


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……








  1. An hour or two later, Mrs Goebbels came out crying. She sat down at a table and began playing patience.


  2. The child burst into tears, when he could not find his mother.


  3. The youngest child said, `I wish poor, poor Tess wasn't gone away to be a lady! ' and, lowering the corners of his lips, burst out crying.


  4. No. I was about to leave home , when my sister came. At the sight of me , she burst into tears.


  5. She sank to the ground and burst into such a frenzy of crying that Tom was appalled with the idea that she might die, or lose her reason.


  6. Johnny's mom just died, and when he tried to tell me about her, he broke into the ugly cry instead.


  7. This scared the little boy so much he let out a howl that brought his mother running out to see what the matter was.


  8. He told me that she had burst out into a flood of tears there.


  9. One day, I put the doll to bathe, her mother not to wash, I sat on the floor, "wow, wow, " crying, my mother had to agree.


  1. 她大哭起来。

    She burst into tears.

  2. 她号啕大哭。

    She cried loud and clear.

  3. 突然大哭起来

    to burst into tears

  4. 那个婴儿号啕大哭。

    That baby wailed.

  5. 这个孩子大哭起来。

    The child set up a howl.

  6. 孩子们为此大哭起来。

    The children piped up for this.

  7. 她嚎陶大哭起来。

    She burst into a passion of tears.

  8. 他于是顿足大哭。

    He wept bitterly and stamped his feet.

  9. 我父亲就突然大哭。

    he burst out crying.

  10. 人们惊跳起来大哭。

    The people jumped up and cried.

  11. 饿了得婴孩放声大哭。

    The hungry baby cried aloud.

  12. 她失控地大哭起来。

    She explodes into tears and weeps uncontrollably.

  13. 那个小女孩号啕大哭。

    The little girl set up a howl.

  14. 隔壁的孩子常常大哭。

    The baby next door often bawls.

  15. 她歇斯底里地大哭起来。

    She broke into hysterical sobs.

  16. 孩子们全都号啕大哭起来。

    The children all started howling.

  17. 不要在公共场合大哭。

    Don't bawl in public!

  18. 饿了的婴孩放声大哭。

    The hungry baby cried aloud.

  19. 送葬的人都嚎啕大哭。

    The mourners were wailing loudly.

  20. 一女生跪在地上大哭。

    A girls kneeling on the ground crying.

  21. 大哭之后她一直在啜泣。

    Shes snivelling after crying.

  22. 噩耗传来, 她嚎啕大哭。

    On hearing the bad news, She burst into tear.

  23. 接着她就嚎啕大哭起来。

    With that she burst into tears.

  24. 我忽然就放声大哭起来。

    I burst into tears all of a sudden.

  25. 这个小孩突然放声大哭。

    The child broke into a flood of tears.

  26. 他躺倒在床上大哭。

    He lay down on the bed and cried.

  27. 她开始歇斯底里地大哭起来。

    She began to cry hysterically.

  28. 忽而大哭,忽而大笑,忽而大发雷霆等等。

    Now they cry, sometimes to laugh, suddenly angry and so on.

  29. 她一看见我就放声大哭。

    When she saw me she burst into tears.

  30. 他读完新闻后号啕大哭。

    On heating the news he burst out crying.


  1. 问:大哭拼音怎么拼?大哭的读音是什么?大哭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大哭的读音是dàkū,大哭翻译成英文是 sob one's heart out