




1. 难 [nán]2. 难 [nàn]3. 难 [nuó]难 [nán]不容易,做起来费事:~处。~度。~点。~关。~熬。~耐。~产。~堪。~题。~以。~于。困~。畏~。急人之~。不大可能办到,使人感到困难:~免。~为。~保。~怪。~倒(……


1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……


1. 共 [gòng]2. 共 [gōng]共 [gòng]相同,一样:~性。~同。同甘~苦。彼此都具有、使用或承受:患难与~。休戚与~。一起,一齐:~鸣。~勉。~议。~处(chǔ)。总计,合计:~计。总~。与,和:“落霞与孤鹜齐飞,秋水~……



汉语拼音:huàn nàn yǔ gòng








  • 【解释】:共同承担危险和困难。指彼此关系密切,利害一致。
  • 【出自】:《礼记·儒行》:“儒有闻善以相告也,见善以礼相示也,爵位相先也,患难相死也。”
  • 【示例】:高桂英毕竟是他的~的结发妻子和好帮手。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;作谓语、定语;含褒义,指彼此关系密切,利害一致


  1. Vernon zhong: what relationship we have? We just met by chance, and with a little sharing weal and woe at most.


  2. Between husband and wife to be able to share weal and woe, as one people.


  3. Only if the core countries will support the rest as they submit themselves to radical political, social and economic reform.


  4. It has a great big circle of friends, but there are a few friends sharing weal and woe's true?


  5. And I have had people laugh, I might have forgotten him; and I have cried, I will never forget. Happy New Year, I shared a friend.


  6. It's another typical story concerning the trials and tribulations of a man and his monkey.


  7. Go with you on difficult journeys. Everything is easier for me if you are there.


  8. Wherever they go, may they always return to one another in their togetherness.


  9. He's been a good friend through fair and foul.


  1. 休戚相关, 患难与共

    be bound by a common cause and go through thick and thin together

  2. 大家都患难与共,同甘共苦!

    We all Huannanyugong, share weal and woe!

  3. 我们是患难与共的兄弟。

    We are brothers sharing weal and woe.

  4. 一家人应该患难与共。

    Members of a family should cling together in times of trouble.

  5. 她和鲍勃患难与共。

    She'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin.

  6. 我们两国人民患难与共, 休戚相关。

    The people of our two countries share joys and sorrows, and are very close concerned for each other.

  7. 他们是一对患难与共的夫妻。

    This couple has gone through thick and thin together.

  8. 我们两国人民是患难与共的兄弟。

    Our two peoples are brothers sharing weal and woe.

  9. 危难造成了一种患难与共的精神。

    The difficulties have created a spirit of togetherness.

  10. 夫妻间要能同甘共苦,患难与共。

    Between husband and wife to be able to share weal and woe, as one people.

  11. 事实证明,中巴是患难与共的真正朋友。

    Facts have proven that Pakistan and China are true friends sharing weal and woe.

  12. 有多少女孩会和她们得男人患难与共,

    And stand by her man, Through good times and bad

  13. 有多少女孩会和她们的男人患难与共,

    And stand by her man, Through good times and bad

  14. 你答应我患难与共。现在我正患难呢!

    You agreed to take me in sickness and in health. well, this is my sickness!

  15. 你完全可以说我和麦琪是患难与共的朋友。

    You might in all truth say that I've known Meggie through flood and fire.

  16. 你,我患难与共的朋友,永远铭刻在我记忆深处。

    You, a friend in deed, are deeply engraved on my mind.

  17. 他们患难与共,共同分享生活中的喜悦与烦忧。

    They supported each other when help was needed and shared the joys and heartaches of everyday life.

  18. 曾经患难与共的兄弟,可还曾记得当年的梦想。

    The brothers who share weal and woe, can still recall that when the dream of the year.

  19. 如果邻里间更多一点互相关心和患难与共的精神。

    If there was just more caring and sharing in the neighbourhood.

  20. 这又是一桩关于人与动物患难与共的典型事例。

    It's another typical story concerning the trials and tribulations of a man and his monkey.

  21. 无论他们走到哪里他们都将亲如一人,患难与共。

    Wherever they go, may they always return to one another in their togetherness.

  22. 秦将军带领的这支患难与共的队伍从河南府往南移动。

    General Ching's resolute group moved south from Honan Province.

  23. 一个患难与共的朋友在对你说话, 请不要关闭你的心扉。

    Do not shut your heart to the voice of a friendship which shares all your grief.

  24. 但她最近又看到了希望,感受到一种新的患难与共。

    But she has since become more hopeful and senses a new feeling of togetherness.


  1. 问:患难与共拼音怎么拼?患难与共的读音是什么?患难与共翻译成英文是什么?

    答:患难与共的读音是huànnànyǔgòng,患难与共翻译成英文是 to go through thick and thin together; to s...



患难与共,汉语词语,读作huàn nàn yǔ gòng,形容共同担当灾祸、危险和困难。