    Pale straw color with light green hues.

  19. 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。

    The dogwood bud, pale green is inlaid with russet markings.

  20. 我丈夫不了解清雅的食物,他是个莽夫。

    My husband doesn't understand elegant food. He's an ignoramus.

  21. 哪一条恶龙曾经栖息在这清雅的洞府里?

    Did ever dragon keep so far a cave ?

  22. 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,表面点缀着褐色的斑痕。

    The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

  23. 青石凳、粉色荷花都为清雅的小院增添色彩。

    Lotus of bluestone stool, pink is the small courtyard of elegant to add color.

  24. 古色古香,清雅素淡,是这个服装设计师的设计风格。

    The style of this clothes designer is of classic beauty and fresh elegance.

  25. 清雅美丽的山光秀色,令您陶醉,是梦中的仙境。

    Elegant beautiful mountain light Xiuse, so that you are intoxicated, is a dream of fairyland.

  26. 词作风格上既有纤婉清雅的一面,更有刚性抒情的一面。

    Words for both style defibrillators Wanqing AGB side, the more rigid lyrical side.

  27. 词作风格上既有纤婉清雅得一面,更有刚性抒情得一面。

    Words for both style defibrillators Wanqing AGB side, the more rigid lyrical side.

  28. 我见过的花也很多, 有高贵清雅的菊花, 有婀娜多姿的水仙等。

    I have seen there are many flowers, there are noble elegant chrysanthemums, there are Graceful of Shuixian.

  29. 纯居,清雅铺就,进入灵境,典藏沉醉后的那一种愉悦。

    Pure Oasis, elegance paved into the spiritual territory, it is the delight which after collecting the kind of intoxication.

  30. 有人只看到密林中翠竹清雅,却忽略了树叶下蛇吻浮现。

    Somebody sees the elegant bamboos in the forest, but ignores the dangerous snakes in the leaves.


  1. 问:清雅拼音怎么拼?清雅的读音是什么?清雅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:清雅的读音是qīngyǎ,清雅翻译成英文是 elegant; graceful; refined


