




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:xuē zi






  1. 帮子略呈筒状高到踝子骨以上的皮鞋。

    元 高安道 《哨遍·皮匠说谎》套曲:“新靴子投至能够完备,旧兀剌先磨了半截底。”《儒林外史》第二四回:“像这衣服、靴子,不是我们行事的人可以穿得的。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第十六回:“只听见一声炮响,吓得马上就逃走了,一隻脚穿着靴子,一隻脚还没有穿袜子呢。”



  1. If the boots fit, immediately begin with an activity - like a dog walk - to take his mind off the boots.


  2. the boots of the traveler can hardly get out of the mud, so he asked a passerby to help him.


  3. Boy's toys, Boots and Books were all jumBled together [up]in a cupBoard.


  4. To see my Mother's prayers answered more than made up for the boots I never got.


  5. When she walked in the door, this is what I saw: A young woman wearing lots of metal, on her clothes and through her skin.


  6. Sam lines up blocks, books, boots, cars, and other objects, all the way from his room to his mother in the kitchen.


  7. Like everyone else, I get low and there are times when I feel as if I have my fins backwards and am swimming upstream in heavy boots.


  8. "One soldier held down each one of them with a boot; another came with a knife, " he said. "I could hear their screams. "


  9. He found a new pair of boots in an abandoned barrackswhichhesaid were " lighter and more comfortable" than the British footwear.


  1. 破旧的靴子

    grungy boots.

  2. 绿色的靴子

    The Green Boots.

  3. 矮人靴子。

    These Boots Were Made For Walking.

  4. 给靴子上底

    to sole the boots.

  5. 我买了靴子。

    I bought a boot.

  6. 她扣上靴子,

    And she buttoned her boot

  7. 她扣上靴子。

    And she buttoned her boot.

  8. 靴子的咯咯声。

    the clump of boots

  9. 靴子得咯咯声。

    the clump of boots

  10. 好好擦亮靴子

    put a good shine on boots

  11. 使劲拖着靴子。

    tugged at her boots.

  12. 他需要好靴子。

    He needs good boots.

  13. 她重新系靴子。

    She relaced her boots.

  14. 朋友, 用靴子踢!

    Stick the boot in, pal!

  15. 擦靴子和鞋子?

    Does the boots and shoes!

  16. 他用靴子作枕头。

    He used his boots for a pillow.

  17. 一双羊皮靴子

    a pair of sheepskin boots

  18. 脱下你得靴子。

    Take off your boots.

  19. 这靴子扣不紧。

    The boot wouldn't buckle.

  20. 她脱下了靴子。

    She pulled off her boots.

  21. 这双靴子漏水。

    This pair of boots let water.

  22. 给犯人穿木靴子

    strike in the boots

  23. 使士兵穿上靴子

    to boot the soldiers

  24. 一双结实的靴子

    a sturdy pair of boots

  25. 靴子还是细高跟?

    Boots or stilettos?

  26. 靴子还是细高跟?

    Boots or stilettos?

  27. 水牛皮制的靴子。

    boots made of buffalo hide

  28. 水牛皮制得靴子。

    boots made of buffalo hide.

  29. 穿上靴子最安全。

    To wear boots would be safest.

  30. 不穿靴子不过年

    Not step into new year without boots


  1. 问:靴子拼音怎么拼?靴子的读音是什么?靴子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:靴子的读音是xuēzi,靴子翻译成英文是 boot