




草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……



汉语拼音:yìn běn







  1. 印刷的书本。对写本而言。

    宋 王溥 《五代会要·经籍》:“见在雕印板《九经》,内有《周礼》、《仪礼》、《公羊》、《穀梁》四经未有印本。” 宋 朱熹 《答胡季随》之八:“兼此书误本之传,不但书坊而已, 黄州 印本亦多有。” 明 陆容 《菽园杂记》卷十:“古人书籍,多无印本,皆自钞録。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致吕蓬尊》:“《十月》我没有加以删节,印本的缺少,是我漏译呢,还是漏排,却很难说了。”



  1. If the Form is not received with your proofs we will assume that you do not require offprints.


  2. Both Self-archiving Preprint and Postprint were all restricted by copyright.


  3. The biology community, which has been slow to adopt electronic preprints, may actually pioneer the next wave of online publishing.


  4. This new system is in contrast to traditional publishing, where libraries kept the right of the printed book or article.


  5. Upon its completion, various versions both hand-written and printed spread widely among the populace, and even to the Emperor's palaces.


  6. I'd like an advance copy of the book, though.


  7. Besides printed publications, libraries now buy content in the form of e-books and electronic journals.


  8. The printed publications includes yearbooks , special publications , the website introduces its edition, price and general contents.


  9. The court has commanded that all copies of the books (should) be destroyed.


  1. 盗印本, 海盗本

    pirated edition

  2. 预印本系统

    preprint archive

  3. 明代套色印本研究

    Study on the Color Printing Books of the Ming Dynasty

  4. 在网上张贴预印本。

    Post a preprint on the online system.

  5. 凌, 闵二氏套印本零签

    A Textual Research on the Chromatographical Techniques of Ling and Ming

  6. 目前已出版的印本图书量

    Total number of new titles currently in print

  7. 您能不能给我一份抽印本?

    Would you please give me a reprint?

  8. 报名时须附交之证件影印本

    Photocopy of the relevant document should be submitted

  9. 所有本表格之影印本皆为有效。

    All copies of this form are valid.

  10. 此授权书之影印本亦属有效。

    A Photostat copy of this authorization shall be considered as effective and valid as the original.

  11. 儿科成像实例复习丛书修订重印本

    Pediatric Imaging Case Review Series Revised Reprint

  12. 我寄了信,但留了份影印本存档。

    I sent the letter, but kept a copy for my files.

  13. 珠利用炭笔及铅笔在印本上素描。

    Ivy Ma made sketches on prints with charcoal and pencil.

  14. 一般相对论和量子宇宙学预印本

    General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology

  15. 高校图书馆电子资源与印本资源的优化配置

    The Optimization Arrangement between Electronic Resource and Printed Book Resource

  16. 但我想要一本新书的试印本。

    I'd like an advance copy of the book, though.

  17. 敦煌印本文书的装帧形式及其变化原因

    On the Dunhuang Print Form Binding Instrument and Its Reasons for Changes

  18. 法庭命令将这本书得所有印本都销毁。

    The tribunal has commanded that all copies of the book be destroyed.

  19. 法庭命令将这本书的所有印本都销毁。

    The tribunal has commanded that all copies of the book be destroyed.

  20. 欧洲两栖动物与爬行动物图集,1997年版重印本

    Atlas of Amphibians and Reptiles in Europe reprint of 1997 edition

  21. 此授权书之影印本与正本均具同等效力。

    A photocopy of this authorization shall be valid as the original.

  22. 只接受正本申请书,任何影印本将不获接纳。

    Applicants must submit the original copy of this application, otherwise, their applications will not be considered.

  23. 递交申请表时, 请夹附准考证影印本乙份

    Please attach a copy of your Admission Form with the application.

  24. 调查报告没有说明影印本是从哪一副本复印的。

    The investigation report did not state of which copy the photocopy was made.

  25. 此外,还有一些石刻拓本和早期佛典印本较有价值。

    In addition, there are some stone rubbings and early Buddhist Scriptures printed the more valuable.

  26. 俄克拉荷马州立大学数学系预印本系列

    Oklahoma State University Math Department Preprint Series

  27. 所有未获授权之乐谱影印本均不得于比赛中使用。

    No unauthorized photocopies of music scores are allowed in the competition.

  28. 电子预印本是一种开放的学术信息交流媒介。

    Eprint is an open communication intermedium of scholarly information.

  29. 而且,不让这个油印本广泛传播,也已经是行不通了。

    Moreover, it has not been feasible to keep the mimeographed notes from getting fairly wide circulation.

  30. 学生宜保存存款单影印本,以作纪录或将来退款之用。

    Students should retain a photocopy of the Deposit Form for reference or possible refund in the future.


  1. 问:印本拼音怎么拼?印本的读音是什么?印本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:印本的读音是yìnběn,印本翻译成英文是 printed book; printed copy



拼音:yìn běn 释义:印刷的书本。对写本而言; 或专指出版物及文稿初步的编订文稿,对定稿而言。 出处:宋王溥 《五代会要·经籍》:“见在雕印板《九经》,内有《周礼》、《仪礼》、《公羊》、《谷梁》四经未有印本。” 示例:鲁迅《书信集·致吕蓬尊》:“《十月》我没有加以删节,印本的缺少,是我漏译呢,还是漏排,却很难说了。”