







汉语拼音:xiǎo gē



1.对少年或年轻男子的客气称呼。元 乔吉《失题》曲:“问小哥,你省么?拍手笑呵呵。”《儒林外史》第一回:“秦老 留着他母子两个吃了早饭,牵出一条水牛交与 王冕,指着门外道:‘……小哥,你只在这一带顽耍,不必远去。’”《镜花缘》第二十回:“只见有个牧童,身穿白衣,手拿器械,从路旁走来。唐敖 上前拱手道:‘请问小哥,此处是何地名?’”林海音《城南旧事·兰姨娘》:“‘嘿’的一声,吓我一跳,原来是 施 家的小哥。”

2.对年轻的官僚子弟的尊称。元 秦简夫《东堂老》第一折:“他老子在那里做官来?他也是小哥?”《红楼梦》第五一回:“那屋子是我们小哥儿的。”



  1. 对少年或年轻男子的客气称呼。

    元 乔吉 《失题》曲:“问小哥,你省么?拍手笑呵呵。”《儒林外史》第一回:“ 秦老 留着他母子两个吃了早饭,牵出一条水牛交与 王冕 ,指着门外道:‘……小哥,你只在这一带顽耍,不必远去。’”《镜花缘》第二十回:“只见有个牧童,身穿白衣,手拿器械,从路旁走来。 唐敖 上前拱手道:‘请问小哥,此处是何地名?’” 林海音 《城南旧事·兰姨娘》:“‘嘿’的一声,吓我一跳,原来是 施 家的小哥。”

  2. 对年轻的官僚子弟的尊称。

    元 秦简夫 《东堂老》第一折:“他老子在那里做官来?他也是小哥?”《红楼梦》第五一回:“那屋子是我们小哥儿的。”



  1. Read with husband 's nephew and my son, little brothers at home, the lunch was not know how proper.


  2. Leonard: I'll go get Penny while that guy spits on our food.


  3. Grom Hellscream: We are here to cut lumber, little goblin.


  4. My younger brother promised to get the band.


  5. The smile of Tsunayoshi is as tender as Qiling.


  6. These guys sell fresh juice.


  7. At the same time and the same place, Qiling encounters Super Wu again.


  8. Boy I didn't know you could get down like that


  1. 明白点说 我确实和海关小哥做过。

    To be clear, I did have sex with the customs guy.

  2. 那门太小了,让小胖哥走不进去。

    The door is so small that the fatty boy cannot walk into.

  3. 比尔波,雀鹰,哥布林和小精灵。

    Bilbo, Sparhawk, goblins and pixies.

  4. 这位小哥, 你大清早在这卖身葬父。

    Are you selling yourself to bury your dad

  5. 格罗姆。地狱咆哮我们到这儿来弄些木材,小哥布林。

    Grom Hellscream We are here to cut lumber, little goblin.

  6. 我刚从墨西哥小小游回来。

    I just got back from my little trip down Mexico way.

  7. 他过分热衷于芝加哥小熊棒球队。

    He is a fanatic of the Chicago Cubs baseball team.

  8. 他过分热衷于芝加哥小熊棒球队。

    He is a fanatic of the Chicago Cubs baseball team.

  9. 你要墨西哥小妖精?一齐来收拾他。

    You want the Mexican leprechaun? Well, let's take him.

  10. 芝加哥小熊队已经赢得过去得5场比赛。

    The Chicago Cubs have won their last 5 decisions.

  11. 芝加哥小熊队已经赢得过去的5场比赛。

    The Chicago Cubs have won their last 5 decisions.

  12. 芝加哥小熊队已经赢得过去的5场比赛。

    The Chicago Cubs have won their last 5 decisions.

  13. 我喜欢观看芝加哥小熊棒球队的比赛。

    I enjoy watching the Chicago Cubs baseball team.

  14. 我喜欢观看芝加哥小熊棒球队的比赛。

    I enjoy watching the Chicago Cubs baseball team.

  15. 它还拥有23家电视台和芝加哥小熊棒球队。

    It also owns 23 television stations and the Chicage Cert Chicago Cubs baseball team.

  16. 它还拥有23家电视台及芝加哥小熊棒球队。

    It also owns 23 television stations and the Chicago Cub Baseball TeamCubs baseball team.

  17. 另外,它还拥有23家电视台及芝加哥小熊队。

    It also owns 23 television and The Chicargo Turbs Baseball Teamthe Chicago Cubs baseball team.

  18. 全国冠军联赛中,芝加哥小熊队对阵洛杉矶道奇队。

    It is the Chicago Cubs versus the Los Angeles Dodgers in the National League Championship.

  19. 全国冠军联赛中,芝加哥小熊队对阵洛杉矶道奇队。

    It is the Chicago Cubs versus the Los Angeles Dodgers in the National League Championship.

  20. 基于之前的表现, 芝加哥小熊队能赢得世界大赛吗?

    On present form, can the Chicago Cubs ever win the World Series

  21. 基于之前的表现,芝加哥小熊队能赢得世界大赛吗?

    On present form, can the Chicago Cubs ever win the World Series?

  22. 今天,哥开车下班,开着窗户,小风爽爽地刮着。

    Today, I was driving home from work with the window down.

  23. 第一个是耶利哥,第二座城是一个小城叫艾。

    The first city was Jericho and the second was the little city of Ai.

  24. 芝加哥小熊队自一场失利后重整旗鼓要赢取这场棒球比赛。

    The Chicago Cubs came back from a deficit to win the ballgame.

  25. 芝加哥小熊队自一场失利后重整旗鼓要赢取这场棒球比赛。

    The Chicago Cubs came back from a deficit to win the ballgame.

  26. 由于北美自由贸易协议的签订,许多墨西哥小企业不得不闭门关张。

    Many Mexican small businesses folded due to NAFTA.

  27. 在伦敦小住一段时间后,她重新搬回到格拉斯哥。

    After a short period living in london, she moved back to glasgow.

  28. 并且还给我哥的小孩200元回长汀,他只身一人到南京。

    I returned to Columbia and the child200 yuan to Changting, one person alone to Nanjing.

  29. 自斯大林的清洗运动以来,这个哥萨克小村就一直在败落。

    The Cossack village has been shrinking since Stalin's purges.

  30. 这墨西哥小镇已成为一个毒品王国,每天有100磅可卡因从这里流入美国。

    This mexican town has become a narco-state that ships 100 pounds of cocaine to the united states every day.


  1. 问:小哥拼音怎么拼?小哥的读音是什么?小哥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小哥的读音是,小哥翻译成英文是 laddie