


大,有力,强盛:强~。~士。~心。~烈。~美。兵强马~。增加勇气和力量:~胆。~行(xíng )。以~声势。中国少数民族,主要分布于广西壮族自治区及云南、四川、贵州等省(旧作“僮”):~族。~锦。~歌。……





汉语拼音:zhuàng hàn







  1. 强壮的汉子。

    王西彦 《黄昏》:“ 福田 是村子里出名的壮汉,八秤担放在肩上,他不用‘担柱’。”



  1. carrying it for her is also appreciated, so it is not uncommon to see burly young men gallantly toting pink or diamante-studded bags.


  2. Over the barriers jumped the team to effect a rescue, when another bull, something of a tail - end Charlie, mopped up the lot of them.


  3. One day, one of the bouncers when the invasion shop, he took a suitcase of water, but I only know his first name is Bill.


  4. his white teeth showed in an amused and sneering smile , and he stood up , a magnificent figure of a man.


  5. One day a person was walking along the river when he saw a strong man was trying hard to drag a child into the river.


  6. Once again, it looks as though two male strategies may be in equilibrium: the hunk and the troubadour, perhaps.


  7. "Now is the time. I must do it now. " Tom went up to the man and knocked him down with the bat.


  8. So early one morning, some strong men of the king's came to the old woman to take the Sun Tree to the king's palace.


  9. Have everything from all side: BE clipped betwixt by two strong man, their belly be like the watermelon similar circle.


  1. 五短身材的壮汉。

    A stockily built man

  2. 这个壮汉很凶神恶煞。

    The bouncer is so triculent.

  3. 他已长成一个壮汉。

    He has grown into a strong man.

  4. 他们的四分卫是个壮汉。

    Their quarterback is one tough hombre.

  5. 我们需要几个壮汉推这辆车。

    We need several sturdy men to push this car.

  6. 希望是壮汉依靠的一根纤细的芦苇。

    Hope is a slender reed for a stout man to lean on.

  7. 我们当中的壮汉强烈憎恶这件坏事。

    The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing.

  8. 我们当中得壮汉强烈憎恶这件坏事。

    The strong man among us strongly hates the wrongdoing.

  9. 像哥哥那样, 他长成了一个壮汉。

    He was developing into a strong man like his brother was.

  10. 像哥哥那样,他长成了一个壮汉。

    He was developing into a strong man like his brother was.

  11. 我们至少需要两名壮汉来升起桅杆。

    We shall need at least two strong men to sway the mast up.

  12. 除了壮汉,谁也不可能把这箱子举起来。

    None but a strong man could have lifted the box.

  13. 我想一个跳舞的人的肌肉应该像个壮汉。

    I should think a dancer's muscles should be like a strong man.

  14. 制革工坊内部的恶臭令壮汉亦不禁窒息。

    The interior of a Leather Tanners workshop can make strong men retch.

  15. 明清时期云南壮汉民族文化的交流方式

    The Ways of Cultural Exchanges between the Zhuangs and the Hans in Yunnan in the Ming and Qing Dynasty

  16. 该名酋长是个手臂粗壮,胸部多毛的壮汉。

    The chief was a burly man with big arms and a hairy chest.

  17. 今天当我回家的时候,三个壮汉突然走近我。

    Today, as I was walking home, three burly men suddenly began to approach me.

  18. 壮汉和人体大炮表演者重逢 互相炫耀自己的伤疤

    The strongman and the human cannonballs reunited, showing off old scars, and new ones.

  19. 那个壮汉是我的吉米,他是一家健身俱乐部的教练。

    The buff guy is my friend Jimmy, he is a coach of a fitness club.

  20. 戴维至少须把七十个壮汉的协助计算进去。

    David must figure on at least seventy strong men for support.

  21. 他刚想上前理论,一个壮汉挡在了他的面前。

    When he was just about to step forward and argue about it, a strong man got in his way.

  22. 他刚想上前理论,一个壮汉挡在了他的面前。

    When he was just about to step forward and argue about it, a strong man got in his way.

  23. 本文是对广东壮汉族群捡骨重葬俗得研究。

    This dissertation is an anthropological comparative study of the Zhuang and Han nationalitys bonecollecting rebury.

  24. 本文是对广东壮汉族群捡骨重葬俗的研究。

    This dissertation is an anthropological comparative study of the Zhuang and Han nationalitys bonecollecting rebury.

  25. 那个壮汉是我的朋友吉米。他是一家健身俱乐部的教练。

    The buff guy is my friend Jimmy. He is a coach of a fitness club.

  26. 那个壮汉是我得朋友吉米。他是一家健身俱乐部得教练。

    The buff guy is my friend Jimmy. He is a coach of a fitness club.

  27. 广西壮汉人群肥胖基因第一外显子的多态性分析

    Polymorphism analysis of the first exon of ob gene of Zhuang and Han peoples in Guangxi

  28. 国王的一些壮汉来到老婆婆的住处要把太阳树带回皇宫。

    Some strong men of the king's came to the old woman to take the sun tree to the king's palace.

  29. 唯一能阻止它的办法是把你边上那壮汉推向列车。

    The only way to stop it is to shove a huge man next to you onto the tracks.


  1. 问:壮汉拼音怎么拼?壮汉的读音是什么?壮汉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:壮汉的读音是zhuànghàn,壮汉翻译成英文是 Strong middle-aged and young men.