




1. 拆 [chāi]2. 拆 [cā]拆 [chāi]把合在一起的弄开:~信。~洗。~卸。~字。〔~白〕方言,流氓骗取财物。分散,毁掉:~散。~台。~迁。拆 [cā]方言,排泄(大小便):~烂污(喻不负责任)。……



汉语拼音:kāi chāi







  1. 开放;开裂。

    唐 李华 《仙游寺》诗:“开拆秋天光,崩腾夏雷吼。” 唐 杜甫 《陪郑广文游何将军山林》诗之三:“露翻兼雨打,开拆渐离披。”

  2. 拆开,开封。

    《明律·兵律·飞报军情》:“凡飞报军情……一差人行移兵部,一具实封,俱至御前开拆。” 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·莅任·承事上司》:“上司来文,须亲手开拆。”



  1. Customs sealed the baggage, passengers should not be opened or destroyed without customs seals applied.


  2. The Customs shall supervise the entry and exit, opening, sealing and dispatching of international mail bags.


  3. Until it is disengaged from the walkie-talkie on the counter-clockwise rotating antenna Detachment.


  4. The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.


  5. Article 10. The consular bag shall be neither opened nor detained.


  6. To open, pick up, deliver, forward, replace, repack, mortgage or transfer goods that are under Customs control without Customs approval;


  1. 开拆封口信件

    open closed letter.

  2. 外交邮袋不得开拆或者扣留。

    The diplomatic bag shall not be opened or detained.

  3. 国际邮袋出入境、开拆和封发,应当由海关监管。

    The Customs shall supervise the entry and exit, opening, sealing and dispatching of international mail bags.

  4. 松开螺丝把两根管子拆开。

    Separate the two pipes by unscrewing them.

  5. 我解开蝴蝶结,拆开小盒子的包装。

    I untied the bow and unwrapped the small box.

  6. 松开,解开散开成为组成的线拆开或磨损

    To become separated into its component threadsunravel or fray.

  7. 于是我们又拆下开牙球组件, 查抄后未发掘变态。

    So we have removed apertognathia ball components, inspection is not unusual.

  8. 我撕开封口,开始念信。他把密封那份电报的封套拆开。

    I broke the seal and read. He opened the cover in which the message was enclosed.

  9. 他拆开信。

    He unsealed the letter.

  10. 把自己拆开?

    Took yourself apart.

  11. 把摩托车拆开

    to demount the motorcycle

  12. 拆开编结物。

    undosome knitting

  13. 拆开, 解开纺织物

    To undo or ravel the knitted fabric of

  14. 他拆开了电脑。

    He dismounted a computer.

  15. 信已经拆开了。

    The letter was already open.

  16. 约翰把引擎拆开。

    John took the engine apart.

  17. 机器已被拆开。

    The machine has already been taken apart.

  18. 约翰拆开了洗衣机。

    John broke down the washing machine.

  19. 这件玩具能拆开。

    This toy is made to pull apart.

  20. 拆修为了修理而拆开

    To dismantle in order to make repairs.

  21. 他立刻把信拆开。

    He ripped the letter immediately.

  22. 从车门上拆开铰链。

    Separate hinge from door.

  23. 这个床很容易拆开。

    This bed dismantles easily.

  24. 这个包裹还没拆开。

    The package is still sealed.

  25. 他把手表拆开修理。

    He took the watch apart to mend it.

  26. 你得拆开这个钻头。

    You'll have to disassemble the drill.

  27. 他用小刀把信拆开。

    He slit open the letter with a knife.

  28. 一点一点地把钟表拆开

    took the clock apart piece by piece.

  29. 她拆开窗帘的缝线。

    She unpicked the stitches from a curtain.

  30. 木匠们拆开旧的地板。

    Carpenters ripped up the old floorboards.