


1. 提 [tí]2. 提 [dī]3. 提 [dǐ]提 [tí]垂手拿着有环、柄或绳套的东西:~壶。~灯。~篮。~包。~盒。~纲挈领。引领(向上或向前等):~心吊胆。~升。~挈。~携。说起,举出:~起。~出。~醒。~倡。~议。~名。~案。……





汉语拼音:tí sù






  1. And that in a country where speculative bubbles have been a constant phenomenon since market-based reforms picked up pace in the 1980s.


  2. As the pulse quickens and blood pumps around the body faster, the body experiences a surge in adrenaline.


  3. Several database operations can be executed in parallel, but additional database connections speed up the application only to a point.


  4. A multithreaded application works just as well on a single-CPU system but without the added speed.


  5. Call it a new form of market discipline, one that is, crucially, speeded up.


  6. at present, Tibet city changes a process to be in acceleration stage of development, urban and rural integration also is in the key period.


  7. Its service life relatively before acting product raises one times above, achieve 15 years, got used to the train to raise fast requirement.


  8. Hengxian relevant departments to open up a "green passage" for low - cost Housing and affordable housing construction speed of service.


  9. Speed at the point guard has given us problems where we have to make some adjustments.


  1. 接着火车开始提速了。

    Then the train started to pick up speed.

  2. 所以,它必须要创新,改变,提速。

    So, it must want to innovate, change, carry fast.

  3. 他的心脏和肺将开始提速。

    His heart and lungs are going to pick up speed.

  4. 煤矿主扇风机提速技术改造

    Technical Improvement about Wind Machine of Main Fan Quickened in Coal Mine

  5. 高档酒店开业的脚步去年开始提速。

    The openings started accelerating last year.

  6. 提速道岔混凝土岔枕养修探索

    An exploration of maintenance and repair of concrete switch tie with the increase of train speed

  7. 只要一踏加速器,这车就提速了。

    This car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator.

  8. 陇海线提速改造曲线测设方法

    Method of setting out of curve in reconstruction of Longhai railway line aiming at speed increasing

  9. 这次提速使长途列车运行时间大大缩短。

    Carry this fast make distance train run time shortens greatly.

  10. 它能在二点九秒内提速到一百。

    It goes from 0 to 100 in 2. 9 seconds.

  11. 搞好浙赣线电气化提速改造勘测设计

    Do a Good Job of Survey and Design for Electrification Improvement of ZheGan Railway

  12. 非提速客车转向架摇枕弹簧选配探讨

    Study of the grouping of springs for the bolster of bogie on conventional passenger cars

  13. 据报载,铁路运输已经进行第六次提速。

    It is reported that China's railways have undergone the sixth increase in speed.

  14. 深化科技推广体制改革,为农民增收提速

    To Deepen the Building Revolution of Extending Science and Technology and Accelerate the Promotion of Boorish Income.

  15. 列车提速对客车技术整备所设计的影响

    Probing on Design of passenger car technical servicing depot aimed at speed raising train

  16. 热身,像正规比赛一样,包括一些30秒提速跑。

    Warm Up as you would for a regular race, including some 30 second pick ups.

  17. 如何更好地实施209型转向架的提速运行

    How to Realize Better the Speed Increased Operation on Trucks Type209

  18. 提速转向架焊接构架疲劳寿命的实用分析方法

    Practical Analysis Method for Fatigue Life of Welded Frame of Speedup Bogie

  19. 提速继续搅打揉搓直到面团光滑柔软, 约10分钟。

    Switch to higher speed and knead until you have obtained soft and smooth dough, about10 minutes.

  20. 举重二线队员身体素质提速训练的方法与手段

    Training Methods and Means of Rapid Improvement of Physical Quality of Weightlifting Reserves

  21. 在有些时候, 这些优化并没有将程序提速那么多。

    In several cases the optimizations did not speed things up all that much.

  22. 轨头不平顺对列车提速危害的计算机仿真研究

    Study on computer simulation about harm from track joint irregularity to raise train speed

  23. 为提速道岔用三相交流转辙机专用供电设备。

    It is a sort of special power supply equipment for threephase AC point machine on speed accelerated switches.

  24. 发展新能源汽车,合肥已经进入了全面提速的阶段。

    Hefei has entered a fast development stage for new energy vehicles.

  25. 调度绞车提速技术改造在井下斜巷提升中的应用

    Application of Raising Speed Winch for Coal Mine Transportation in Chensilou Coal Well Oblique lane

  26. 提速重载货车车钩钩舌材料疲劳性能的试验研究

    The Research on Fatigue Property of the Materials Used in Lorry Coupler Knuckle with Increased Speed and Heavyload

  27. 提速之后,可连续蹬踏加速装置,保持快速滑行的速度。

    After speeding, you can pedal continuously to keep its speed.

  28. 浅谈襄渝线提速后接触网分相绝缘器的改造

    Discuss on the Reconstruction of Neutral Section Insulator of the Overhead Contact Line in Xiangyu Line

  29. 如果世界上也有动物需要提速的话,那就是懒猴了。

    If ever an animal needed to be fast, it is the slow loris.

  30. 提速道岔钩式外锁闭装置的技术要求及使用方法

    Technical Requirement and Application of Hook External Locking Switch


  1. 问:提速拼音怎么拼?提速的读音是什么?提速翻译成英文是什么?

    答:提速的读音是tísù,提速翻译成英文是 Increase speed.