








1. 骨 [gǔ]2. 骨 [gū]骨 [gǔ]人和脊椎动物体内支持身体、保护内脏的坚硬组织:~头。~骼(全身骨头的总称)。~节。~肉(a.指最亲近的有血统关系的人,亦称“骨血”;b.喻紧密相连,不可分割的关系)。~干(gàn)。像骨的东西……



汉语拼音:shāng jīn dòng gǔ








  • 【解释】:本指身受重伤。后比喻事物受到重大损害。
  • 【出自】:元·无名氏《蝴蝶梦》第二折:“打得来伤筋动骨,更疼似悬头刺股。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. "Britain isn't broken, it's just a bit bruised around the edges, " he told her.


  2. They often are holding loss position, has been beating up, getting out of the game, forced.


  3. At the same time, however, the financial viability of the U. S. press has been shaken to its core.


  4. The U. S. has been able to forestall deep reforms because it has the dollar .


  5. This kind of product, the heavy overnight can fix, backbreaking, dynamic operation to just go.


  6. For you, kids, this spring is doomed to stiff, just because it is a spring before the entrance examination for college.


  7. I am terrified a guest will slip and get hurt then I'llfeel terrible(plus they may sue me)


  1. 不会流血, 不会伤筋动骨

    There'll be no blood, no broken bones

  2. 那才是伤筋动骨呢!

    That would have been a real disaster!

  3. 那才是伤筋动骨呢!

    That would have been a real disaster!

  4. 他虽然浑身青肿,但并未伤筋动骨。

    Although badly bruised all over, he had broken no bones.

  5. 脸上身上虽见伤痕,并未伤筋动骨。

    Although badly bruised on both face and body, he had broken no bones.

  6. 最伤筋得是, 对此他简直束手无策。

    The worst of it was that he could do nothing about it.

  7. 本病属于中医学伤筋范畴,也属于骨伤学的筋伤戳脚。

    The disease belongs to the category of TCM injury muscle, also belong to injured stamp foot and fractures of ribs.

  8. 他的妹妹使他伤透脑筋。

    His sister is a thorn in his flesh.

  9. 青春期的浮沉令父母伤透脑筋。

    The ups and downs of adolescence can be difficult for parents.

  10. 青春期得浮沉令父母伤透脑筋。

    The ups and downs of adolescence can be difficult for parents.

  11. 因为墙面轻易弄脏, 有小孩的家庭更会为涂鸦而伤透脑筋。

    Because metope is easy flyblown, the family that has a child can be doodle more and the injury shows head.

  12. 最伤筋的是,对此他简直束手无策。

    The worst of it was that he could do nothing about it.

  13. 尤其是伤筋的早期, 必须加用硬纸板固定。

    In the late stage, either of the above powders was scat.

  14. 舒筋活血洗剂治疗膝部伤筋的疗效观察

    Effect on Shujinhuoxue Lotion to Treat Patients With Injury of the Tissue of Knee Joint

  15. 西班牙球星在上周三和法国的友谊赛中弄伤了自己的腿筋。

    The Spanish star picked up a hamstring injury while on international duty in a friendly against France last Wednesday.

  16. 没有人在撞伤了笑筋时想要笑。

    No man feel like laughing when he bump his funny bone.

  17. 他的脚疼痛难忍,但没断筋伤骨。

    His foot was painful, but not broken.

  18. 脚踝和手指筋伤怎么治疗好, 用什么药?

    How had been ankle and finger muscle injury treated, with what medicine ?

  19. 方法早期采用各种筋膜皮瓣修复关节部位电击伤。

    The tissue reconstruction was probed in early phase, with electrical injury of joint.

  20. 枪手队长由于脚部筋腱拉伤将缺席到新年期间。

    The captain will be out until the New Year with a hamstring problem.

  21. 发于手足部的疗疮,则易损筋伤骨而影响功能。

    Sends cures the sore in the hand foot, then the vulnerable muscle wound bone affects the function.

  22. 中西医结合治疗毒蛇咬伤致骨筋膜室综合征疗效观察

    Curative Effect on Osteofascial Compartment Syndrome Caused by Poisonous Snake Bite With Integrated Treatment of Traditional Chinese medicine and Western Medicine

  23. 但我想腿筋拉伤需要恢复的时间要比一周长得多。

    But I would have thought with a hamstring it takes a bit longer than a week.

  24. 队长因周六对朴茨茅斯的比赛腿筋拉伤而半场换下。

    The Arsenal captain picked up a hamstring strain against Portsmouth on Saturday and was withdrawn at halftime.


  1. 问:伤筋动骨拼音怎么拼?伤筋动骨的读音是什么?伤筋动骨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:伤筋动骨的读音是shāngjīndònggǔ,伤筋动骨翻译成英文是 be injured in the sinews or bones; be serio...