







汉语拼音:fū luǎn






  1. The lost of the nests and eggs was one of the key factors which caused the Cabot's tragopan to be endangered.


  2. One day, a teacher took his pupils to a chicken farm to pay a visit. When they came near the incubator, chick just got out of its egg shell.


  3. It was handed from person to person along a line of scientists and support staff like an egg being passed between penguins.


  4. Back in our kitchen, we constructed a primitive incubator from an empty Fish aquarium, clamping a reflector light to its upper rim.


  5. But by a small miracle, a few pairs of breeding cahows hung for generations on some remote sea cliffs in the Bermuda archipelago.


  6. Running along the brook, down to the hatchery, what heavenly joy this was when school was over!


  7. Female frogs deposit their eggs over the sides of such plants, and tadpoles grow in the water that collects in the pitchers.


  8. In contrast to other large eagle species, in which the female does most or all of the incubation, both Bateleur parents share this task.


  9. From that point on, child raising is the domain of the expected father, who initially incubates the eggs. . .


  1. 有的种类雄性亦替换孵卵。

    Also replace some types of male hatchery.

  2. 莲花山云南柳莺的孵卵行为

    Observation on the Incubating Behavior of the Chinese Leaf Warbler Phylloscopus yunnanensis at Lianhuashan, Gansu

  3. 把蛋放在孵卵器里孵化

    to set eggs in an incubator

  4. 白头鹤孵卵后期的行为节律观察

    Behavior Rhythm of Hooded Crane during Late Incubating Period

  5. 孵卵器任何孵化鱼卵的器官。

    Incubator Any apparatus for hatching fish eggs.

  6. 鸟儿回到巢里继续孵卵。

    The birds returned to their nests and continued to incubate the eggs.

  7. 一些鱼多产是因为它们孵卵。

    Some of the fish are fertile, for they lay eggs.

  8. 请查看这肿胀孵卵袋得侧貌。

    Just look at the swollen side profile of the brooding pouch!

  9. 请查看这肿胀孵卵袋的侧貌。

    Just look at the swollen side profile of the brooding pouch!

  10. 火斑鸠孵卵期和育雏期伴巢行为

    Attendance Behavior of Red Turtle Dove in Incubation and Brooding Period

  11. 母鸟孵卵16天左右,而公鸟负责觅食。

    The female bird incubates the eggs for about sixteen days while the male brings food.

  12. 侧面显示一个小但明显的孵卵袋。

    A side profile with the small but still obvious brooding pouch.

  13. 农民需要特别设备如孵卵器孵鸵鸟蛋。

    Then the farmer needs special equipment such as incubators for the eggs.

  14. 领域的大小在孵卵期和育雏期是稳定的。

    The size of territory doesn't vary in the period of incubation and feeding nestling.

  15. 孵卵的鸟不离开巢太久, 以免鸟卵变冷。

    The incubating bird does not stay away from her nest long enough for the eggs to become cold.

  16. 最佳孵化方式为电孵卵器孵化,其次为雌鸟自然孵化。

    Electric incubation was the best method and natural hatching the most inferior.

  17. 艾尔。简森是里弗沃斯国家鱼类孵卵所的经理。

    Al Jensen is manager of the Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery.

  18. 在这个物种里, 父母中任何一方都可能在孵卵后抛弃伴侣。

    In this species, either parent may decide to abandon its partner after incubation of the eggs.

  19. 族群增强释放孵卵所的养殖鱼以增加族群里野生的鱼数。

    Stock enhancement Release of hatchery raised fish to increase wild fish numbers in a stock.

  20. 结果表明,在孵卵期离开会导致尚未孵化的后代死亡。

    It turns out that desertion during incubation is likely to result in the demise of the unhatched offspring.

  21. 坐在上以提供热量, 促进胚胎的生长和孵化出小生命孵卵

    To sit on to provide heat, so as to promote embryonic development and the hatching of young brood.


  1. 问:孵卵拼音怎么拼?孵卵的读音是什么?孵卵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孵卵的读音是fūluǎn,孵卵翻译成英文是 to brood; to hatch; to incubate

  2. 问:孵卵器拼音怎么拼?孵卵器的读音是什么?孵卵器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孵卵器的读音是,孵卵器翻译成英文是 brooder

  3. 问:孵卵所拼音怎么拼?孵卵所的读音是什么?孵卵所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孵卵所的读音是,孵卵所翻译成英文是 hatchery

  4. 问:孵卵斑拼音怎么拼?孵卵斑的读音是什么?孵卵斑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孵卵斑的读音是,孵卵斑翻译成英文是 Brood patch



孵卵(brooding of eggs):鸟产卵后,伏在卵上加温的习性,称为孵卵。孵卵多由雌性进行,但也有雌、雄交替孵卵的(鸽、海鸥),个别的仅由雄性去完成孵卵任务(彩鹬)。热带地方的鸟类有的不孵卵,而是将卵埋在沙中或腐殖土中使之自然孵化。