


1. 缥 [piǎo]2. 缥 [piāo]缥 [piǎo]青白色,淡青。青白色的丝织品:~帙(书衣,亦指书卷)。缥 [piāo]〔~缈〕形容隐隐约约,若有若无,如“虚无~~”。亦作“飘渺”。〔~~〕轻轻飞起来的样子。(縹)……





汉语拼音:piāo miǎo; piǎo miǎo








  1. 亦作“ 縹眇 ”。亦作“ 縹渺 ”。高远隐约貌。

    《文选·木华<海赋>》:“羣仙縹眇,餐玉清涯。” 李善 注:“縹眇,远视之貌。” 唐 杜甫 《白帝城最高楼》诗:“城尖径仄旌斾愁,独立縹緲之飞楼。” 宋 苏轼 《卜算子·黄州定慧院寓居作》词:“缺月掛疏桐,漏断人初静。惟见幽人独往来,縹渺孤鸿影。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·草檄》:“孤影,南枝乍冷,见乌鹊縹緲,惊飞栖止不定。” 郭沫若 《星空·天上的市街》:“我想那缥缈的空中,定然有美丽的街市。”

  2. 随风飘扬;随水浮流。

    唐 李白 《愁阳春赋》:“縹緲兮翩緜,见游丝之縈烟。” 宋 陈允平 《垂杨》词:“飞花满地谁为扫,甚薄倖,随波縹緲。” 元 许有壬 《太常引·池荷》词之二:“红衣縹緲,清风萧瑟,半醉岸乌巾。” 闻一多 《李白之死》诗:“还有吹不满旗的灵风推着云车,满载着霓裳缥缈、彩佩玲珑的仙娥,给人们颂送驰魂宕魄的天乐。”

  3. 形容声音清越悠扬。

    唐 司空图 《注愍征赋述》:“其雅调之清越也,有若縹緲鸞虹,譻譻嫋空。”《儒林外史》第三十回:“歌声縹緲,直入云霄。” 清 黄钧宰 《金壶浪墨·南巡盛典》:“金石鏗鏘,宫商縹緲。” 李瑛 《笛声》诗:“从哪里飘来一缕笛音,在这僻静的深山缭绕?比幽谷的溪水还清脆,比云中的莺啼还缥缈。”

  4. 虚浮;渺茫。

    南朝 梁 刘勰 《文心雕龙·体性》:“轻靡者,浮文弱植,縹緲附俗者也。” 周振甫 注:“縹緲附俗:虚浮、不切实而依附俗説。” 清 杜荣寿 《<小螺庵病榻忆语>题词》:“底事隔年先异兆,人与莲花同縹緲。” 夏曾佑 《小说原理》:“人所乐者,肉身之实事,而非乐此縹渺之空谈也。” 郭沫若 《女神·凤凰涅槃》:“我们这缥缈的浮生,到底要向哪儿安宿?”

  5. 峰名。

    清 吴伟业 《缥渺峰》诗:“兹峯非云高,高与众山别,其下多嵌空,天风吹不折,插根虚无际, 縹緲 为险絶。”注:“ 縹緲峯 : 顾野王 《舆地志》:‘ 縹緲峯 , 洞庭 之最高者。’ 卢熊 《苏州府志》:‘ 包山 最高者为 縹緲峯 。’”



  1. You felt that it was ready to be wafted away on the immaterial air, and death bore all the aspect of a beloved friend .


  2. The gray raining season strikes people as misty, the blueberry in the fog is so tempting, and the air seems to be sweet.


  3. Looking at the sky boundless slightest embellishment strands ethereal dancing moods suddenly tightened condensation.


  4. Always like to breed hollow myriad feelings, and may continue to go on like this, or.


  5. Many dreams and expectations have fallen to the bottom of the flowing river of reality, only leaving a loop of beauty shining mistily.


  6. My life, in the world you call Arcanum, seems so very distant. . . the memories clouded like those of a child.


  7. That in erasable memory, the twisting knots in heart, are shaking down cold fragrance all the way along the faintly wind.


  8. O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil!


  9. The different views can't change its specialty that it flows like water and moves in transience.


  1. 虚无缥缈的事

    a great lottery

  2. 像残梦一样缥缈

    Falling and withering like the dreams

  3. 他生活在虚无缥缈中。

    He lives in a void.

