







汉语拼音:hòu wèi








  1. 官名。

    元 置。《元史·百官志二》:“后卫,秩正三品。 至元 十六年,以侍卫亲军创置。掌宿卫扈从,兼营屯田。国有大事,则调度之。”

  2. 行军时在后面掩护、警戒的部队。

    续范亭 《河南战败感》诗之一:“不战则退,一战则溃,牺牲后卫,杂牌军队。” 峻青 《黎明的河边·烽火山上的故事》:“黄昏时分,通讯员送来了上级要我们立即撤退的命令。于是,我带领一个排作后卫,且战且退。”

  3. 篮球、足球等比赛中主要担任防御的队员。

    任德耀 《小足球队》第一幕:“ 曹大福 ,你力气大,肩膀宽,脚头子硬,踢后卫。”



  1. "The defenders are very hard. I finish the matches very tired. They don't go in to hurt you but they go very hard for the ball, " he said.

  2. The striker then went down in the area as he raced for the ball with defender Fabio Galante but the referee waved play on.

  3. Chelsea and England left-back Ashley Cole insists it will take at least a season before he is back to his best.

  4. After three years of hearing Johnson berate him, the 6-3 point guard is ready to help lead Dallas to a championship.

  5. Taking up the rear was a battalion of the Leibstandarte that had motored south from Berlin at a few hours' notice.

  6. Yet the former Hamburg stopper, who was one of the side's best players last term, insists his future is in Tuscany.

  7. All his life until he met me in Porto and I made him a right-back, Paulo was a midfield player.

  8. The point guard dribbled the ball up the court. He stood above the top of the key, about twenty-four feet from the opposing team's basket.

  9. "It's better for the league that it's more open this year, even if I would prefer it if we were cruising it, " said the England defender.


  1. 我是中后卫。

    I was a linebacker.

  2. 后卫向里切入

    guard thrust

  3. 进攻后卫的位置

    The position of this player.

  4. 我打算将来作后卫。

    I am aiming at becoming a guard.

  5. 史密斯将任后卫。

    Smith will play fullback.

  6. 约翰在这个队打后卫。

    John plays back in the team.

  7. 传球给快跑中的后卫

    Hit the running back with a pass.

  8. 伟大的意大利的左后卫!

    Italian left back the great!

  9. 那个大个儿后卫拦截凶狠。

    That big fullback tackles hard.

  10. 后卫把球带到前场。

    The guard brought the ball up to the front court.

  11. 球被左后卫踢出去了。

    The ball was booted out by the left back.

  12. 我们的教练打算加强后卫。

    Our coaches are going to beef up the quarter backs.

  13. 但我从来没当过后卫。

    But I've never played in a defence position.

  14. 杰克是球队的后卫队员。

    Jack is a full back of the team.

  15. 杰克是球队得后卫队员。

    Jack is a full back of the team.

  16. 后卫在后场抢得篮板球。

    The guard rebounded the ball in backcourt.

  17. 那个后卫猛冲到防守线。

    The fullback's smash into the defensive line.

  18. 已请他来加强后卫力量。

    He has been brought in to strengthen the defence.

  19. 你儿子是个前锋还是后卫。

    Is your son a forward or a guard?

  20. 他是我们足球队中的后卫。

    He is a full back of our football team.

  21. 后卫位置后场队员防守的位置

    The positions filled by these players.

  22. 现代足球边后卫打法趋势

    The playing tendency of modern soccer wide defender

  23. 在足球赛中后卫接应前锋。

    In football the linebacker backs up the linemen.

  24. 队长决定派汤姆上场为后卫。

    The captain decided to play Tom at fullback.

  25. 对边后卫助攻战术的研究

    The study of full back wing's tactics of secondary attack

  26. 重炮小队作为后卫殿后。

    The HMG platoon was left behind as rearguard.

  27. 跟他说你不想竞争后卫

    Tell him you don't want to go out for guard.

  28. 这是一个后卫统治的联盟!

    This is a guard's league.

  29. 他是一名敏捷灵活的后卫。

    He's a quick nimble defender.

  30. 现在,后卫已经进入了山谷的。

    By now, the rear guard had entered the valley as well.


  1. 问:后卫拼音怎么拼?后卫的读音是什么?后卫翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后卫的读音是hòuwèi,后卫翻译成英文是 rear

  2. 问:后卫本队拼音怎么拼?后卫本队的读音是什么?后卫本队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后卫本队的读音是hòu wèi běn duì,后卫本队翻译成英文是 Rear Guard Reserve

  3. 问:后卫球员拼音怎么拼?后卫球员的读音是什么?后卫球员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后卫球员的读音是,后卫球员翻译成英文是 linebacker

  4. 问:后卫阵地拼音怎么拼?后卫阵地的读音是什么?后卫阵地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后卫阵地的读音是hòu wèi zhèn dì,后卫阵地翻译成英文是 RearPosition

  5. 问:后卫 (足球)拼音怎么拼?后卫 (足球)的读音是什么?后卫 (足球)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后卫 (足球)的读音是,后卫 (足球)翻译成英文是 Defender



“后卫”是个多义词,它可以指后卫(篮球运动比赛队员的位置名称), 后卫(足球运动比赛队员的位置名称)。