







汉语拼音:guà zhōng






  1. 悬挂式的时钟。区别于座钟。

    巴金 《家》十六:“房里挂钟的钟摆有规律地慢慢摆动。” 张天翼 《春风》:“把那座挂钟拨快了十分钟。”



  1. He lifted his eyes, and looked at the clock and the barometer on his right hand and on his left.


  2. But he did not dare open his mouth, just sat there stiffly, listening to the unhurried ticking of the wall clock.


  3. A simple performance metric is wall clock time, or measuring the real-world delay between a request for a page and a finished rendering.


  4. Find yourself something that matches the rest of your decor and avoid a loud ticking clock at all costs!


  5. Roland had the small single table he liked best, behind a square pillar, with the clock over the fireplace nevertheless in full view.


  6. The clock on the wall opposite him had only one hand and no numbers at all.


  7. Unique wall clock designed by Rafael Morgan shows time with the help of a magnifying glass.


  8. Which is weird, because it's probably been a long time since you nervously eyed the clock while on the phone with your granny in Smallville.


  9. This diagram is one dimensional: vertically we have the (wall clock) time, in milliseconds.


  1. 帮我把挂钟摆正。

    Help me to straighten the wall clock.

  2. 挂钟的指针不动了。

    The hands of the wall clock were still.

  3. 挂钟得指针不动了。

    The hands of the wall clock were still.

  4. 挂钟的指针不动了。

    The hands of the wall clock were still.

  5. 他回身看了看挂钟。

    He turned and looked at the clock on the wall.

  6. 挂钟的表针不会动了。

    The hands on his clock do not move.

  7. 这挂钟走得准吗

    Does the wall clock keep good time.

  8. 钟环用于挂钟的钟顶铁环

    The loop at the top of a bell by which it is hung.

  9. 他家挂钟的表针不会动了。

    The hands on his clock do not move.

  10. 他家挂钟的表针不会动了。

    The hands on his clock do not move.

  11. 墙上除了一只挂钟什么也没有。

    The walls were bare except for a clock.

  12. 这是一个负照顾石英挂钟。

    This is a Care Bear quartz wall clock.

  13. 墙上的挂钟指着九点三刻。

    The clock on the wall said a quarter to ten.

  14. 请告诉我那不是个紫色的挂钟。

    Please tell me that's not a purple wall clock.

  15. 请告诉我那不是个紫色的挂钟。

    Please tell me that's not a purple wall clock.

  16. 请告诉我那不是个紫色的挂钟。

    Please tell me that's not a purple wall clock.

  17. 用回收的磁带卷做成的与众不同的挂钟。

    Unusual wall clock made out of recycled magnetic tape reel.

  18. 用回收得磁带卷做成得与众不同得挂钟。

    Unusual wall clock made out of recycled magnetic tape reel.

  19. 山形墙的一个延伸, 可以作为挂钟的地方。

    an extension of a gable that serves as a bell cote.

  20. 挂钟不会正在钥匙丢失的那会儿突然停摆的。

    A clock does not stop short at the precise moment when the key is lost.

  21. 一只手工涂漆,紫色白色相间的挂钟。

    It was a handpainted, purple and white wall clock.

  22. 电钟系统挂钟,由电池,蓄电池或交流电源驱动

    clock, wall, for electric system,battery, accumulator mains powered

  23. 你家的小贼潜入我家 把我的挂钟偷走了。

    Your little criminals snuck into my house and stole my wall clock.

  24. 萨丹指着一张放在挂钟前的照片说道。

    continued satin, pointing to a photograph which stood in front of the clock.

  25. 我有一个闹钟、一块新表、一个台钟、一个挂钟。

    I have an alarm clock. A new watch. A table clock.

  26. 墙上挂钟的指针走动着,发出轻微的咔嗒声。

    The hands of the clock on the wall moved with a slight click.

  27. 我也曾经成功的拆卸了挂钟,它拆起来也很简单。

    I've also successfully used wall clocks. which also come apart easily.

  28. 墙上的挂钟能告诉你时间,它的机器哥儿们却不能。

    A wall clock will tell you the time of day but not its manufactured brethren.

  29. 他把钥匙放入老挂钟里并给它上发条。

    He put the key in the old clock and gave it a good wind.

  30. 房间里静静的,只有那个老挂钟在咔哒咔哒地走着。

    The room is so quiet, with just one old clock ticking.


  1. 问:挂钟拼音怎么拼?挂钟的读音是什么?挂钟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挂钟的读音是guàzhōng,挂钟翻译成英文是 wall clock; wag-on-the-wall


