


1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……






液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……



汉语拼音:fù zhū dōng liú





扔在向东流的 水里被冲卷走。比喻希望落空或成果丧失。诸:“之于” 的合音。



  • 【解释】:付:交给;诸:之于。扔在东流的水里冲走。比喻希望落空,成果丧失,前功尽弃,好像随着流水冲走了一样。
  • 【出自】:唐·高适《封丘作》诗:“生事应须南亩田,世事尽付东流水。”
  • 【示例】:惜丙寅清水潭决,稿本~,故录其梗概于此。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;比喻希望落空,前功尽弃


  1. being answered in the affirmative , he said he was sorry for me , because it was an expensive undertaking , and the expense would be lost.

  2. He said "our banking system is going to lose hundreds of billions of dollars" and taxpayer money was "going down the drain" .

  3. It was the idea of all that money, all that expense, all that work being thrown away.

  4. Aid agencies already fear that this will undo decades of development efforts in poor parts of the world.

  5. The convention was the first of a series of unsuccessful attempts at political negotiation that eventually led to the Texas Revolution.

  6. The resources previously committed might have been committed in vain .

  7. "We cannot afford to let the gains we have sacrificed so much for slip away before they are cemented, " they said.

  8. He said that without continued fast economic development and social order, the gains of the past twenty years will be lost.

  9. However, Nicaragua went on its own way and let the Carter administration's efforts in vain.


  1. 巨额投资付诸东流。

    A huge investment was wasted.

  2. 巨额投资付诸东流。

    A huge investment was wasted.

  3. 他的努力付诸东流。

    His efforts culminate in failure.

  4. 数百万英镑付诸东流。

    Millions of pounds have gone down the plughole.

  5. 我却让爱情付诸东流。

    I let love down the drain.

  6. 他们的努力都付诸东流。

    Their efforts were unavailing.

  7. 我们所有的计划可能会付诸东流。

    All our plans may yet be set at naught.

  8. 我们所有的计划可能会付诸东流。

    All our plans may yet be set at naught.

  9. 我们所作的努力都已付诸东流。

    All our efforts have come to nought.

  10. 你的才华不该就如此付诸东流

    about what you could have done with all that talent.

  11. 战争爆发, 使他的一切努力付诸东流。

    His efforts were brought to naught when the war broke out.

  12. 我觉得我所有的辛苦工作已经付诸东流。

    I just feel all my hard work has been unrewarede.

  13. 否则, 国际社会的所有努力将付诸东流。

    Otherwise, all the efforts of the international community will be in vain.

  14. 这意味着我所做的一切都付诸东流。

    This would mean that all my work has been for nothing.

  15. 我不愿看见你的所有努力付诸东流。

    I do not want to see all your hard work go by the wayside.

  16. 原稿被毁使两年的心血付诸东流。

    The destruction of the manuscript made hay of two years of painstaking labour.

  17. 他的一切努力完全付诸东流,多么可悲呀。

    How sad that his efforts should come to nothing.

  18. 先前所投入的人力物力可能会付诸东流。

    The resources previously committed might have been committed in vain.

  19. 我担心花在上学得钱最后都付诸东流。

    I worry that all my money spent on college might be wasted.

  20. 我担心花在上学的钱最后都付诸东流。

    I worry that all my money spent on college might be wasted.

  21. 我们必须确保迄今取得的进展不付诸东流。

    We must make sure that the progress achieved so far will not be lost.

  22. 当时情况就是那样,他的计划只好付诸东流。

    As things stood then, his whole plan had to be cast to the winds.

  23. 如果形势变化, 这些努力也可能因此付诸东流。

    If situations change, thee efforts can therefore be wasted.

  24. 我们必须确保国际社会的投资不付诸东流。

    And we need to ensure that the international community's investment is not wasted.

  25. 坚持到底, 不然我们所有的努力将会付诸东流。

    Stick it out, or all our efforts will go down the drain.

  26. 我这么多年来的辛苦努力都付诸东流了

    You know how many years could've just gone down the drain?

  27. 那次大火使我多年的工作成绩付诸东流。

    The results of years of work went down the drain in the fire.

  28. 我们决不能让我们迄今共同取得的成就付诸东流。

    We must not let founder what we have accomplished together thus far.

  29. 暴风雨摧毁了他的庄稼,他所有的努力都付诸东流。

    All his work came to naught when the storm destroyed his crops.

  30. 恐怕这突如其来的雨天已使我们的野炊付诸东流了。

    I'm afraid this sudden wet weather has put paid to our picnic.


  1. 问:付诸东流拼音怎么拼?付诸东流的读音是什么?付诸东流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:付诸东流的读音是fùzhūdōngliú,付诸东流翻译成英文是 waste



词目 付诸东流 发音 fù zhū dōng liú 释义 付:交给;诸:之于(兼词)。扔在东流的水里冲走。比喻希望落空,成果丧失,前功尽弃。 出处 唐·高适《封丘作》诗:“生事应须南亩田,世事尽付东流水。” 示例 惜丙寅清水潭决,稿本~,故录其梗概于此。(清·黄钧宰《金壶七墨·鸳鸯印传奇始末》) 用法 作谓语、定语;比喻希望落空,前功尽弃 近义词 付之东流 反义词 计日程功