


1. 拆 [chāi]2. 拆 [cā]拆 [chāi]把合在一起的弄开:~信。~洗。~卸。~字。〔~白〕方言,流氓骗取财物。分散,毁掉:~散。~台。~迁。拆 [cā]方言,排泄(大小便):~烂污(喻不负责任)。……


1. 洗 [xǐ]2. 洗 [xiǎn]洗 [xǐ]用水去掉污垢:~脸。~涮。~涤。~澡。~心革面(喻彻底悔改)。清除干净:清~。像水洗一样抢光,杀光:~劫。昭雪冤枉:~雪。~冤。照相的显影定影:冲~。~印。玩牌时把牌搀和整理:~牌。基督教……



汉语拼音:chāi xǐ






  1. 拆开洗干净。

    清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·汪越》:“前者为小姑拆洗白綾衫,乃失手误浸粥盆中。” 李準 《李双双小传》三:“给,这是 耿良 的被子,该拆洗了,给他拆洗拆洗吧!”亦以喻整顿。《朱子语类》卷八四:“礼乐废坏二千餘年……须有一箇大大底人出来,尽数拆洗一番。”



  1. Made, durable, removable and washable, easy to maintain, a mean number of ordinary cast iron stove.


  2. It comes with two washable liners, a moisture resistant soiled items bag, and plenty of pockets for storage.


  3. The fixed scraper device makes the cleaning quickly easily. The materials tray is rotary which avoid the dead corner.


  4. The cover is removable and washable, so the pillow will keep fresh for a long time.


  5. a gate structure by way of easy washable.


  6. The dryer has many characteristics, such as small dimension, low power consumption, simple operation, easy removal and so on.


  7. Reasonable structure results in easy assemblydismantlingconventient cleaning;


  1. 拆洗打字机

    strip and clean a typewriter.

  2. 拆洗后处理

    surface treatment.

  3. 膜元件拆洗

    teardown washing of membranes

  4. 这个机件可以拆洗。

    The gadgets takes apart for cleaning.

  5. 方便拆洗的内胆

    Removable and washable inner liner

  6. 产品结构合理,方便清洗,拆洗。

    Reasonable structure results in easy assemblydismantlingconventient cleaning.

  7. 这件大衣的衬领应该拆洗了。

    The coats detachable collar needs washing.

  8. 这件大衣的衬领应该拆洗了。

    The coats detachable collar needs washing.

  9. 这件大衣得衬领应该拆洗了。

    The coats detachable collar needs washing.

  10. 大到去拆洗仿皮袋鹅卵石麂皮。

    Great togo bag made of washable faux leather pebbled suede.

  11. 妈妈每个月都要为我们拆洗被头。

    Mother takes apart, and washes the upper side of our quilts every month.

  12. 所以, 不到必要时, 不要经常拆洗抽油烟机。

    So, less than when necessary, not often unpick and wash takes lampblack chance.

  13. 枕套可拆洗,所以,枕头会长时间保持清爽。

    The cover is removable and washable, so the pillow will keep fresh for a long time.

  14. 能方便拆洗的过滤网设计, 使保养很轻松。

    The filter trap is easy to take apart and maintain.

  15. 分离设计,落料斗,粉碎室过滤网,便于拆洗。

    Separate designed hopper and granulating chamber can be dismantled easily for cleaning.

  16. 有毛巾布和天鹅绒的外套供选择。外套可拆洗。

    Poly Terry or Velour fabric for your choice, and the outer cover can be removed for easy clean.

  17. 主要活动部位的布套均可拆洗,但仅适合干洗。

    Case of the main movable components can all be taken off and washed, but only suited to dry cleaning.

  18. 不为任何特殊理由, 拆掉一个洗碟机, 然后再重新组装好。

    Take a dishwasher apart and then put it back together again, just for the experience.

  19. 以可移动,耐洗的盖子和可拆的嚼抗性绳子为特色。

    Features removable, washable cover and detachable chew resistant cord.

  20. 这个小机件是可以拆开来洗的。

    The gadget takes apart for cleaning.

  21. 拆调旧水龙头, 并刮去洗槽旧得腻子或填充物。

    Remove the old faucet and scrape any old putty or caulk from the basin.

  22. 拆调旧水龙头,并刮去洗槽旧的腻子或填充物。

    Remove the old faucet and scrape any old putty or caulk from the basin.

  23. 拆下烤架放入有洗洁精得水中浸泡, 清洗。

    Remove oven racks and place them in soapy water to soak.

  24. 拆下烤架放入有洗洁精的水中浸泡,清洗。

    Remove oven racks and place them in soapy water to soak.


  1. 问:拆洗拼音怎么拼?拆洗的读音是什么?拆洗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆洗的读音是chāixǐ,拆洗翻译成英文是 to undo by removing stitches and wash




【拼音】chāi xǐ

【基本解释】[unpick and wash;wash after removing the lining of a padded coat,quilt,etc.;strip and clean] 把[棉衣、棉被等]拆开洗净,再缝上