


头顶:华~。最高最初的部分:~末(本末)。山~。倾倒,跌:~沛。~倒(dǎo )。~踬。~覆。~扑不破。上下跳动:~簸。古同“癫”,精神错乱。……


尖端,梢:~梢。~端。秋毫之~(毫毛尖端)。最后,终了:~了(liǎo )。~尾。~日。~代。穷途~路。非根本的,次要的,差一等的:~业。~技。舍本逐~。碎屑:~子。碎~。传统戏剧角色名,一般扮演中年以上男子:正~。副~。外~。~本(以男角……



汉语拼音:diān mò







  1. 本末;前后经过情形。

    宋 张世南 《游宦纪闻》卷六:“ 世南 既登览山川之奇秀,且得考覈其事之颠末,故详纪之,以告来者。” 清 恽敬 《答蒋松如书》:“数月来为吏事所苦,不得暇, 鹿耔 颇与知颠末,是以不及作报。” 夏承焘 《<又玄集>后记》:“爰付影印,以广流传,并识得书颠末如此。”



  1. Britain at the end of your attentive care, a few days, I just had the disease.


  2. The world can be changed by man's endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .


  3. Jack must maintain sufficient by the filters clean the oil or else the work will be less than the lifting rated highly. 9.


  4. please fill out a report on the theft.


  5. The former is the primary form of the latter, the latter after the former through the development of mature, complete the form.


  6. Buffett, 80, accumulated the world's third-largest personal fortune through a career of stock picks and takeovers.


  7. But over years, local government has made an effort in controlling the environment pollution.


  8. After more than 100 year China and the West culture fusion and the seepage, Shanghai has become a world famous graceful capital.


  9. After ten years , he changed a lot and looked different from what he used to be.


  1. 她们观看游行步队迟缓颠末。

    They watched the parading procession slowly go past.

  2. 所有产品出厂前必需要颠末严格检查。

    All products have to pass strict inspection before they go out.

  3. 颠末一周观察, 我发明环境果然云云。

    Observation through a week, my detections circumstance indeed as expected such. 14.

  4. 那块小蓝地毯颠末多年已褪色了。

    The blue rug has faded over the year.

  5. 颠末这么永劫间, 你仍是我得爱人。

    And after all thellos time, you're still the one I love.

  6. 颠末这么永劫间,你仍是我的爱人。

    And after all thellos time, you're still the one I love.

  7. 颠末长时间的旅行,我的鞋底已经破旧不堪。

    My soles were worn out after along time trip.

  8. 以下的答案必须再颠末正式确认才有效。

    The following answer is subject to official confirmation.

  9. 颠末两个没有眠之夜,人终究完成了。

    After two sleepless nights, I'm finally through with it.

  10. 虽然他颠末训练, 他照旧一个糟糕的乐工。

    He is a poor musician for all his training.

  11. 所有引自拉丁语本得引语都颠末翻译。

    All quotations from Latin texts are given in translation.

  12. 所有引自拉丁语本的引语都颠末翻译。

    All quotations from Latin texts are given in translation.

  13. 一种颠末练习的狼犬, 用来进犯窃贼等。

    A canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars, etc.

  14. 所有引自拉丁语本的引文都颠末传译。

    Bll quotations from Latin are given in translation.

  15. 所有引自拉丁语本得引文都颠末传译。

    Bll quotations from Latin are given in translation.

  16. 颠末光辉的闪光的生命和精力,叶秋和颜色褪色。

    After a brillant flash of life and energy, the leaves fall and the colors fade.

  17. 但是颠末这几年,当地当局起劲节制情况污染。

    But over years, local government has made an effort in controlling the environment pollution.

  18. 全部产物在全部生产过程中得颠末过程五道质检关。

    All products have to go through five checks in the whole process.

  19. 颠末再度处置地面料将会是不同凡响,无独有偶地。

    After the lining which processes once again could be out of the ordinary, unique.

  20. 咱们从他窗前颠末时,放轻了步子,只怕打搅他。

    When we passed his window, we stepped softly, for fear of disturbing.

  21. 终于颠末他奶奶的同意,降临霹雳大学打篮球了。

    Finally after his grandmother of agree, came to bolt from the university play basketball.

  22. 颠末你的经心护理, 没过几天, 我的病就好了。

    Britain at the end of your attentive care, a few days, I just had the disease.

  23. 真得吗?颠末如许一天之后我可能会睡得很熟。

    Really ?Yes, I'll probably sleep like a rock after what we have been through today.

  24. 真的吗?颠末如许一天之后我可能会睡得很熟。

    Really ?Yes, I'll probably sleep like a rock after what we have been through today.