







汉语拼音:tíng tíng









  1. 耸立貌;高貌。停,通“ 亭 ”。

    《关尹子·八筹》:“草木俄茁茁,俄停停,俄萧萧。” 陈显微 注:“草木茁茁而芽,亭亭而茂,萧萧而枯,皆俄然而化,可谓速矣。”《艺文类聚》卷三五引 汉 蔡邕 《青衣赋》:“停停沟侧,噭噭青衣。” 唐 李群玉 《小弟艎南游近书来》诗:“停停倚门望,瑟瑟风雨夕。”《水浒传》第八十回:“这 周昂 坐在马上,停停威猛,领着右队人马,来到城边。”

  2. 均等。

    元 张国宾 《合汗衫》第二折:“这个汗衫儿,婆婆,你从那脊缝儿停停的折开者。” 元 武汉臣 《老生儿》楔子:“老夫待将我这家私停停的分开,与我这女儿和这姪儿。”

  3. 等一等;待会儿。

    沙汀 《医生》:“停停,医生娘子弄好饭出来了。” 李文元 《婚事》:“东山日头一大堆嘛,停停再说吧。”



  1. Because stopping and starting, he would not be able to settle his mind to move in along.


  2. Or try the stop- start method: As he nears climax, pull away and have him focus on pleasing you for a while.


  3. We only have to go slowly slowly, slowing down our pace, stop-go, learn to enjoy each piece of his time is now.


  4. He always stops and starts, looking around, wandering, searching, and feeling the surrounding by his particular gestures.


  5. Don't know how long did the days went for. Back and forth, all that unfamiliar people just left without a sound.


  6. The striker has had a stop-start season due to injuries to his hamstring, thigh and most recently a broken toe.


  7. I go into it, and move back and forth and settle here and there, and stay in it for a while.


  8. As you walk, finally or not until you this scenery.


  9. Mills are expensive to turn off and on, while the capital needed to open up a new mine site is crippling.


  1. 我的手表走走停停。

    My watch goes by fits and starts.

  2. 整个早上雪下下停停。

    It'snowed off and on all morning.

  3. 走走停停让乘客颠簸不已

    stops and starts that jolted the passengers.

  4. 我们为什么不直接。不行,停停停。

    Why don't we just. No, bupbupbup.

  5. 走走停停, 自由自在, 在这世外桃源

    Walk and free in so beautiful world

  6. 然而,干干停停有它的局限性。

    Working on and off, however, has its limits.

  7. 停停停,看在上帝的份上停下来。

    Stop stop stop, God damnit stop.

  8. 这雨下下停停到现在已经有一个星期了。

    It has been raining on and off for a whole week now.

  9. 一个人在工作中干干停停是非常容易的。

    It may be only too easy to work on and off on one's job.

  10. 强调我们有移动侦测器,妈 停 停 听我说。

    Emphasize the motion detectors. Mom, stop, stop. Listen.

  11. 这辆老汽车停停开开, 总算把我们送进了城。

    By fits and starts, the old car finally got us to town.

  12. 我漫无目得得走走停停, 却始终走不出你得世界。

    I aimless by fits and starts, you can't walk out of the world.

  13. 我漫无目的的走走停停, 却始终走不出你的世界。

    I aimless by fits and starts, you can't walk out of the world.

  14. 我们摇扭捏晃, 逛逛停停, 却怎么也到不了终点。

    We shake shake shake, go off, but also how to reach its destination.

  15. 这件事不做完,我就不能消消停停地休息。

    Until this thing is done I cannot rest in peace.

  16. 停了 停了。

    It stopped.It stopped.

  17. 停了 停了。

    It stopped. It stopped.

  18. 他们也该消停消停了

    Yeah, they should just lay off.

  19. 我快你快,我慢你慢,我停你停。

    I go fast, you go fast; I go slowly, you go slowly. I stop, you stop.

  20. 停一停,让我喘口气。

    Hold on a minute while I get my breath back.

  21. 停一停!我有话要说。

    Time out! I have something to say.

  22. 咱们停一停,喝点儿茶。

    Let's break for tea.

  23. 不,停,停,我要跟她谈谈

    No, stop stop!I need to talk to her.

  24. 停!停!不要在车后面跑!

    Stop! Stop! Don't run after the cars!

  25. 先停一停,把这个绑上去。

    All right, hang on, put this on.

  26. 停一停,这又不是你的错

    Stop, stop. It's not your fault.

  27. 他停了停,仿佛碰到了困难似的。

    He paused as if he found a difficulty.

  28. 由于惯性, 火车不能说停就停。

    Because of the inertia the train cannot stop instantly.

  29. 这班公共汽车在下一站停不停?

    Will this bus stop at the next bus stop ?

  30. 一辆车开过来停在停在我们面前。

    A car up and stood in front of us.