







汉语拼音:qiān gǔ








  1. 久远的年代。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·睢水四》:“追芳昔娱,神游千古,故亦一时之盛事。” 唐 李白 《丁都护歌》:“君看石 芒 碭 ,掩泪悲千古。” 宋 王安石 《金山寺》诗:“谁言 张处士 ,雄笔映千古。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·王西庄之贪》:“贪鄙不过一时之嘲,学问乃千古之业。” 朱德 《悼左权同志》诗:“ 太行 浩气传千古,留得 清漳 吐血花。”

  2. 引申为具有长远存在的价值。

    清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·杜少陵诗》:“自此以后, 北宋 诸公皆奉 杜 为正宗,而 杜 之名遂独有千古。” 清 陈廷焯 《白雨斋词话》卷八:“ 南宋 诸名家,大旨亦不悖於 温 韦 ,而各立门户,别有千古。”

  3. 指历史知识。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十:“胸中博览五车,腹内广罗千古。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·仙人岛》:“ 王 初以才名自詡,目中实无千古。” 清 顾炎武 《哭陈太仆》诗:“早读兵家流,千古在胸臆。”

  4. 死的婉辞,表示永别、不朽的意思,常用于挽联、花圈等的上款。

    《新唐书·薛收传》:“卒,年三十三。王哭之慟,与其从兄子 元 敬 书曰:‘吾与 伯褒 共军旅间,何尝不驱驰经略,款曲襟抱,岂期一朝成千古也。’” 宋 叶适 《赠夏肯甫》诗:“忽传千古信,虚抱一生疑。” 清 沉涛 《瑟榭丛谈》卷下:“尝慨志乘失修,义烈事多湮没弗彰,得 子文 此诗,两僕千古矣。” 巴金 《寒夜》二九:“上款写‘ 又安 先生千古’,下款写‘一中书局挽’。”



  1. If he desires to be remembered forever, a short enduring poem is enough to help.

  2. He and his writing, was an eternal story of "Style as the Man" in late Qing Dynasty and People's Republic Period.

  3. Faint smell of flowers, although it does not soak into the depths of the heart and lungs strong, but pleasant fragrance, eternity.

  4. You said love looks like a poem, even if will spread the eternity not to be able to be real.

  5. The battle for the best seat on a plane is one airlines seem to find ever more inventive ways of monetising.

  6. The king rejoiced to hear that she was innocent, and they all lived happily together until they died.

  7. Since time began, spiritual teachers have taught their students to "be here and now, " to "enjoy the moment" and to "seize the day. "

  8. The shift of the ages is marching forward and you are at the front lines, my dear leaders of Light!

  9. Newly discovered oracle bone inscriptions offer new possibilities for the settlement of the long-lasting disputes.


  1. 李先生千古!

    Eternal repose to Mr. Li!

  2. 留下千古骂名

    earn oneself eternal infamy.

  3. 某某先生千古!

    Eternal repose to Mr. Soandso!

  4. 佳作千古传。

    A book is the same today as it always is and it will never change.

  5. 涤荡千古愁,

    Dousing clean a thousand cares

  6. 箴言传千古。

    A good maxim is never out of season.

  7. 永垂千古的荣誉

    everlasting glory

  8. 恶事传千古。

    A bad things never dies.

  9. 恍然一梦千古伤心

    Ended up a broken forlorn dream

  10. 破解千古悬棺之谜。

    Unravel the Mystery of Ancient Hanging Coffi.

  11. 彩虹为证千古不变

    Under the Rainbow, Our convenant is unchagable throughout the years

  12. 一朝失足, 铸成千古恨。

    l bronce a knave, ever a knave.

  13. 奇石捻含千古秀

    Exotic stones and rare ores containing eternal grace

  14. 这将成为一段千古遗恨。

    This will become an eternal regret.

  15. 睿智者视谚语千古不朽。

    A proverb never stale in thrifty mind.

  16. 这部作品堪称千古绝唱。

    The work can be ranked as a masterpiece throughout the ages.

  17. 雕塑千古事得失寸心知

    Sculpture Is Kind of Long Historic Art, Which is a Spirit Art Knew by Our Heart

  18. 绘画千古事,瞬间即永恒!

    Drawing existing for centuries, while one instant represents eternity.

  19. 这位名作家渴望名传千古。

    The famous writer aspires to immortality

  20. 你是为了你能千古留名而来。

    You came here because you want your name to last through the ages.

  21. 界江千古韵随处见神奇

    The Mystical Boundary River with Long Rhythmical History

  22. 司马相如的长门赋流传千古!

    Changmenfu, written by Sima Xiangru, has been handed down for thousands of years.

  23. 司马相如的《长门赋》流传千古!

    Changmenfu, written by Sima Xiangru, has been handed down for thousands of years.

  24. 他的英名将流传千古!他的事业将永垂不朽!

    His name will endure through the ages,and so also will his work!

  25. 玉兔伴嫦娥, 绢带千古绕相思。

    She was with the rabbit, a silk belt around eternal love.

  26. 英国人对便桶的兴趣绵延千古。

    Britain's interest in commodes stretches through the ages.

  27. 大絖东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。

    The endless river eastward flows with its huge waves are gone all those gallant heroes of bygone years.

  28. 于是, 就有了千古名作女史箴图。

    The resulting masterpiece was the Admonitions Scroll.

  29. 他是人们心目中流芳千古的民族英雄。

    He is a national hero with immortal fame in people's minds.

  30. 不过有此一阙,东坡肉宜乎流芳千古。

    But this has a que, Dongpo pork should be on leave a good name throughout the ages.


  1. 问:千古拼音怎么拼?千古的读音是什么?千古翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千古的读音是qiāngǔ,千古翻译成英文是 through the ages; forever; eternal repose

  2. 问:千古名言拼音怎么拼?千古名言的读音是什么?千古名言翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千古名言的读音是qiāngǔ míngyán,千古名言翻译成英文是 ancient wisdom

  3. 问:千古遗恨拼音怎么拼?千古遗恨的读音是什么?千古遗恨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:千古遗恨的读音是qiāngǔ yíhèn,千古遗恨翻译成英文是 eternal regret




【拼音】qiān gǔ
