













  1. By communicating with her and addressing the problem - and not the child - you can work together to stop the cycle of apathy.


  2. They sat on the couch with their glasses in their hands and remained in silence for a while until Rick finally broke the ice.


  3. The Eastwind, based in Greenland, was designed to cut through ice up to fifteen feet thick.


  4. Forty years ago, a little ping-pong ball broke the ice and the door to China-US contacts was reopened.


  5. This will help break the ice and chances are no one else is going to do it.


  6. A book must be an ice- axe to break the seas frozen inside our soul.


  7. We will not forget that the ice in China-U. S. relations began to thaw with the mutual visits of our pingpong teams.


  8. In the years since Arthas shattered the Frozen Throne and merged with the Lich King, the power and fury of the death knights has only grown.


  9. A challenge for Foursquare and its competitors is to create a graceful, noncreepy way to break the ice in the scary real world.


  1. 坚冰始泮。

    The ice was beginning to melt.

  2. 微笑能打破坚冰。

    Smiles can break the ice.

  3. 她为他破除坚冰。

    She broke the ice for him.

  4. 将我心中坚冰融化

    You melt iceberg in my heart

  5. 柬埔寨政治坚冰终打破

    Problems and Outcomes of the Cambodian General Elections in

  6. 坚冰已经打破,航道已经开通。

    The ice has been broken and the river route is open.

  7. 河水都冻成坚冰了。

    The water of the river is frozen solid.

  8. 让燃烧的烈火去融化坚冰。

    Let the fire burn the ice.

  9. 这些冰河由一层层坚冰形成。

    These glaciers are beds of solid ice.

  10. 时间断裂。这个世纪薄过坚冰。

    Time cracked. The century was thinner than ice.

  11. 一旦坚冰消融, 航道就会开放。

    The channel will be open to navigation as soon as the ice melts.

  12. 也许你看到的只是一块坚冰。

    You may not see much more than a block of ice.

  13. 光滑的坚冰使行车变得很危险。

    Black ice makes driving very dangerous.

  14. 打破坚冰不是拆毁别人房子的意思。

    Break the ice doesn't mean to knock someone's house down.

  15. 你是否想过坚冰融化是什麽感觉?

    Have you ever thought about how it must feel for the hard ice to melt?

  16. 我们要打破国际贸易坚冰, 争取贸易平等。

    International trade barriers should be removed to ensure equality between any two parties involved.

  17. 我们要打破国际贸易坚冰,争取贸易平等。

    International trade barriers should be removed to ensure equality between any two parties involved.

  18. 预报机翼面上坚冰或毛冰的生长。

    Predicting Glaze or Rime Ice Growth on Airfoils.

  19. 冰窟就是自然形成内有大量坚冰的洞穴。

    Ice caves are a type of natural cave that contain significant amounts of ice.

  20. 这会打破坚冰,而且可能别人都不会那么做。

    This will help break the ice and chances are no one else is going to do it.

  21. 她恳求地看了他一眼,温柔的眼神足以融化坚冰。

    She gave him a soft appealing look that would have melted solid ice.

  22. 然而这些坚冰只能持续两个月 之后就会全部开化。

    Because that phase of solid ice lasts for two months and it's full of cracks.

  23. 在经历了漫长的政治铁腕控制之后,俄罗斯的坚冰正在破裂。

    After a long period of close political control in Russia, the ice is cracking.

  24. 爱可以只用这一张树叶,就击碎这整幢楼的坚冰。

    Love can crumble all the bricks of this building with just this single leaf.

  25. 一旦你们打破了坚冰使语言之河流动起来,其他将变得简单。

    Once you break the ice and get the conversation flowing, the rest is easy.

  26. 目前还不清楚刘成镇被释是否会促使两国之间的坚冰解冻。

    It is unclear whether Mr. Yu's release will prompt much of a thaw.


  1. 问:坚冰拼音怎么拼?坚冰的读音是什么?坚冰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坚冰的读音是jiānbīng,坚冰翻译成英文是 Sturdy and thick ice; referring to difficult...