







汉语拼音:guì dǎo






  1. You never see the aches in her knees from praying for others , instead she spends even more time on her knees .


  1. 他们跪下来祷告。

    They knelt down and prayed.

  2. 我们看见他们下蹲,他们跪下来祷告。

    We see that they squat. They kneel in prayer.

  3. 理查德看到那个快活得修道士跪下来祷告。

    Richardbeheld the jovial Friar on his knees, telling his rosary.

  4. 理查德看到那个快活的修道士跪下来祷告。

    Richardbeheld the jovial Friar on his knees, telling his rosary.

  5. 基督教徒通常跪着做祷告。

    Christians often kneel down to say their prayers.

  6. 她进了教堂, 跪下来开始祷告。

    She went into the church, knelt down and began to pray.

  7. 她们跪着在做祷告。

    They were kneeling down and saying their prayers.

  8. 她跪下来向上帝祷告。

    She went on her knees and offered her prayers to God.

  9. 可你想想看,你那位快咽气的母亲恳求你跪下来为她祷告。

    But to think of your mother begging you with her last breath to kneel down and pray for her.

  10. 当我双膝跪下,我并不是要祷告。

    When I get down on my knees, it is not to pray.

  11. 当我双膝跪下, 我其实不是要祷告。

    When Iget down on my knees, it is not to pray.

  12. 保罗说完了这话, 就跪下同众人祷告。

    And when he had thus spoken, kneeled down, and prayed with them all.

  13. 于是离开他们, 约有扔一块石头那么远, 跪下祷告。

    He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed.

  14. 于是离开他们, 约有扔一块石头那吗?远, 跪下祷告。

    And he was withdrawn from them about a stone's cast, and kneeled down, and prayed.

  15. 他跪到陶瓷制的下水管道前, 拿出石锤, 迅速做了一个祷告。

    He approaches the ceramic sewer pipe and kneels before it.Pulls out the rockhammer and says a quick silent prayer.

  16. 她跪地祷求。

    She knelt in supplication.

  17. 他跪了下来作祷告。

    He knelt down and said his prayers.

  18. 我给你跪下了,我会永远为你祷告上帝。

    I can not kneel down to you, and I will always God, you pray.

  19. 那一晚我跪下祷告,神就对我说话了。

    So I laid down to pray that night and God spoke to me.

  20. 我们站的最高,最强,是因为我们跪下来向主祷告。

    We stand tallest and strongest on our knees.

  21. 你母亲弥留之际,要你跪下来为她祷告,你却拒绝了。

    You wouldn't kneel down to pray for your mother on her deathbed when she asked you.

  22. 她跪在祭坛前祷告, 念着万福玛利亚和至圣玛利亚。

    Repentance skindeep. Pray at an altar. Hail Mary and Holy Mary.

  23. 他跪了下来真心感谢上帝给予他的恩赐,虔诚地做了晨祷。

    He threwhis knees, thanked God for the mercy he and said his morning prayer.

  24. 让我们双膝跪下,恳切祷告,直到主基督这颗明星再现。

    Let us get to our knees and never rest till Christ appeareth.

  25. 你别是想告诉我你真的跪下来向这张画祷告过吧?

    Do you mean to tell me you really knelt down and prayed to that picture?

  26. 祷告时采取某些身体姿势会有帮助,例如跪下或站起来。

    It does help, though, to get physical about it. Kneel. Or stand.



跪祷 guìdǎo [knee drill] 救世军的一种特殊礼拜;大部时间是跪着祈祷