




1. 弄 [nòng]2. 弄 [lòng]弄 [nòng]玩耍,把玩:摆~。玩~。~臣(帝王所亲近狎昵的臣子)。~潮儿。戏~。~瓦(“瓦”是原始的纺锤,古代把它给女孩子玩,意为生女儿)。~璋(“璋”是一种玉器,古代把它给男孩子玩。意为生儿……



汉语拼音:shuǎ nòng









  1. 舞弄。

    《东周列国志》第十七回:“ 长万 有一絶技,能掷戟于空中,高数丈,以手接之,百不失一。宫人欲见其技,所以 閔公 召 长万 同游。 长万 奉命耍弄了一回,宫人都夸奬不已。”

  2. 戏弄。

    《红楼梦》第六十回:“这会子被那起毛崽子耍弄,倒就罢了。” 陈登科 《赤龙与丹凤》二九:“不说我 高飞 不会说谎,就是会说谎,也不敢耍弄 三姑 呀!”

  3. 摆布。

    《人民文学》1978年第4期:“虽说我们 尚师傅 是模范,但也不能这么百般耍弄呀!”

  4. 玩弄。

    陈残云 《山谷风烟》第一章:“ 徐润山 凭了祖业与县太爷勾结,贩卖烟土,霸管公堂,是个善于耍弄权谋的土霸。”



  1. It was a contemptible trick to tell lies and play on an old friend !

  2. "The politicians are playing games with the people, " he said, his eyes red with exhaustion and stress.

  3. It had never reoccurred to him to devise a plan for getting half-crowns.

  4. Twenty years after Khrushchev's outburst, the Cold War was still raging and America was due for her own linguistic gaffe.

  5. Christina says she and he are too similar for him to be able to manipulate her like he can manipulate others.

  6. Kamala smiled and played with her fan of peacocks' feathers. And asked: "And only to tell me this, Siddhartha has come to me? "

  7. It's this mentality where you're not going to let another man punk you or push you around no matter how big or strong or skilled he may be.

  8. You should have seen her toying with the old Bousque woman as if she were a child!

  9. I wondered if she was making a fool of me.


  1. 我憎恶耍弄乖巧。

    I detest artifice

  2. 对某人恶作剧,耍弄某人。

    Play a practical joke on a person.

  3. 别再耍弄你姐姐了。

    Stop tormenting your sister.

  4. 她耍弄着隐形的刀

    She juggles with her invisible knife

  5. 容易被欺骗或耍弄的。

    Easily deceived or tricked.

  6. 当心别让别人耍弄了。

    Be careful not to let other people take you for a ride.

  7. 她们什么时候都会耍弄你。

    They'll fool you every time.

  8. 我对她耍弄我进行了报复。

    Ive paid her out for the tick she played on me.

  9. 他对耍弄他的人毫不客气。

    He does not tolerate anyone who mucks him about.

  10. 政客为争地位而耍弄花招。

    Politicians maneuvered for position.

  11. 用这种手法耍弄朋友真卑鄙!

    That was contemptible trick to play on a friend!

  12. 说谎耍弄老朋友是卑鄙伎俩!

    It was a contemptible trick to tell lies and play on an old friend!

  13. 欺骗某人。出卖某人。耍弄某人。对某人玩花招

    Do the dirty on sbbcheat or betray sb

  14. 他意识到来访的人耍弄了他。

    He realized that the visitors had tricked him.

  15. 我有点儿怀疑她是不是在耍弄我。

    I wondered if she was making a fool of me.

  16. 他们一直在耍弄种种卑鄙的伎俩。

    They have been playing all sorts of dirty tricks.

  17. 她推测, 他是想像耍弄她们那样耍弄她。

    He wanted , she supposes , to cheat her of her tranquillity as he had cheated them.

  18. 那是一种耍弄朋友的卑鄙伎俩!

    That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend!

  19. 作这样的广告宣传就是耍弄老年人。

    Advertising like this is a cynical manipulation of the elderly.

  20. 原想耍弄别人, 自己反倒成为笑料。

    Sb. who tried to make another person look foolish now looks ridiculous instead.

  21. 她是在对我说真话,还是在耍弄我?

    Was she really telling me the truth or pulling my leg?

  22. 给我一个干脆的回答,不要耍弄我!

    Give me a straight answer, do not muck me about!

  23. 但是这头公鹿彻头彻尾地耍弄了我。

    But he fooled me completely.

  24. 我讨厌他们耍弄我,取消了我们的安排。

    I'm fed up with them mucking me zbout and cancelling our arrangements.

  25. 给我一个乾脆的回答,不要耍弄我!

    Give me a straight answer, dont muck me about!

  26. 我警告他不要耍弄他得那套花招了。

    I warned him not to try on any more of his tricks.

  27. 我警告他不要耍弄他的那套花招了。

    I warned him not to try on any more of his tricks.

  28. 他长得很英俊,专靠耍弄有钱的寡妇。

    Hes very charming and preys on rich widows.

  29. 猫在咬死老鼠之前常常要耍弄它一番。

    A cat often plays with a mouse before the kill.

  30. 他挖空心思,耍弄各种花招以逃避被征召入伍。

    He tried all sorts of dodges to avoid being called up.


  1. 问:耍弄拼音怎么拼?耍弄的读音是什么?耍弄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:耍弄的读音是shuǎnòng,耍弄翻译成英文是 take … for a ride



《东周列国志》第十七回:“ 长万 有一绝技,能掷戟于空中,高数丈,以手接之,百不失一。宫人欲见其技,所以 闵公 召 长万 同游。 长万 奉命耍弄了一回,宫人都夸奖不已。”