







汉语拼音:cù chéng








  1. 急速完成。

    《少室山房笔丛·丹铅新录八·履考》引《神仙传》:“ 葛仙公 跣足。 屈氏 二女夜促成双履献之,因得道。”

  2. 推动使之成功。

    明 郎瑛 《七修类稿·事物四·忠靖二事》:“未几,荐 叶 ( 叶宗行 )於朝, 宗行 得授 钱塘 知县。公后奏绩之日曰:‘是 叶 促成也。’” 老舍 《四世同堂》五三:“ 晓荷 本想借机会,陪着女儿去多看看 小文太太 ,所以极力的促成这件事。”



  1. In the early years, it was unclear how much Mr. Gates was pursuing each opportunity as it came, as opposed to carrying out a grand strategy.


  2. However, if you use your wealth to get things done or to promote something that you want to see happen -- all is good.


  3. Republicans will probably claim that private employers got their mojo back as they began to anticipate a more business-friendly Congress.


  4. After the meeting with Wen, Bush said the United States appreciates China's role in promoting negotiations to resolve the crisis.


  5. He was conscious of a sort of natural enlargement, which gave him two things that were new to him--his father and his country.


  6. Marginally useful as the trade deals may be, they hardly add up to a "strategic association" between the two continents.


  7. Nixon's ban is often credited with creating Brazil's soyabean industry.


  8. A senior House Democratic aide said he was 'cautiously optimistic' but put the responsibility on Republicans to come up with more votes.


  9. I needed to make sales and asked the customer if I could 'get in shape' and he told me to go for it.


  1. 促成栽培箱

    plant forcer.

  2. 促成栽培作物

    forcing crop

  3. 促成惊厥毒药

    convulsant poison

  4. 蔬菜促成栽培

    vegetable forcing.

  5. 高山促成栽培

    cultivation in mountain

  6. 促成因素分析

    forcing factor analysis

  7. 促成最终协定

    reach the final agreement

  8. 促成它的毁灭

    to encompass its destruction

  9. 促成圣火赴台

    facilitate the relay in Taiwan

  10. 他在促成灾难。

    He is preparing the catastrophe.

  11. 促成战争之原因

    a contributory cause of war

  12. 促成中东的和平

    to midwife the peace of the Middle East

  13. 蔬菜早熟促成栽培

    early forcing of vegetables

  14. 促成谈判得以恢复

    bring about a resumption of negotiation

  15. 代理促成一笔交易

    broker a deal

  16. 促成了它的成功。

    That has contributed to its success.

  17. 疲劳促成他的失败。

    Fatigue contributed to his defeat.

  18. 疲劳促成他的失败。

    Fatigue contributed to his defeat.

  19. 接受改变并主动促成改变

    Expect Change and Be A Change Agent

  20. 为了促成我们的交易,

    In order to facilitate the first transaction between us

  21. 欧洲水仙促成栽培技术

    Techniques of Forcing Culture in Narcissus

  22. 醉汉促成了他的死。

    The drunkard procured his death.

  23. 醉汉促成了他得死。

    The drunkard procured his death.

  24. 甲与乙之间促成妥协

    effect a compromise between A and B

  25. 所有这些会促成经济危机。

    All this will precipitate an economic crisis.

  26. 促成那对情人的婚事

    help to bring about a happy union of the lovers

  27. 酗酒促成了他的死亡。

    Drinking too much wine contributed to his death.

  28. 尽可能促成他的释放。

    Make every possible effort to secure his release.

  29. 大量的供油促成烈火。

    A quantity of oil supplies contributed to the Blaze.

  30. 这样促成了危机的发生。

    That result in the eruption of the crisis in Asia.


  1. 问:促成拼音怎么拼?促成的读音是什么?促成翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成的读音是cùchéng,促成翻译成英文是 bring about

  2. 问:促成素拼音怎么拼?促成素的读音是什么?促成素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成素的读音是cù chéng sù,促成素翻译成英文是 caline

  3. 问:促成者拼音怎么拼?促成者的读音是什么?促成者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成者的读音是,促成者翻译成英文是 causer

  4. 问:促成事件拼音怎么拼?促成事件的读音是什么?促成事件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成事件的读音是cù chéng shì jiàn,促成事件翻译成英文是 precipitating event

  5. 问:促成假设拼音怎么拼?促成假设的读音是什么?促成假设翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成假设的读音是cù chéng jiǎ shè,促成假设翻译成英文是 precipitation hypothesis

  6. 问:促成条件拼音怎么拼?促成条件的读音是什么?促成条件翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成条件的读音是cù chéng tiáo jiàn,促成条件翻译成英文是 enabling condition

  7. 问:促成栽培拼音怎么拼?促成栽培的读音是什么?促成栽培翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成栽培的读音是cù chéng zāi péi,促成栽培翻译成英文是 forcing culture

  8. 问:促成茎素拼音怎么拼?促成茎素的读音是什么?促成茎素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成茎素的读音是cù chéng jīng sù,促成茎素翻译成英文是 caulocaline

  9. 问:促成过失拼音怎么拼?促成过失的读音是什么?促成过失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成过失的读音是cù chéng guò shī,促成过失翻译成英文是 contributory negligence

  10. 问:促成熟因子拼音怎么拼?促成熟因子的读音是什么?促成熟因子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成熟因子的读音是cù chéng shú yīn zǐ,促成熟因子翻译成英文是 maturation promoting factor

  11. 问:促成雄性性状的拼音怎么拼?促成雄性性状的的读音是什么?促成雄性性状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成雄性性状的的读音是cù chéng xióng xìng xìng zhuàng de,促成雄性性状的翻译成英文是 androgenic

  12. 问:促成雌性性状的拼音怎么拼?促成雌性性状的的读音是什么?促成雌性性状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:促成雌性性状的的读音是cù chéng cí xìng xìng zhuàng de,促成雌性性状的翻译成英文是 gynogenic



cù chénɡ