


1. 结 [jié]2. 结 [jiē]结 [jié]系(jì),绾(wǎn ):~网。~绳。~扎。条状物打成的疙瘩:打~。蝴蝶~。聚,合:~晶。~识。~盟。~交。~集。~合。~党营私。收束,完了(liǎo):~账。~局。~案。~果。~论。……


1. 缘 [yuán]缘 [yuán]因由,因为:~由。~何(为何,因何)。~故。~起。宿命论认为人与人之间命中注定的遇合机会,泛指人与人或人与事物之间发生联系的可能性:~分(fèn )。化~。姻~。一面之~。沿,顺着:~法(沿袭旧法)。~……



汉语拼音:jié yuán








  1. 佛教语。谓与佛法结下缘分,为将来得度的因缘。

    隋 智顗 《法华经文句》卷二之下:“结缘者,力无引导击动之能,德非伏物镇严之用,而过去根浅,覆漏污杂,三慧不生,现世虽见佛闻法,无四悉檀益,但作未来得度因缘,此名结缘众。”

  2. 指布施等善行。

    宋 陆游 《病中遣怀》诗之一:“放生何足为爱物,施药因行聊结缘。”《红楼梦》第一○三回:“此庙何名?庙中共有几人?或欲真修,岂无名山?或欲结缘,何不通衢?”

  3. 指与人结交的机缘。

    唐 白居易 《醉后重赠晦叔》诗:“岂是今投分,多疑宿结缘。” 冰心 《寄小读者》二三:“小孩子满握着煮熟的蚕豆,大家互赠,小手相握,谓之‘结缘’,这两字又何其美妙?”



  1. And happiness become attached to, let the happiness with you, there's a mountain, happiness is in head office.


  2. Denise comes from America. Her fate with Asia results from her childhood interest in Asian culture.


  3. What made her feel worse was her wrong concept. The posters were for tens of thousands of Swiss people, not for the brother in charge.


  4. Look at youth proud Hu Rong , feel unworthy secretly , has not expected either at all she can attach to me.


  5. Next life you haven't found before me, remember not to become attached to, and others too early to believe that we always meet.


  6. But the average Chinese people are wonderful just like the average Indian people and have ancient ties from Buddhism.


  7. Configuration simplifies valve insulation - Saves money.


  8. It was reported that Carter and the focal point of the Korean Peninsula has long lasting bonds.


  9. Grateful to everyone trapped hear sound, no one will suspect it is the best recipe for lasting bonds.


  1. 与音乐结缘

    develop a liking for music.

  2. 我与高原结缘

    I have Developed a Liking for the Plateau.

  3. 以分享的心结缘

    With the heart of sharing to make friends

  4. 本人想和国际结缘!

    Myself want with the international connection!

  5. 书海结缘思巴金

    Coming Across Ba Jin in a Sea of His Books and for Memory of Mr. Ba

  6. 论艺术与仿生学的结缘

    On the combination of art and bionics

  7. 我们是如何和您结缘的?

    How are we all related to you?

  8. 数万人得以与师父结缘。

    Several thousand people came to learn about master.

  9. 我是怎么跟这些福分结缘的?

    How do I know these things?

  10. 均等音阶与五声音调的结缘

    The Integrity of the Equal Scale and the Pentatonics

  11. 确切地讲,他已经与创投结缘16载。

    Tell exactly, he already with achieve cast become attached to 16 carry.

  12. 从此,刘为与电视结缘并走上荧幕。

    He fell in love with TV and embraced the medium from that time.

  13. 希腊神话中的女性往往与灾难、万恶结缘。

    In the Greek myths females are often connected with disasters or evils.

  14. 与狗结缘。应是从很小很小就开始吧!

    I began to be close with dogs when I was a child.

  15. 百花之中,兰花与梅花一样与君子结缘很深。

    Among the flowers, orchids and plum blossom, like a deep lasting bonds with the gentleman.

  16. 给人利用也是一种结缘,帮助别人就是帮助自己。

    Being used by others is a kind of affinity. Helping others is helping self.

  17. 不积钱财,而能喜舍结缘不计毁誉,而能与人为善。

    Dont hoard generosity makes affinity. Ignore slander and praise encourage good deeds.

  18. 这就是白娘子与许仙相遇结缘的那个地方。

    This is where the two met and immediately had a crush on each other.

  19. 你是如何跟清海无上师世界会结缘的呢?

    So how did you come to be involved with the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association?

  20. 与陈医师结缘还得从他为我做手术说起。

    Knowing Mr Chen was due to an operation he did for me.

  21. 艾迪生她是编剧的妻子, 是通过婚姻与戏剧结缘的。

    Addison She is the wife of a playwright, therefore of the Theater by marriage.

  22. 如果我今天不从事体操的话,也许我就会与游泳结缘。

    If I was not doing gymnastics today, probably I would have stayed with swimming.

  23. 屈原孤独情结缘于屈原遭贬并在长期的贬谪中生成。

    The loneliness complex formed in QU Yuans heart because he had been exiled for a long time.


  1. 问:结缘拼音怎么拼?结缘的读音是什么?结缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结缘的读音是jiéyuán,结缘翻译成英文是 to become attached to

  2. 问:结缘寺拼音怎么拼?结缘寺的读音是什么?结缘寺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:结缘寺的读音是Jiéyuánsì,结缘寺翻译成英文是 Kechienji



“结缘”是个多义词,它可以指结缘(星云大师所著图书), 结缘(汉语词语), 结缘(雪灵之所著小说), 结缘(闽南语歌曲)。