




1. 员 [yuán]2. 员 [yún]3. 员 [yùn]员 [yuán]人,工作或学习的人:~工。教~。演~。动~。复~。司令~。指团体组织中的人:成~。团~。党~。会~。周围:幅~辽阔。量词,常用于武将:一~小将。员 [yún]增加……



汉语拼音:wén yuán






  1. 文职吏员。

    清 薛福成 《庸盦笔记·轶闻·河工奢侈之风》:“余曾遇一文员老於河工者,为余谈 道光 年间 南河 风气之繁盛。”



  1. Robert is going to leave school and start work as a clerk, but Peter wants to be a veterinarian.


  2. Her father quit his clerical job and moved to Shanghai to look after her ; her mother, an office assistant , sends money from home .


  3. Ningbo done a year before the front desk clerks.


  4. Do not know how to describe them to you, stay in school the day before said that he tired very boring, in fact, is very boring to work on.


  5. Order ProcessingRequirements: 1. At least 2 years above of working experience with order follow up in manufacturing or trading companies. 2.


  6. Zhang Fang therefore decided to help it come true by opening office clerk training classes, and the girl became the first student of Wu Qi.


  7. The office clerk in her twenties attended five weddings in three days during the holiday.


  8. Common staff of letters and secretary have no opportunities to have business trip. Other colleagues often take business trips.


  9. I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the XX Co.


  1. 办公室文员

    General Office Clerk.

  2. 应付帐款文员

    Accounting Payable Clerk

  3. 香港政府文员会

    Hong Kong Government Clerical Staff Association

  4. 应收帐款文员

    Accounts Receivable Clerk

  5. 他想要一个办公室文员。

    He wants an office worker.

  6. 企业及银团贷款部文员

    Clerk of Corporate Lending Marketing Department

  7. 你就是让我戴绿帽子的文员?

    Were you the clerk that is to make me a cuckold?

  8. 他不情愿地雇她为文员。

    He reluctantly hires her as a file clerk.

  9. 包括文员,校工,实验室员工等

    Clerical staff, school workmen, laboratory staff etc.

  10. 例如初级文员、信差或公司助理?

    Such as junior clerk, messenger or office assistant?

  11. 是这样的, 我是来应聘办公室文员的。

    Yes, I've come to apply for the position as an office clerk.

  12. 是这样得,我是来应聘办公室文员得。

    Yes, I've come to apply for the position as an office clerk.

  13. 秘书或文员修读的商业或电脑课程。

    A commercial or computer course by a secretary or clerk.

  14. 以前是,我现在是个职业船务文员

    Well, former. I'm a pro shipping clerk now.

  15. 其他工作包括日常办公室工作, 行政, 文员工作。

    Other projects will include daily office work, administrative and clerical duties.

  16. 在我来广州之前,我只是个小文员。

    I was only a clerk before I came to Guangzhou.

  17. 苏在应聘一个办公室文员的工作。

    Sue is applying for a job as an office clerk.

  18. 苏在应聘一个办公室文员得工作。

    Sue is applying for a job as an office clerk.

  19. 毕业后的第一年,我的工作是文员。

    The first year after school, I worked as office assistant.

  20. 我是来面试工作室文员一职的。

    I've come to apply for the position as office clerk.

  21. 经验较少者将被考虑为会计文员

    Candidates with less experience will be considered as Accounting Clerk

  22. 他工作不开心,因为他仅仅是个小文员。

    He wasn't happy in his job because he was just a paper pusher.

  23. 他工作不开心,因为他仅仅是个小文员。

    He wasn't happy in his job because he was just a paper pusher.

  24. 我学会使用电脑及熟悉所有文员的工作。

    I have learned to use computers and have become familiar with all clerical duties.

  25. 护理文员的设置对护理人力资源合理配置的探讨

    Nursing clerks and sensible nursing personnel distribution in wards.

  26. 管理技术员及文员的日常工作并提供培训。

    Supervise and provide Training to Process Engineer, Technician and Clerks on routine jobs.

  27. 管理技术员及文员得日常工作并提供培训。

    Supervise and provide Training to Process Engineer, Technician and Clerks on routine jobs.

  28. 我开始是文员, 两年后之后, 我还是个办事员!

    I started out as a clerk and two years later I'm still a clerk!

  29. 每一个学员先作客人,后作预订部销售文员。

    Each trainee practices first as guest, then as Reservations Sales Agent.

  30. 负责工程部办公室的秘书翻译工作和文员服务。

    Responsible for rendering secretarial and clerical services for the Engineering Office.


  1. 问:文员拼音怎么拼?文员的读音是什么?文员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:文员的读音是wényuán,文员翻译成英文是 clerk; office clerk