


1. 可 [kě]2. 可 [kè]可 [kě]允许:许~。认~。宁~。能够:~见。~能。~以。不~思议。值得,认为:~怜。~悲。~亲。~观。~贵。~歌~泣。适合:~身。~口。~体。尽,满:~劲儿干。大约:年~二十。“潭中鱼~百许头”。表示……





汉语拼音:kě hèn








  1. 使人遗憾。

    《南史·范晔传》:“吾於音乐,听功不及自挥,但所精非雅声为可恨。” 明 刘基 《倦寻芳慢》词:“小楼外榴花间竹,可恨红英飘坠,苔径雾罩。” 朱自清 《“海阔天空”与“古今中外”》:“‘这许多好东西哟!’尽这般地想着;但终于没有勇气去借来细看,真是很可恨的!”

  2. 令人愤恨。

    《老残游记》第三回:“ 佐臣 酷虐是诚然酷虐,然 曹州府 的民情也实在可恨。” 杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第一章八:“敌人残暴可恨,敌人安然自在的样子更可恨!”



  1. As one VC friend from London said to me, "I hate to think what could be lurking at the dark bottom of my inbox" .

  2. I'm very, very, humbly sorry. I really try to be kind but I think I only make mistakes, am very stupid and bad.

  3. Her hateful ugly leg got to be wrapped in long pants, all tight.

  4. Edgar, in his anxiety for her, forgot her hated friend.

  5. But I believe that we shall see the day of our revenge against these hated noblemen. '

  6. I really dislike my job but I have to pretend to enjoy it; what I hate even more is having to live a lie.

  7. A little capricious, a bit blue, sometimes Ken lovely, sometimes very hateful.

  8. Remember, though I have been your sister's worst enemy, yet I will serve her with the best of my blood.

  9. This newspaper ardently supports the right to free speech, even when that speech is controversial, hateful or ignorant.


  1. 可恨的罪恶

    a hateful crime.

  2. 他真是可恨至极。

    He is unbearably hateful.

  3. 讨厌的可恶的可恨的

    abhorrent to somebody disgusting hateful

  4. 有非可恨利用可恨的话?

    Are there non hateful uses of hateful words ?

  5. 我覺得這是很可恨的

    I think it's odious.

  6. 这是份可恨的工作。

    It was a hateful job.

  7. 有非可恨利用可恨得话?

    Are there non hateful uses of hateful words ?

  8. 谋杀是一件可恨的事。

    Murder is a hateful thing.

  9. 最可恨的女孩儿是谁呀?

    Who's the girl we love to hate?

  10. 可恨的是罪行而非罪人。

    Hate the sin but not the sinner.

  11. 自私是一种可恨得品质。

    Selfishness is a detestable quality in anyone.

  12. 自私是一种可恨的品质。

    Selfishness is a detestable quality in anyone.

  13. 人是可爱的,也可以是可恨的。

    Humans are loveable, and detastable.

  14. 把悲痛那可恨的箭伤治愈,

    Of sorrows rankling shaft to cure the wound.

  15. 本以为是恨, 可恨来自何处?

    This thinks is hates, hatefully from where?

  16. 可恨围观的不少,给钱的没人。

    Many are watching, but no one gives a handout.

  17. 柔和如白蜡, 却又粗鄙得可恨

    Softer than wax, and yet, as iron, rusty.

  18. 我们对这个可恨之处 深信不疑。

    We have a wide range of beliefs about what that something wrong is.

  19. 多么可恨的睡眠, 唉, 不幸的我呵!

    What a cursed sleep it was, O miserable me!

  20. 这个腐败得官员既可恨又可鄙。

    The corrupt official at once detestable and despicable.

  21. 这个腐败的官员既可恨又可鄙。

    The corrupt official at once detestable and despicable.

  22. 你是个又可恨又可恶的混世魔王。

    You're a monster. a detestable, abominable monster.

  23. 搜括民脂民膏的赃官太可恨了!

    The corrupt officials who exploit the masses are too hateful!

  24. 搜括民脂民膏得赃官太可恨了!

    The corrupt officials who exploit the masses are too hateful!

  25. 搜括民脂民膏的赃官太可恨了!

    The corrupt officials who exploit the masses are too hateful!

  26. 该国刚刚逐出可恨的侵略者。

    The country had just expulsed the detested invaders.

  27. 他有一个朋友, 所谓的可恨的话。

    He had a friend called Hateful Words.

  28. 这是一项可耻, 可恨, 恶毒得法令。

    It's a shameful, wicked, abominable law.

  29. 这是一项可耻, 可恨, 恶毒的法令。

    It's a shameful, wicked, abominable law.

  30. 告诉我,好让我捣毁这可恨的巢穴。

    Tell me, that I may sack the hateful mansion.


  1. 问:可恨拼音怎么拼?可恨的读音是什么?可恨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可恨的读音是kěhèn,可恨翻译成英文是 detestable

  2. 问:可恨地拼音怎么拼?可恨地的读音是什么?可恨地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可恨地的读音是,可恨地翻译成英文是 damnably

  3. 问:可恨的拼音怎么拼?可恨的的读音是什么?可恨的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可恨的的读音是,可恨的翻译成英文是 blankety-blank

  4. 问:可恨的小流浪私生子拼音怎么拼?可恨的小流浪私生子的读音是什么?可恨的小流浪私生子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:可恨的小流浪私生子的读音是kěhèn de xiǎo liúlàng sīshēngzǐ,可恨的小流浪私生子翻译成英文是 friggin little itinerant bastard




【拼音】kě hèn


【基本解释】1. [regrettable]∶使人遗憾2. [hateful;detestable]∶令人愤恨这个可恨的老恶婆子,她的每一句话都十分刻毒。

