




1. 柱 [zhù]柱 [zhù]建筑物中直立的起支撑作用的构件:~子。~石。顶梁~。形状像柱子的东西,或作用重要如柱子的:水~。~臣(对国家有重要作用的臣子)。……



汉语拼音:sān zhù






  1. 星名。

    《汉书·天文志》:“有星守三渊,天下大水,地动,海鱼出……三渊,盖五车之柱也。”《晋书·天文志上》:“五车五星,三柱九星,在毕北……三柱一曰三泉。” 唐 杨炯 《浑天赋》:“西宫则天潢、咸池、五车、三柱。”



  1. Study Design. This is a report of a patient with a rare unstable 3-column ligamentous injury of the thoracic spine.


  2. When bowling, the aim is to hit the wicket , while the batsman tries to defend it and hit the ball far away to win ' runs '.


  3. Conclusion MSF has been provided rigged fixation biomechanically in spinal fracture and three-column stabilization.


  4. Supporting type is suggested to be developed into 3-prop to improve adaptability besides 2-prop and 4-prop.


  5. To ensure proper shielding, choose a switch card with shielded connectors, such as coax or triax connectors.


  6. Results Two columns were involved in 27 cases, three columns involved in 46 cases, and narrow spinal canal in 66 cases.


  7. Three-Column Suspended Basket Centrifuges, Connecting Dimensions to Foundation


  8. Application of magnetron sputtering plant with three cylindrical targets to decoration coating


  9. The stress distribution and clinical significance of three-column of thoracolumbar vertebrae under force


  1. 三柱门守门员

    wicket keeper.

  2. 组成三柱门的一柱

    any of three upright wooden sticks that form the wicket

  3. 来到三柱门前就位

    come to the wicket at the start of ones innings.

  4. 在三柱门附近触地

    strike the ground near or around the wicket

  5. 板球组成三柱门的一柱。

    cricket any of three upright wooden sticks that form the wicket.

  6. 击向前至三柱门的左方。

    strike forward and to the left of the wicket

  7. 三柱门中最靠近此场地的一柱

    The leg stump, ie the stump nearest this

  8. 贵族奇特的战前传统是君主的三柱门。

    A quaint pre-war tradition at Lord's was `the monarch's wicket'.

  9. 他把球打进了自己的三柱门。

    He played the ball onto his wicket, ie accidentally struck it so that it hit the wicket.

  10. 外场手掷球, 但与三柱门相去甚远。

    The fielder threw the ball but missed the wicket by a long chalk.

  11. 那个球紧贴着他的三柱门的外柱掠过。

    The ball narrowly shaved his off stump.

  12. 碳酸钾生产中三柱串联离子交换工艺研究

    Ion exchange process with three serial columns in production of potassium carbonate

  13. 防守队员蹲伏在击球手守卫的三柱门周围。

    The fielders crouch around the batsman's wicket.

  14. 他并未用力击球,却歪打正着击中了三柱门。

    He didn't hit out,but hit the wicket by a fluke.

  15. 本文叙述了对三柱塞泵往复密封得理论计算。

    The paper deals with the theoretical calculation of reciprocating seal for three plunger pump.

  16. 本文叙述了对三柱塞泵往复密封的理论计算。

    The paper deals with the theoretical calculation of reciprocating seal for three plunger pump.

  17. 史密斯一个回头球, 打到了自己的三柱门上。

    Smith played a turning ball on to the stumps.

  18. 研究设计一例罕见的不稳定胸椎三柱韧带损伤的报道。

    Study Design. This is a report of a patient with a rare unstable 3column ligamentous injury of the thoracic spine.

  19. 最后一名球员小心地守着他的三柱门,直到比赛结束。

    Defending his wicket watchfully, the last man is playing out time.

  20. 一个难球传来, 击球队员把它打到自己的三柱门而后出局。

    A difficult ball came through, the batsman played on to his wicket and was out.


  1. 问:三柱门拼音怎么拼?三柱门的读音是什么?三柱门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三柱门的读音是,三柱门翻译成英文是 Wicket

  2. 问:三柱韭拼音怎么拼?三柱韭的读音是什么?三柱韭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三柱韭的读音是sānzhùjiǔ,三柱韭翻译成英文是 Allium humile

  3. 问:三柱头的拼音怎么拼?三柱头的的读音是什么?三柱头的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三柱头的的读音是sān zhù tóu de,三柱头的翻译成英文是 tristigmatic

  4. 问:三柱头组拼音怎么拼?三柱头组的读音是什么?三柱头组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三柱头组的读音是sānzhùtóu zǔ,三柱头组翻译成英文是 Trichelostylis

  5. 问:三柱径式拼音怎么拼?三柱径式的读音是什么?三柱径式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三柱径式的读音是,三柱径式翻译成英文是 diastyle

  6. 问:三柱篮虫拼音怎么拼?三柱篮虫的读音是什么?三柱篮虫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三柱篮虫的读音是sānzhùlánchóng,三柱篮虫翻译成英文是 Tristylospyrispalmipes

  7. 问:三柱匙形台拼音怎么拼?三柱匙形台的读音是什么?三柱匙形台翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三柱匙形台的读音是sān zhù chí xíng tái,三柱匙形台翻译成英文是 spondylium triplex

  8. 问:三柱篮虫属拼音怎么拼?三柱篮虫属的读音是什么?三柱篮虫属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:三柱篮虫属的读音是sānzhùlánchóng shǔ,三柱篮虫属翻译成英文是 Tristylospyris