







汉语拼音:liǎng bān






  1. 古代帝王朝会,官员依文武分成东西两列,谓之两班。亦借指文武官员。

    《新唐书·百官志三》:“两班三品以朔望朝,就食廊下,殿中侍御史二人为使涖之。” 宋 陆游 《送襄阳郑帅唐老》诗:“一朝丹詔自天下,两班仰首看腾驤。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·象讳》:“一日,上御奉天门视朝,侍卫忽惊扰,两班亦喧乱。”



  1. The two countries are also connected by more expensive air and bus services. The trains will initially run twice a week.


  2. Suzuki said it had stopped one of two shifts that it normally runs in China.


  3. Shidao - Quanhou Domestic Branch Line : Two Class of A Week .


  4. Beijing has also canceled the only direct flights between China and Mexico, a twice-weekly service by Aeromexico.


  5. SGM has doubled the size of its Shanghai plant to meet demand and will soon add a third daily shift to increase production.


  6. Controllers work all day long, four people in two shifts.


  7. The two classes were given a pre-test and two post-tests in the form of multiple-choice questions on count and mass nouns.


  8. The original Beijing - Urumqi - Karadzic route change to Beijing - Chengdu - Radovan Karadzic, to twice weekly frequency of implementation.


  9. And all these parts must be processed over the next two shifts.


  1. 分两班工作

    work in two shift.

  2. 两班在上午,两班在下午。

    Two in the morning and two in the afternoon.

  3. 他们分两班轮流划船。

    It was a sheer gamble.

  4. 他们一口气干了两班。

    They worked two shifts at a stretch.

  5. 有两班去北京的车。

    We have two trains to Beijing.

  6. 有两班去北京得车。

    We have two trains to Beijing.

  7. 船员一哪一班船有两班船。

    Clerk1 Which ferry There are two.

  8. 我们实行工作是两班倒。

    We are running on two shifts.

  9. 你不能连着上两班。

    You are unable to work double shifts.

  10. 我们实行得工作是两班倒。

    We are running on twoshifts.

  11. 我们实行的工作是两班倒。

    We are running on twoshifts.

  12. 他在大学时比我高两班。

    He was my senior by two years at the university.

  13. 星期六有两班直达昆明得航班。

    There are two nonstop flights to Kunming on Saturday.

  14. 星期六有两班直达昆明的航班。

    There are two nonstop flights to Kunming on Saturday.

  15. 问科林能不能干两班,是的,谢谢

    Ask Colin if he'll do a double shift. Yeah, thank you.

  16. 调度员一整天都忙, 四个人倒两班。

    Controllers work all day long, four people in two shifts.

  17. 紧接着,是另外两班的男生和女生。

    Thereafter, there are boys and girls from two other classes.

  18. 飞往阿克拉得班机一星期开两班。

    The flight to Accra goes twice a week.

  19. 飞往阿克拉的班机一星期开两班。

    The flight to Accra goes twice a week.

  20. 北戴河与上海每天有两班快艇往返。

    Beidaihe and Shanghai have two classes of speed boats trip everyday.

  21. 一天两班, 每年仅需更换一次气动隔膜。

    Two classes a day, every year just to replace a pneumatic diaphragm.

  22. 实验结束后,对两班进行听力教学状况的问卷调查。

    After the experiment, a questionnaire survey is carried out to investigate differences in teachers'role, students'interest and the application of listening strategies.

  23. 通过前测确定了两班在实验开始前不存在显著性差异。

    Before the experiment, the two classes took the pretests, which included 24 metaphorical polysemes.

  24. 分成两个班

    to fall into two classes.

  25. 哪两个班在前面?

    Which two classes were in front?

  26. 数理人才基地班两门数学基础课程建设的探索

    On Exploration of Constructing Fundamental Courses for the Base Class of National Talent Both Mathematics and Physics

  27. 一群孩子被随机分成两个班。

    A group of children were randomly divided into two classes.

  28. 我们可以再招收两个班,每班20个学生。

    We may enroll another two classes of 20 students each.

  29. 我们有两个班的180名学生,每个班90个人。

    We ve done this with two sections of 180 students, about ninety in each section.

  30. 一所高中的两个班被挑选徕做了一个试验。

    Two classes in a high school were selected for an experiment.


  1. 问:两班拼音怎么拼?两班的读音是什么?两班翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两班的读音是,两班翻译成英文是 Yangban

  2. 问:两班制拼音怎么拼?两班制的读音是什么?两班制翻译成英文是什么?

    答:两班制的读音是liǎng bān zhì,两班制翻译成英文是 two platoon plan, two platoon system