


隐藏;退让:~藏。~避。~让。~难(nàn )。~车。~开。~闪。……


不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:duǒ ràng






  1. 避开;退让。

    刘澍德 《迷》:“他慢吞吞的在街心内踱着,看见对面急匆匆走来的人也不躲让。”



  1. She does not flinch.


  1. 她丝毫没有一点退缩躲让。

    She does not flinch.

  2. 卡车飞驰而过,他及时躲让开了。

    He dodged in time to avoid the speeding truck.

  3. 落叶松林分生长枝条躲让效应计算机模拟研究

    Researches of Larix Branches Shyness Effect in Stand Growth Simulation

  4. 让我们躲起来,搞点物理吧!

    Let's hide away and do some physics.

  5. 不要让他躲在责任分散的后面。

    Do not let him hide behind the diffusion of responsibility.

  6. 但我们也不能让她躲在这呀

    But we can't let her hide out here either.

  7. 让我们躲在树下吧。那里还算干燥!

    Let's go under the tree. It's dry there!

  8. 他说有人来了,让我躲到屏风后面去。

    He said that someone was coming and told me to get behind the screen.

  9. 你只能躲在厕所里让耳根清净一下。

    You hide in the bathroom to be alone.

  10. 那害羞的孩子躲在後面不让人注意。

    The shy boy efface himself by stay in the background.

  11. 那害羞的孩子躲在后面不让人注意。

    The shy boy effaced himself by staying in the background.

  12. 那害羞得孩子躲在后面不让人注意。

    The shy boy effaced himself by staying in the background.

  13. 那个害羞的孩子躲在后面不让人注意。

    The shy boy efface himself by stay in the background.

  14. 真感谢他们让我进屋躲过了那场大雨。

    They were kind enough to let me in and have a shelter from the heavy rain.

  15. 我们两人躲了起来, 不让外面的人看见。

    We hid ourselves so that we could not be seen from outside.

  16. 我们两人躲了起来, 不让外面得人看见。

    We hid ourselves so that we could not be seen from outside.

  17. 但是看到儿子总是躲着我, 这让我很不好受。

    But to see my son flinch from me made me feel physically sick.

  18. 把他们让进办公室会躲增加几分钟得时间。

    Letting them in may add minutes to the interruption.

  19. 把他们让进办公室会躲增加几分钟的时间。

    Letting them in may add minutes to the interruption.

  20. 相反,让人讨厌得同事会让你想要躲得远远得。

    An annoying coworker, on the other hand, can make you want to hide under the covers.

  21. 相反, 让人讨厌的同事会让你想要躲得远远的。

    An annoying coworker, on the other hand, can make you want to hide under the covers.

  22. 你打算出卖我,还是让我在这里躲过这场追捕。

    Do you mean to sell me, or to let me lie here till this hunt is over.

  23. 为了不让别人看见, 他躲进了灌木丛。

    He hid himself in the bush lest he should be seen.

  24. 躲开,躲开,让我们过去!

    Gangway! We're coming through!

  25. 让我们看看马克能不能躲开它。

    Now let's see if Mark avoids it.

  26. 他赶忙躲进一间屋里,生怕让护士瞧见。

    He ducked into one room for fear the nurse would see him.

  27. 吃掉小鱼让自己强壮,躲开大鱼让自己安全。

    Eat fish for their strong, shun big fish for their own security.

  28. 那么你认为你躲起来呆在家里就可以让事情好起来?

    So you think just hiding out and staying home's going to make everything better?

  29. 似乎防空洞里还有足够的空间让他的邻居躲身。

    There still seems to be plenty of room in the bomb shelter for all his neighbours.

  30. 布鲁斯有个家伙躲起来了, 我想让你帮我劈了他。

    Brucie I need you to whack some people, in their hide.


  1. 问:躲让拼音怎么拼?躲让的读音是什么?躲让翻译成英文是什么?

    答:躲让的读音是duǒràng,躲让翻译成英文是 To evade or avoid.



duǒ ràng