







汉语拼音:jué jì








  1. 亦作“绝伎”。超群的技艺。

    《汉书·叙传上》:“ 逢蒙 絶技於孤矢, 班输 榷巧於斧斤。” 晋 潘岳 《射雉赋》:“揆悬刀,骋絶技。” 宋 王安石 《赠陈君景初》诗:“昔闻今则信,絶伎世尝有。” 陈毅 《送旧友南归》诗:“我不出手,敌不知觉,出手一击,风扫叶落。絶技至此,敌手安措?”



  1. Recently, Wu Gui participated in the Hangzhou TV's " people skills competition" program, referred to his gambling stories.


  2. This quite honestly might be the most dangerous stunt ever performed at the greatest show on Earth.


  3. In a loose sense, what connects everyone in this novel is the high-wire walker; the day of his stunt is a pivotal one in all of their lives.


  4. In four as an example of Jinhua bar, with homing change stunts to the bottom left-hand arrangement to the stack of cards.


  5. Michael has influenced so many artists, some of whom are picking up on the grandeur and showmanship of his live performances.


  6. The moment Master Chou finished his incredible tongue twister, audiences just went buzzing.


  7. On her short, narrow deck the first generation of tailhook aviators learned their esoteric trade.


  8. This trick of stimulating quantum dots using light in order to get them to emit light of their own is called photoluminescence.


  9. My brothers and I stared in awe as the knowledgeable old hobo put Jacky through his circus tricks.


  1. 冲浪空翻绝技

    aerial loop

  2. 绝技赛金矿。

    A useful trade is a mine of gold.

  3. 杂技演员表演的绝技。

    A stunt performed by an acrobat.

  4. 我猜你有惊人绝技?

    I suppose you have such a trick.

  5. 全套假定的催眠术绝技

    the repertory of the supposed feats of mesmerism

  6. 吊杠演员表演了绝技。

    Trapeze artists perform great feats of daring.

  7. 这种空中翻滚可是他的绝技。

    And this somersault in the air is some stunt.

  8. 有些绝技演员从容笑对危险。

    Some of these stunt artists simply laugh at danger.

  9. 他身杯绝技, 自动节能, 自动扫描!

    He body cup incomparable skill, auto economy energy, auto scan!

  10. 鲁西北民间绝技的文化底蕴

    On the Cultural Context of the Folk Stunt in Northwest of Shandong

  11. 集武术,摔跤于一身,练就绝技。

    Set martial arts, wrestling all in one, acquired skills.

  12. 他在马戏团表演骑马绝技。

    He performs riding stunts in the circus.

  13. 这就是艺术家在概念上的绝技。

    This is the artist's conceptual coup.

  14. 其实, 这算不上什么独门绝技。

    Actually, this does not calculate on what alone door stunt.

  15. 飞机正在表演倒飞和其他绝技。

    The aeroplanes were flying upside down and doing other stunts.

  16. 飞机正在表演倒飞和其他绝技。

    The aero planes were flying upside down and doing other wonderwork.

  17. 他在竹梯上表演了体育绝技。

    He did athletic stunts on bamboo ladders.

  18. 这种空中翻滚可是他的绝技之一。

    And this somersault in the air is one of his stunt.

  19. 有人提醒我每个天使都有绝技。

    Someone reminded me that every angel is unique.

  20. 表演绝技的飞行员把他们吓得半死。

    The stunt pilot scared them half to death

  21. 这就是我的招牌步姿, 我的成名绝技。

    This is my signature walk, and this is what gonna make me famous.

  22. 该线采用独有的两发好声绝技。

    Adopted unique cable line two hair sound good stunt.

  23. 这些诗句真是杰出无比, 堪称语言的绝技。

    These lines are a triumph a linguistic tour de force.

  24. 顺便你也教教我这神鞭打纸的绝技。

    Why don't I whip and you hold?

  25. 这是他得师传绝技, 从不轻易示人。

    This is a consummate skill taught by his teacher, and he won't readily perform it.

  26. 这是他的师传绝技,从不轻易示人。

    This is a consummate skill taught by his teacher, and he won't readily perform it.

  27. 这是他的师传绝技,从不轻易示人。

    This is a consummate skill taught by his teacher, and he won't readily perform it.

  28. 沃尔特斯的惊人绝技使他一夜成名。

    Walters'stunt earned him his requisite five minutes of fame.

  29. 科学家们对动物的这种导航绝技却是孤陋寡闻的。

    Scientists actually know little about how animals perform their navigational feats.

  30. 周师傅一表演绕口令绝技之后观众就沸腾了。

    The moment Master Chou finished his incredible tongue twister, audiences just went buzzing.


  1. 问:绝技拼音怎么拼?绝技的读音是什么?绝技翻译成英文是什么?

    答:绝技的读音是juéjì,绝技翻译成英文是 expertise



《绝技》考克瑞尔探长随团外出旅行,孰料遇人不淑,几名旅伴都是各怀心思。当他们游历圣胡安海盗岛时,竟有一名游客无端被害。经过调查,团内其他游客都有着看似牢不可破的不在场证明,唯独探长例外。而一本录有众人资料的笔记本的出现,更使探长“荣任”警方眼中的首席凶嫌。 无天时、无地利,复无人和——且看我们的探长如何勘破真凶,拆穿这缜密的谋杀布局!