







汉语拼音:fèi fèi






  1. 兽名。哺乳动物。身体像猴,头部像狗,毛色灰褐,四肢粗,尾细长。群居,杂食。多产在 非洲 。我国古代传说中亦有类似之兽。

    《尔雅·释兽》:“狒狒如人,被髮迅走,食人。” 郭璞 注:“梟羊也。《山海经》曰:‘其状如人,面长脣黑,身有毛,反踵,见人则笑。 交 广 及 南康郡 山中亦有此物。大者长丈许。俗呼之曰山都。’” 唐 段成式 《酉阳杂俎·毛篇》:“狒狒……力负千觔,笑輒上吻掩额,状如獮猴。” 谢无量 《溯江还蜀奉寄会稽山人》诗:“笑工依狒狒,语好乱狌狌。”



  1. One of the critics says I look like an albino baboon but I prefer to think I look like a human cheesecake.


  2. That's what can happen when female geladas flirt a little. This was an unusually violent pursuit.


  3. We found a very developed foetus from the bat, and the baboon gave birth five days after the event was witnessed.


  4. Females who were able to maintain the same grooming partners from one year to the next lived longer and had more surviving offspring.


  5. We used to hunt bush meat together as kids, huh? Baboons, they were the hardest to catch. They're. . . They're cunning. Cunning creatures.


  6. WHICH American president was described by his top general as "nothing more than a well-meaning baboon" ?


  7. The conclusions come from a 15-year study of a group of baboons in the Moremi Game Reserve of the Okavango Delta in Botswana.


  8. So next time you run into someone in a chatroom and think "what a baboon, " think twice: it just might be.


  9. Granted, I've only mentioned baboons and starlings, but there you've got a mammalian representative and an avian one.


  1. 狒狒肠道病毒

    Baboon enterovirus.

  2. 狒狒病毒复制

    baboon virus replication.

  3. 狒狒非常丑陋。

    The baboon is very ugly.

  4. 屈膝于狒狒王

    Kneel to The Baboon King.

  5. 黃金狒狒快活谷

    Valley of the Golden Baboon

  6. 这是一些狒狒

    These are baboons at a watering hole.

  7. 狒狒内源性病毒

    baboon endogenous virus.

  8. 学会了数数的狒狒

    A Baboon that Has Learned to Count

  9. 狒狒嗜淋巴疱疹病毒

    Baboon lymphotropic herpesvirus.

  10. 守护肺的狒狒头形

    Hapy The baboon headed guardian of the lungs.

  11. 狒狒的吼声变成了尖叫声。

    The baboon's growling turned into a scream.

  12. 狒狒绒毛膜促性腺激素

    baboon chorionic gonadotropin.

  13. 狒狒无形中成了他们的向导。

    The baboon has become their unwilling guide.

  14. 狒狒把什么储存在腮帮子里?

    What do baboons keep in their cheek pouches?

  15. 狒狒会折断侧枝和顶梢。

    Baboons could break branches and leaders.

  16. 狒狒把食物储存在颊囊里。

    Baboons keep food in their cheek pouches.

  17. 这个狒狒!看着这个胆小鬼怎么逃跑吧!

    The baboon! Just watch how the coward will flee!

  18. 因此, 他们总是帮助独身的雌性狒狒。

    So they often befriend individual females instead.

  19. 狒狒惧怕蛇,也有很好的记忆力。

    Baboons have a fear of snakes. They also have good memories.

  20. 狒狒惧怕蛇,也有很好得记忆力。

    Baboons have a fear of snakes. They also have good memories.

  21. 大狒狒,由月亮的光,梳他的头发。

    The big baboon, by the light of the moon, was combing his aubum hair.

  22. 雄性狒狒相较而言投入的时间更短。

    Baboon males invest for less time.

  23. 雌性狒狒是狒狒社会中任何群体的核心。

    Females are the core of any group in baboon society.

  24. 他说,他和一只狒狒住在树上。

    He says Shuttleworth is living up country in a tree with a baboon.

  25. 当狒狒走过的时候你在做什么?

    What were you doing when the baboon walked by?

  26. 两只狒狒曾经被训练使用类比推理。

    Two baboons have been trained to use analogical reasoning.

  27. 狒狒器官太小,无法支撑人类太长时间。

    Baboon organs are too small to sustain people for long periods.

  28. 狒狒是一种生活在非洲的大猴子。

    A baboon is a large monkey that lives in Africa.

  29. 这项研究的对象是南非大狒狒。

    It's a study of the chacma baboon.

  30. 这一工具包也提供控制狒狒的方法。

    The toolkit also has ideas to control baboons.


  1. 问:狒狒拼音怎么拼?狒狒的读音是什么?狒狒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狒狒的读音是fèifèi,狒狒翻译成英文是 baboon

  2. 问:狒狒属拼音怎么拼?狒狒属的读音是什么?狒狒属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狒狒属的读音是fèifèi shǔ,狒狒属翻译成英文是 Papio

  3. 问:狒狒喷泉拼音怎么拼?狒狒喷泉的读音是什么?狒狒喷泉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狒狒喷泉的读音是,狒狒喷泉翻译成英文是 Babuino

  4. 问:狒狒绒毛膜促性腺激素拼音怎么拼?狒狒绒毛膜促性腺激素的读音是什么?狒狒绒毛膜促性腺激素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:狒狒绒毛膜促性腺激素的读音是fèi fèi róng máo mó cù xìng xiàn jī sù,狒狒绒毛膜促性腺激素翻译成英文是 baboon chorionic gonadotropin


