




排成的行:罗~。行(háng )~。队~。~岛。众多,各:~位。~强。~传(zhuàn )。摆出:~举。安排到某类事务之中:~席。量词,用于成行列的事物:一~火车。类:不在此~。姓。古同“烈”,强烈,猛然。古同“裂”,分裂。……



汉语拼音:rù liè







  1. 军队用语。出列的或迟到的士兵进入队列。



  1. They are similar to FOREIGN KEY constraints in that they control the values that are put in a column.


  1. 见到连长,他立即入列。

    He fell into rank at sight of the company commander.

  2. 物品卡出牌后放入英雄列。

    When you play an item card, it enters play in your hero row.

  3. 当你使用一个武器卡片的时候, 卡片被放入英雄列。

    When you play a weapon card, it enters play in your hero row.

  4. 当你出一张军队牌的时候, 这张牌将被放入军队列。

    When you play an ally, it enters play ally row.

  5. 大方创制于明代,清代已入贡茶之列。

    Easy contrive Yu Ming the place of, clear generation already entered tribute tea.

  6. 亚历山大派遣方阵,长驱直入波斯军阵列的中央。

    With the Macedonian cavalry engaged on both flanks, Alexander sends his phalanxes straight into the center of the Persian lines.

  7. 移动该列将其放入新的位置。

    True, moves the column so that it can be dropped into a new position.

  8. 把游标移到搜寻列中,并键入一些关键字。

    Move your cursor to the search line and type some key words.

  9. 未列入册的公害

    Unlisted hazard

  10. 对敌时列成圆阵, 标枪飞掷, 然后挥动长剑杀入敌阵。

    Jinetes hurl their javelins before closing in and fighting with their cavalry swords.

  11. 入帐列为缴足

    credited as fully paid

  12. 键入行高或列宽。

    Type the row height or the column width.

  13. 将消息放入队列, 准备发送。

    Put the message on the queue, ready for sending.

  14. 你归入你的一列,而我归入我的一列。

    You have fallen into your rank, and I have fallen into mine.

  15. 为每一个新列键入一个别名。

    Type an alias for each new column.

  16. 在教堂我加入了队列,鱼贯入内。

    At the Church, I joined the line and filed inside.

  17. 某些物业被归入不受欢迎之列。

    Certain estates are labelled as undesirable.

  18. 入站访问列表何时处理数据包?

    When are packets processed in an inbound access list?

  19. 呼入连接指令 的最大队列长度为50。

    The maximum queue length for incoming connection indications is set to 50.

  20. 已排入线程池队列的工作项的计数。

    The count of work items queued to the thread pool.

  21. 可以直接在属性页的右列中键入。

    It is possible to type directly in the right column of the property page.

  22. 您可能需要明确防止将任务放入本地队列。

    You may want to explicitly prevent a task from being put on a local queue.

  23. 这位总统是位应归入伟人之列得政治家。

    The president is a statesman who among the great.

  24. 主使一言入于雅各家,落于以色列家。

    The Lord has sent a message against Jacob; it will fall on Israel.

  25. 列集合只能按名称或序号编入索引中。

    The columns collection can be indexed only by name or ordinal.

  26. 这位总统是位应归入伟人之列的政治家。

    The president is a statesman who among the great.

  27. 键入服务器名称或从列表中选择一个服务器。

    Type a server name or select a server from the list.

  28. 数据库,表和列名字经常必须被代入命令中。

    Database, table, and column names must often be substituted into statements.

  29. 於右列日期举行的理事会会议上获批准入会

    Approved at General Committee Meeting held on

  30. 只要在列表中放入此类文件的网址即可。

    Just put midi or flash file links into the playlist file.


  1. 问:入列拼音怎么拼?入列的读音是什么?入列翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入列的读音是rùliè,入列翻译成英文是 to join the ranks; to fall in




拼音:rù lìe 基本解释 [take one's place in the ranks] 出列的或迟到的士兵进入队伍行列 详细解释 军队用语。出列的或迟到的士兵进入队列。