


1. 拆 [chāi]2. 拆 [cā]拆 [chāi]把合在一起的弄开:~信。~洗。~卸。~字。〔~白〕方言,流氓骗取财物。分散,毁掉:~散。~台。~迁。拆 [cā]方言,排泄(大小便):~烂污(喻不负责任)。……


1. 迁 [qiān]迁 [qiān]机关、住所等另换地点:~居。~移。~徙。变动,转变:变~。~就(改变自己的意见,凑合别人)。~延(拖延)。~怒。事过境~。贬谪,放逐:~谪(贬官远地)。~客(流迁或被贬谪到外地的官)。古代称调动官职,一……



汉语拼音:chāi qiān







  1. 因建设需要,拆除单位或居民房屋,使迁往别处,或暂迁别处俟新屋建成后回迁。应拆迁的住户叫拆迁户。



  1. There's a planet out in space that looks like the distorted face of a dying manImperfection, slow reaction to a demolition course.


  2. He acknowledges he never paid for anything, although he might give demolition workers a few dollars to cart away a heavy object.


  3. I don't know how much advanced notice the dry cleaner got.


  4. The houses of this block were supposed to be pull down in two years.


  5. The corporate is now negotiating with the families ready to resettle about compensation.


  6. It took just a few hours this month for a government-dispatched demolition crew to turn the place into a jagged pile of bricks.


  7. Four of the demolition crew were killed in a stand-off with residents who refused to leave.


  8. Rationality of the compensation for house dismantlement primarily depends on whether or not the house evaluation is justified.


  9. A laborer from Anhui Province, he squats in one of the doomed buildings until it comes time to help tear it down and move on.


  1. 房屋拆迁估价

    appraisal of urban house displacement.

  2. 北斋拆迁事件

    the Demolising Incident of Beizhai.

  3. 六, 拆迁安置构想。

    Plan of removal and settling.

  4. 经营范围房屋拆迁。

    Scope House demolition. House demolition.

  5. 强行拆迁和学校关闭。

    Forced evictions and school closures.

  6. 移民私房拆迁补偿的法律思考

    Legal Reflection on the Compensation for Removing the Private Houses

  7. 要做好项目的拆迁安置工作。

    Resettlement project to do the work.

  8. 拆迁标准制定中应显化地价

    On Land Price Embodiment in Housebreaking and Migrating

  9. 圣徒安妮是房屋拆迁的守护神。

    The patron saint of house removals is Saint anne.

  10. 房地产开发商付给当地居民拆迁费。

    The real estate developer compensated the local residents for the cost of moving.

  11. 房地产开发商付给当地居民拆迁费。

    The real estate developer compensated the local residents for the cost of moving.

  12. 自建房的拆迁安置补助费如何计算?

    Since the removal of building placement grants calculation

  13. 房屋拆迁补偿费由当地的施工方支付。

    House removal compensation is paid by local construction party.

  14. 我是马镇人, 由于要造铁塔而拆迁。

    I Town, because of the demolition and wants to build a tower.

  15. 知识遗赠房屋拆迁补偿费用应归谁所有

    Knowledge Compensation costs should bequeath Housing Units may be owned

  16. 房屋拆迁补偿与公民财产权的宪法保护

    Compensation of Reacquisition and Relocation of House and the Constitution Protection of the Private Property of the Citizens

  17. 这是为了即将到来得强制拆迁作预习吗

    Is it a preparation for the demolition in the coming day

  18. 这是为了即将到来的强制拆迁作预习吗?

    Is it a preparation for the demolition in the coming day

  19. 请问, 该遗赠房屋的拆迁费该归谁所有?

    Will the housing Chaiqianfei that may be owned bequeath

  20. 这里的一所教堂也将被拆迁到内陆去。

    A church would also be dismantled and moved inland.

  21. 拆迁工作人员进行房屋拆迁工作时应当佩戴房屋拆迁员证

    When undertaking building demolishment work, each demolishment employee shall wear the Building Demolishment Practitioner Certificate.

  22. 北京的大规模拆迁计划的最终目标仍然不明确。

    The eventual goal of Beijings onslaught is still unclear.

  23. 棚户区拆迁后,这些居民终于住上了好房子。

    After the shanty town was torn down, these residents moved into good houses.

  24. 很多关闭的会馆孤独等待着自己拆迁的命运。

    Other closed pavilions filled in loneliness and some were under demolishing progress.

  25. 拆迁安置时,受影响人一般要求就近还房安置。

    In general, the affected people request nearby house resettlement during housing removal and resettlement.

  26. 对事实清楚无理取闹的被拆迁人严格依法裁决。

    On the facts clearly vexatious been taken strictly according to law ruling.

  27. 被拆迁人得概念有变新拆迁法新在哪儿?

    The concept of a person being taken into the new buildings in the AFP where ?

  28. 被拆迁人的概念有变新拆迁法新在哪儿?

    The concept of a person being taken into the new buildings in the AFP where ?

  29. 对违法违规征地拆迁行为, 依法依规严肃查处。

    Land acquisition and demolition of illegal behavior, according to the law severely punished.

  30. 整个拆迁工作将持续两周, 之后交付施工单位。

    Demolition work will continue throughout the two weeks after the delivery of construction units.


  1. 问:拆迁拼音怎么拼?拆迁的读音是什么?拆迁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆迁的读音是chāiqiān,拆迁翻译成英文是 to demolish old buildings and relocate the inha...

  2. 问:拆迁户拼音怎么拼?拆迁户的读音是什么?拆迁户翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆迁户的读音是chāiqiānhù,拆迁户翻译成英文是 a household to be moved to another place because...

  3. 问:拆迁地区拼音怎么拼?拆迁地区的读音是什么?拆迁地区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆迁地区的读音是chāi qiān dì qū,拆迁地区翻译成英文是 clearance area

  4. 问:拆迁管理拼音怎么拼?拆迁管理的读音是什么?拆迁管理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆迁管理的读音是chāi qiān guǎn lǐ,拆迁管理翻译成英文是 demolition control

  5. 问:拆迁补偿拼音怎么拼?拆迁补偿的读音是什么?拆迁补偿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆迁补偿的读音是chāiqiān bǔcháng,拆迁补偿翻译成英文是 Reimbursement made for enforced evacuation....

  6. 问:拆迁户住房拼音怎么拼?拆迁户住房的读音是什么?拆迁户住房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拆迁户住房的读音是chāi qiān hù zhù fáng,拆迁户住房翻译成英文是 replacement housing



“拆迁”是个多义词,它可以指拆迁(云南人民出版社出版图书), 拆迁(汉语词汇), 拆迁(重庆出版社新出版图书)。