




1. 跳 [tiào]2. 跳 [táo]跳 [tiào]两脚离地全身向上或向前的动作:~跃。~水。~荡。~跶。~高。~远。~舞。弹(tán )~。暴~如雷。~梁小丑(指上蹿下跳,兴风作浪的微不足道的坏人)。越过:~班。~棋。~槽。一起一伏……



汉语拼音:chū tiào






  1. 见“ 出挑 ”。



  1. The experimental results show that our method can detect FH signals effectively and its validity is verified.


  1. 我怎么可能想得出跳着探戈的跳蚤?

    Would I have ever come up with tango dancing fleas?

  2. 窗户被炸开了,我爬窗而出,跳到庭院里。

    The window had been blown out and I climbed out into the garden.

  3. 他拔出刀子跳了起来,动作麻利得像个二十岁的小伙子。

    And he sprang up, drawing his knife as if he had been twenty.

  4. 第二阶段是频差分析,计算出相邻跳段之间的载频偏差。

    Second stage is the analysis of frequency difference, which calculates the carrire frequencies difference between adjacent signal intervals.

  5. 正是这种反应使出汗, 跳等症状出现。

    This response is what triggers symptoms like sweatingandpounding heart.

  6. 他好像跳不出她的掌心。

    He cannot seem to break free of her.

  7. 走出大门, 跳入游船, 45分钟后就可以抵达卡普里岛。

    When you walk out of the front door, you can hop into a boat and Capri is 45 minutes away.

  8. 也许永远跳不出这个深渊了。

    One could remain for eternity in such abysses.

  9. 孙悟空跳不出如来佛的手心。

    The Monkey King cannot jump out of Buddha's palm.

  10. 那么强引力牵引下, 绝对无法计算出我们将跳到什么地方。

    With that strong a gravitational pull, there's no way to calculate where we'd end up.

  11. 正如所有的音符跳跃谱出一个旋律。

    Just as all the musical notes are dancing to create a melody.

  12. 正如所有得音符跳跃谱出一个旋律。

    Just as all the musical notes are dancing to create a melody.

  13. 谁也跳不出老祖宗画的这圈儿。

    None of us can skip this circle drawn by the ancestors.

  14. 可是谁能跳得出潮流和时代的篱藩?

    Yet how could one flee from the tide and times ?

  15. 他不知道怎样才跳得出这左右为难的窘境。

    He did not see any way out of his dilemma.

  16. 在昨天晚上的聚会上她又唱又跳, 出尽了风头。

    She stole the show by singing and dancing in the party last night.

  17. 后来,将玻璃盖拿掉,青蛙却再也跳不出玻璃瓶了。

    Subsequently, the glass cover removed, the frog was no longer escape the glass.

  18. 鼓手敲出乐曲, 我们都跳起舞来。

    The drummers beat out their music, and we all danced.

  19. 是否有诸如心碰碰乱跳或手心出汗等生理反应呢

    Are there physical reactions as a pounding heart or sweaty palms

  20. 听说要出去玩,我的小侄子连蹦带跳地跑出了家门。

    Hearing we will go out to play, my little niece jumped and leapt out of the house.

  21. 听说要出去玩,我的小侄子连蹦带跳地跑出了家门。

    Hearing we will go out to play, my little niece jumped and leapt out of the house.

  22. 他们面对目标跨出坚定的步伐,跳了一次又一次。

    In the face of goal they take a firm pace, jumped again and again.

  23. 一根曲拐的树枝使我惊跳起来, 出了一层汗, 以为是蛇。

    A twisted branch, which I mistook for a snake, made me leap aside in fright. I broke out into a cold sweat.

  24. 再一跳, 他跳出了水井。

    One more jump, and he was out of the well.

  25. 不,他跳起舞来像出水芙蓉。

    No, he dances like water lily.

  26. 跳水运动员的一跳跳出了国威。

    he took a header into the shrubbery.

  27. 我得心狂跳不止,出了一身冷汗。

    My heart was pounding and a cold sweat broke over me.

  28. 我的心狂跳不止,出了一身冷汗。

    My heart was pounding and a cold sweat broke over me.

  29. 我真想找一个无底洞跳下去,永远出不来。

    I am really looking to jump off a bottomless pit, never getout.

  30. 手雷爆炸的范围总是比你一跳能跳出的距离多一英尺。

    The bursting radius of a hand grenade is always one foot greater than your jumping range.