







汉语拼音:xū xīn








  1. 谦虚,不自满。

    《庄子·渔父》:“﹝ 孔子 ﹞曰:‘ 丘 少而脩学,以至於今,六十九岁矣,无所得闻至教,敢不虚心。’”《晋书·潘岳传》:“若乃弱志虚心,旷神远致……不自贵於物而物宗焉,不自重於人而人敬焉。” 宋 王安石 《诸葛武侯》诗:“区区庸 蜀 支全 魏 ,不是虚心岂得贤。” 毛泽东 《中国共产党第八次全国代表大会开幕词》:“虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后,我们应当永远记住这个真理。”

  2. 一心向往。

    《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“今 秦 南面而王天下,是上有天子也。既元元之民冀得安其性命,莫不虚心而仰上,当此之时,守威定功,安危之本在於此矣。”《宋书·夷蛮传论》:“山琛水宝,由兹自出,通犀翠羽之珍,蛇珠火布之异,千名万品,并世主之所虚心,故舟舶继路,商使交属。”

  3. 虚情假意。

    明 贾仲名 《对玉梳》第二折:“休假温存絮叨叨取撮,佯问候热剌剌念合,更怕我不趲你那冷气虚心廝拾掇。” 明 张居正 《请择有司蠲逋赋以安民生疏》:“其沿袭旧套,虚心矫饰者,虽浮誉素隆,亦列下考。”《天地会诗歌选·莫学庞涓害孙膑》:“如有虚心和假意,洪门法律不留情。”

  4. 心虚。

    明 李贽 《史纲评要·南宋纪·高宗》:“ 檜 贼以子领国史,又禁野史,亦虚心,怕后世知其为贼耳。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷二十:“知县大怒,出牌重问,连 巢大郎 也标在牌上,説他私和人命,要拿来出气。 巢大郎 虚心,晓得是替乡里报仇,预先走了。”《官场现形记》第十三回:“就是 黄老爷 、 周老爷 ,晓得统领这话不是説的自己,不免总有点虚心,静悄悄的一声也不敢言语。”



  1. The Judge: Deciding what is true and what isn't now seems to me. . . a lack of modesty.


  2. both of China's past and present and of foreign countries, including the Soviet Union, I knew he was a man with a receptive mind.


  3. As what is called , an open mind is to widen your breadth of mind so mush that it seams to be a boundless sky.


  4. " And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. " Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.


  5. But, if you say to him, 'you are not the best as you have not done that, that and that' he listens to you and tries to take advice.


  6. Arrogance causes nothing but trouble. It is wiser to ask for advice.


  7. Teachers encourage students to be good listeners, but to ask thoughtful questions on appropriate occasions.


  8. And I have always wished that for myself, and now, as you graduate to begin a new, I wish that for you. Stay hungry, stay foolish.


  9. You just need to turn up to class with an open mind and be curious about what you are experiencing throughout the practice.


  1. 虚心,正信

    pure mind.

  2. 豁达的心胸。虚心

    an open mind

  3. 虚心旋转调斜

    slope adjustment with rotating method at false center

  4. 他虚心接受批评。

    He accepted criticism with an open mind.

  5. 肯虚心接受意见

    be ready to listen to criticism with an open mind

  6. 虚心听取不同的见解

    to get opposing views.

  7. 只要虚心,就会进步。

    Provided you are modest, you'll surely make progress.

  8. 我总是虚心接受批评。

    I always accept criticism with an open mind.

  9. 我是来虚心请教的。

    I came to learn one from ya.

  10. 虚心的人易于服理。

    An open minded person is accessible to reasons.

  11. 要虚心向别人学习。

    We should learn from the others with an open mind.

  12. 他的虚心是假装出来的。

    His modesty is all put on.

  13. 虚心是通向进步得桥。

    Modesty is the bridge to process.

  14. 虚心是通向进步的桥。

    Modesty is the bridge to process.

  15. 惟虚心乃能进步。

    You can make progress only if you are modest.

  16. 虚心是通向进步的桥梁。

    Modesty is the bridge to progress.

  17. 这能叫虚心接受批评么?

    Can this be called readiness to accept criticism?

  18. 保持虚心接受的态度吧。

    Keep an open mind and a receptive attitude.

  19. 你不是一个虚心的人。

    You are not modest.

  20. 虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后

    Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

  21. 是否虚心倾听顾客的抱怨?

    Whether modestly listens attentively to customer's complaint?

  22. 虚心诲人, 并受他人教诲。

    Mentor someone and be mentored by someone.

  23. 虚心得人易于服理。

    An open minded person is accessible to reasons.

  24. 他接受批评还不够虚心。

    He is unapt to accept criticism with an open mind.

  25. 我们要虚心向他人学习。

    We need to learn from others in an open-minded way.

  26. 提出忠告要谨慎, 接受忠告要虚心。

    You need to be discreet in giving advice, humble in accepting it.

  27. 他对支持他的同事虚心称赞。

    He went up modestly behind his colleague.

  28. 厂领导经常虚心听取员工劝谏。

    Leaders of the factory have an open mind on employees' opinions.

  29. 厂领导经常虚心听取员工劝谏。

    Leaders of the factory have an open mind on employees' opinions.

  30. 党员应该虚心倾听群众的意见。

    A party member should listen carefully to the opinions of the masses.


  1. 问:虚心拼音怎么拼?虚心的读音是什么?虚心翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚心的读音是xūxīn,虚心翻译成英文是 open-minded

  2. 问:虚心厅拼音怎么拼?虚心厅的读音是什么?虚心厅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚心厅的读音是xūxīn tīng,虚心厅翻译成英文是 Hur Shim Chung

  3. 问:虚心的拼音怎么拼?虚心的的读音是什么?虚心的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚心的的读音是,虚心的翻译成英文是 open-minded

  4. 问:虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后拼音怎么拼?虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后的读音是什么?虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后翻译成英文是什么?

    答:虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后的读音是xūxīnshǐrénjìnbù,jiāoàoshǐrénluòhòu,虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后翻译成英文是 Modesty leads to progress, arrogance makes you d...


