







汉语拼音:yíng zhàn








  1. 朝着敌人来的方向上前去作战。

    《战国策·赵策二》:“今寡君有微甲钝兵,军於 澠池 ,愿渡 河 踰 漳 ,据 番吾 迎战 邯郸 之下。”《英烈传》第二三回:“闻得 炳文 领兵来攻,他便点选铁甲军三千出来迎战。” 任光椿 《戊戌喋血记》第一章:“他星夜疾驰,一心要在拂晓前,赶到 牛庄 去,准备迎战。”



  1. The Knights of the Round Table were ready to fight against the enemy.


  2. Lu Zhishen is from the north, had never heard of the money Koko thought it was a war drum, then got up and prepare for war.


  3. Instead of standing up to threats, they kneel to the powerful as if before a demigod.


  4. That this was the time when we confronted climate change and secured the weapons that could destroy the human race.


  5. "Will not the mass of Paris and its inhabitants present an obstacle dividing and delaying the enemy? " he asked the French.


  6. We have another big game on Friday against the Spurs, so we have got to be ready to go!


  7. If they win at Fulham tonight, it sets up a straight shoot-out with Tottenham next weekend for that final European spot.


  8. But many Republican strategists believe Wright will be a liability for Obama if he faces McCain in the general election.


  9. He waited all of 45 seconds to make clear he came not just ready for a fight but ready to pick one.


  1. 准备迎战敌人的攻击

    brace oneself against an enemy attack

  2. 中国队将迎战美国队。

    The Chinese team will meet the American team head-on.

  3. 他们在炮后准备迎战。

    They braced themselves behind the gun.

  4. 小天狼星冲过去迎战她。

    Sirius rushes in to fight her.

  5. 接受挑战, 迎战。迎着困难

    Take a challenge lying down

  6. 迎战堕落者,我们需要你!

    Face to the Fallen, we need you!

  7. 前往指定地点并迎战敌人!

    Move to designated area and engage the enemy!

  8. 下星期冠军将迎战挑战者。

    The champion and the challenger meet next week.

  9. 他们在一垒的位置迎战他。

    They played him on first base.

  10. 他做好准备来迎战他的对手。

    He girded up his loin to face his competitor.

  11. 奥利佛王打算迎战法军

    Lord Oliver tries to take the fight out of the French.

  12. 所以,我一定要做好迎战的准备。

    Yeah, be ready. I have to be ready.

  13. 星期六法国队迎战威尔士队。

    France are playing against Wales on Saturday.

  14. 一旦比尔提出挑战,我就得迎战。

    Once Bill threw down the gauntlet, I had to fight.

  15. 薇奇看起来已经做好了迎战的准备了。

    Vickie looked like she was ready to fight the clique.

  16. 他们将迎战第一轮淘汰赛中的胜者。

    They'll meet the winners of the first round tie.

  17. 圆桌骑士们已为迎战敌人做好准备。

    The Knights of the Round Table were ready to fight against the enemy.

  18. 为迎战奥林匹克运动会而进行训练的运动员

    athletes training for the Olympics

  19. 是啊。他们已经准备好随时迎战敌军。

    Yeah, theyre ready for any encounter with an enemy force.

  20. 金斯莱继续迎战贝拉特里克斯。

    Kingsley takes up the fight against Bellatrix.

  21. 你必须证明你自己清白,并迎战这种诽谤。

    You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel.

  22. 我认为我们即使10人迎战11人也能撑住。

    I thought we could withstand playing 11 against 10.

  23. 反叛军汇集成一支武装迎战入侵者。

    The rebel units coalesced into one army to fight the invaders.

  24. 他们可能在下一轮迎战巴塞罗那队。

    They are likely to meet Barcelona in the next round.

  25. 曼联将在周六在主场迎战朴茨茅斯。

    United face Portsmouth on Saturday at Old Trafford.

  26. 张飞屡欲下关迎战, 均被刘备阻拦。

    At every challenge, Zhang Fei wanted to engage him, But was stopped by Liu Bei.

  27. 这是纽约自行车递送小弟迎战环法自行车大赛

    This was the New York bike messenger meeting the Tour de France.

  28. 御天敌迅速站起, 准备迎战, 准备结束这场战斗。

    Sentinel is instantly on his feet, ready to fight, ready to end the battle.

  29. 他都没有站起来,就转过脸迎战忒修斯。

    Without taking the trouble to rise to his feet, he faced round to encounter Theseus.

  30. 刘易斯。汉密尔顿将首次迎战舒马赫?

    Lewis Hamilton against Schumacher for the first time ever ?


  1. 问:迎战拼音怎么拼?迎战的读音是什么?迎战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:迎战的读音是yíngzhàn,迎战翻译成英文是 meet head-on



拼音:yíng zhàn 释义:朝着敌人来的方向上前去作战。 出处:《战国策·赵策二》:“今寡君有微甲钝兵,军於渑池,愿渡河逾漳,据番吾迎战邯郸之下。” 示例: 《东周列国志》第一百七回:“燕太子丹不胜其愤,悉众迎战于易水之西。” 任光椿 《戊戌喋血记》第一章:“他星夜疾驰,一心要在拂晓前,赶到牛庄去,准备迎战。”