







汉语拼音:jù biàn







  1. 巨大的变化。




  1. Our motherland . . . such a great country, in her long years of history, there are some kind of bitter history, how it simply changes?


  2. She said she had witnessed "great change" since her last address to the UN in 1957, "much of it for the better" .


  3. It was feared that this agonizing energy of a suffering mass would cause havoc if God did not bless the world with peace!


  4. Sixty years of the changes, China has undergone tremendous change in a tower the ground into the sky, like a mushroom, urban face-lift.


  5. But the marked increase of the salaried rich shows just how much the upper class has changed in recent decades.


  6. So do not be misled by the outer signs of upheaval and change, as you will see that in the long run it is to ensure the right outcome.


  7. The transformation began in Britain in the 18th century, spreading across the world to become the public goal of every nation.


  8. I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.


  9. The past decade has resulted in a sea change in many countries that is often misunderstood (or just invisible).


  1. 巨变之风涤荡

    The wind of change blows straight.

  2. 体制转换茶场巨变

    A great change of tea factory with system conversion

  3. 信息技术正在发生巨变。

    A revolution in information technology is taking place.

  4. 你看见巨变的天气么?

    Did you see this about earthquake weather?

  5. 社会巨变和政局变迁

    Social Upheaval And Political Change Calhoun, Craig

  6. 无法利用这种巨变能。

    There is no way to harness the energy of fusion.

  7. 情况随时可能发生巨变。

    The situation can change significantly at any moment.

  8. 世界已悄然地发生巨变,

    Unconsciously changed so much the world

  9. 重庆建设集团一年巨变

    One year huge change of Chongqing Jianshe group

  10. 东欧的形势经历了巨变。

    The situation in Eastern Europe has changed out of all recognition.

  11. 不经过巨变,僵局将很难打破。

    Without upheaval, deadlock would be entrenched.

  12. 我们也能够充分面对这历史巨变。

    We have been managing that change well.

  13. 然而,恍然一夜之间,世界沧桑巨变。

    Then, the world changed overnight.

  14. 共产国际与大革命时期国民党的巨变

    The Comintern and the Great Changes of KMT during the period of the First Great Revolution

  15. 美国社会经历巨变,媒体也跟着变。

    The American society has since undergone tremendous changes, and so has the media.

  16. 战场上形势巨变,双方攻守易势。

    The situation of the battlefield has changed dramatically and it is easier to defend than to attack for both parties.

  17. 所以也许我们已经在经历磁场巨变了。

    So maybe we're in the throes of it.

  18. 明末社会巨变下的封建士大夫命运

    The Fate of Scholar Officials of Feudal Society in Social Upheavals at the End of Ming Dynasty

  19. 二十多年的历史巨变及对我们的启示

    Historical Tremendous Changes of More Than Twenty Years and the Enlightenment to Us

  20. 世纪之交的历史巨变及对我们的启示

    The Enlightenment Brought to Us by the Great Historical Changes at the Turn of the Century

  21. 又因什麽巨变令地球变成现今的状态?

    Eventually the volcanic surface cooled and solid rocks and oceans of blue water appeared.

  22. 世界正发生着巨变。但是却与非洲无关。

    Big changes are happening in the world, but they're not helping Africa.

  23. 战国巨变与欧洲浪漫主义运动的现象关联

    Relationship between Great Changes in Warring States in China and Romantic Movement in Europe

  24. 复活节是另一个,死亡,重生,巨变的时候。

    Easter, another moment of death and transfiguration, transformation.

  25. 威胁、风险及挑战已经发生了质的巨变。

    The threats, risks and challenges have undergone serious qualitative transformation.

  26. 全球金融危机反映了世界经济实力的巨变。

    The global financial crisis has held up a mirror to the huge shifts in economic power in the world.

  27. 联合国成立以来,地缘政治现实发生了巨变。

    Geopolitical realities have changed significantly since the establishment of the United Nations.

  28. 当然,不只我一个人注意到了这种巨变。

    I am, of course, not the only one to notice this.

  29. 新一代的院长们将无疑能够应付发生的巨变。

    The new generation of deans will undoubtedly preside over dramatic changes.

  30. 在过去几年里,这方面发生了沧桑巨变。

    The past several years have witnessed a sea change in this regard.


  1. 问:巨变拼音怎么拼?巨变的读音是什么?巨变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨变的读音是jùbiàn,巨变翻译成英文是 great change; radical change; tremendous chan...

  2. 问:巨变说拼音怎么拼?巨变说的读音是什么?巨变说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:巨变说的读音是,巨变说翻译成英文是 catastrophism



巨变 jùbiàn [tremendous changes] 巨大的或剧烈的变化 山村巨变 相似辨析: 巨变指变化程度大,剧变多形容速度快,势头猛。