  4. 她微笑着,眼神缥缈恍惚。

    She smiled with a faraway look in her eyes.

  5. 蛟龙偃蹇,观阙嵯峨,缥缈笙歌沸。

    Yan Jian dragon, Que view of Saga, Piaomiaoshengge boil.

  6. 我好像生活在缥缈的梦境里。

    It's as if I'm living in a hazy dream world.

  7. 明知神山缥缈, 却愿其有

    Everyone knows that fairy isles are delusive and illusive things. Still everyone wishes they were real

  8. 雾气弥漫、虚无缥缈、又日渐寒风凛凛。

    Mist filled the air, illusory, but also increasingly stern wind.

  9. 忽闻海上有仙山,山在虚无缥缈间。

    Then he heard a sacred mountain in the sea.

  10. 远山树林、农舍田野深深笼罩,虚无缥缈。

    Toyama forests, farm structures, field deeply shrouded illusory.

  11. 然而, 在树林的缥缈的印象逝去之前,

    Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself

  12. 没有遗憾,也没有雄心,只有温暖的虚无缥缈。

    There were no regrets, no ambitions, just a warm, empty void.

  13. 真是一种缥缈而转瞬即逝的东西。

    A vain and fleeting thing.

  14. 告诉她,那些财富都是虚无缥缈无常的。

    Tell her, I hold as giddily as fortune.

  15. 若没有您, 我将迷失在缥缈虚空中。

    Without You, Im lost in the space of uncertainty.

  16. 这些拟像是有形的而又虚无缥缈的东西。

    These simulacra were physical, but ethereal, things.

  17. 汪洋缥缈没遐天,束带恍惚断净澜。

    Ocean dimly discernible didn't distant day, Band broken net lanshi trance.

  18. 而那虚无缥缈的幻觉只是触摸不到的幸福。

    And the happiness that that illusory illusion can not be just touched.

  19. 我们所处的宇宙究竟是无限的,还是虚无缥缈的?

    Is the universe actually infinite or just very large?

  20. 维系在一条细丝般缥缈的情线一端。

    Maintain filaments in a situation like Piaomiao on one end.

  21. 维系在一条细丝般缥缈得情线一端。

    Maintain filaments in a situation like Piaomiao on one end.

  22. 松盘厚地蜿蜒出, 花散诸天缥缈开。

    Thick pine set to wind up, flowers scattered Piaomiao the heavens opened.

  23. 有时好像很普通, 有时又虚无缥缈, 甚至像个幽灵。

    At times he seems rather ordinary. At other times ethereal, perhaps even spectral.

  24. 我在半睡半醒的缥缈幻境中度过整晚。

    Throughout that night I lay in the purple limbo between sleeping and waking.

  25. 你认为我们有空儿听你讲那些虚无缥缈的鬼故事?

    And you think we have leisure time to listen to some ghost shit now ?

  26. 以缥缈幻影的形态,我是这没落的无名见证者。

    In my gaseous phantom form, anonymous witness of the fall.

  27. 困恼着这孩子的感情乃是一种虚无缥缈的恐怖。

    The feeling which beset the child was one of dim uncertain horror.

  28. 在那以后的一段时间,我处在一个虚无缥缈的境地。

    For a time after that, I was in an emptiness, a nowhere place.

  29. 但是以后你一定会对这麽虚无缥缈的爱感到困倦。

    But you must get tired of the unreal love some times later.

  30. 可是梦是一个比一个缥缈, 眼前的事务是一天比一天繁多。

    But these dreams became more and more blurred as she became occupied with her new life.


  1. 问:缥缈拼音怎么拼?缥缈的读音是什么?缥缈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:缥缈的读音是piāomiǎo,缥缈翻译成英文是 indistinct



缥缈(piāo miǎo)

解释:隐隐约约,若有若无的样子。形容空虚渺茫。一般指心中想要而现实中不可得到的东西 缥缈的山市,并非指虚无,不存在于现实的东西。也可形容富有美感。例如:数至八层,裁如星点。又其上,则黯然缥缈。——《聊斋志异》(蒲松龄)我想那缥缈的空中,定然有美丽的街市。——《天上的街市》(郭沫若)