




把东西送进口中咽下,或依靠某种事物生活:~饭。~药。~斋。消灭(多用于军事、棋奕):~掉敌人一个连。吸:~烟。感受:~惊。~紧。~一堑,长(zhǎng )一智。挨:~官司。承受,支持:~不消。船身入水的深度:~水深浅。被:~那厮砍了一刀。说……



汉语拼音:shì chī



  1. If a person tries two types of yogurt, the software could judge their facial features to see how much they enjoyed each one.


  2. We nibble, we score, and we share the results with you to help you avoid the paralyzation that can come with Brand Choice Overload.


  3. No. First I look around to see what there is to choose from. Then I take a little bit of everything I am interested in trying.


  4. The new packs were sent to Afghanistan last week to be tried out by personnel in all armed forces across the next three months.


  5. The food was developed for use in hospital meals, but many patients who have tried it say they want to try it at home as well.


  6. A visit to the tasting room is a great pre-wedding activity for guests, and packed with lots of culinary retail shopping options.


  7. I'm fine with restaurants inviting bloggers for tasting events but definitely not the other way round.


  8. We have embarked on a taste test tour of your favorite supermarket foods.


  9. We start him on a Saturday.


  1. 彩排晚宴的试吃

    for a tasting for the rehearsal dinner.

  2. 试吃时间到了,玉米卷

    Time for tasting. Tacos!

  3. 她试吃蛋糕, 觉得很好吃。

    She sampled the cake and found it very good.

  4. 我可不可以试吃一个荔枝?

    Can I sample a litchi ?

  5. 他想找些厨师朋友去试吃。

    He wants to test the menu with some of his chef buddies.

  6. 他想找些厨师朋友去试吃。

    He wants to test the menu with some of his chef buddies.

  7. 她等一下试吃,谢谢你特地过来。

    She'll try it later. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. 给你试吃的婚礼蛋糕,太棒了。

    Wedding cakes for you to sample. Great.

  9. 新的餐厅不是经常做公开试吃的吗

    Don't new restaurants sometimes do public tastings?

  10. 抱歉我错过了蛋糕样品试吃,亲爱的。

    I'm sorry I missed the cake tasting, sweetheart.

  11. 不,我不介意你又回去免费试吃 只是如果你喜欢,何不买点呢?

    No, I don't mind you going back for free samples, but if you like it why not just buy some?

  12. 我也试着吃下醋和酸菜汁。

    I also tried vinegar and sauerkraut juice.

  13. 它的确在试着 吃掉这个电子水母。

    And it does actually seem to be trying to eat the electronic jellyfish.

  14. 不挑食不爱吃的东西也试着吃一两口。

    Take a bit maybe two of the stuff you hate.

  15. 如果你试着吃东西,你的食物会飘离你的勺子。

    If you try to eat, your food floats off your spoon.

  16. 试着吃些用水泡过的西梅干,无花果干或杏干。

    Try eating reconstituted dried prunes, figs or apricots.

  17. 至于单身汉,我没什么好的建议,那就试着吃巧克力蛋糕吧。

    As for single people, 'I don't know, try eating chocolate cake, 'he said.

  18. 但是你难道不能试着适应吃西餐吗

    But can't you try to get used to Western food

  19. 如果你仍想吃一些甜的东西,试着多吃些水果。

    If you still want something sweet try eating some fruit.

  20. 试着去吃一种比你渴望的那个,有更好营养价值的相似食品。

    Try to eat a similar food that has a better nutritional value than the one you crave.

  21. 试着劝她吃点东西。

    Try to persuade her to eat a little.

  22. 试着劝她吃点东西。

    Try to persuade her to eat a little.

  23. 试试吃个热饼,嬷嬷好像求她似的。

    Try a hot cake, 'said Mammy inexorably.

  24. 他试了又试, 只希望吃口诱人的葡萄

    Again and again he tried after the tempting morsel

  25. 她让婴儿坐起来, 试着喂他吃东西。

    She sat the baby up and tried feeding him.

  26. 当然,我也喜欢垃圾食品,但是我试着每周只吃一次。

    Of course, I love junk food too, but I try to eat it only once a week.

  27. 要试着少量间断地吃点容易消化的东西。

    It's better for you to keep something in you stomach.

  28. 报导指出, 她吃了药并试过一种设计用来停止打嗝的新装置。

    She took medicine and tried a special new device designed to stop hiccups, the paper said.

  29. 我们试过了, 连马都吃不消。

    We give that shit to horses.

  30. 你试试看不吃荤菜什么的看看。

    You try to eat what to see.


  1. 问:试吃拼音怎么拼?试吃的读音是什么?试吃翻译成英文是什么?

    答:试吃的读音是,试吃翻译成英文是 foretaste

