


罩在外面的东西:褥~。手~。外~。加罩:~裤。~袖。重叠的:~版。~耕。~种(zhòng )。装在衣物里的棉絮:被~。同类事物合成的一组:一~制服。~路。~数。~曲。配~。模拟,照做:~用。~语。生搬硬~。用绳子等做成的环:牲口~。圈~(喻……


1. 圈 [quān]2. 圈 [juàn]3. 圈 [juān]圈 [quān]环形,环形的东西:圆~。花~。~套。画~。周,周遭:跑了一~儿。范围:势力~。画环形:~阅。~点。~定。划界,围住:~地。~闭。圈 [juàn]养家畜的棚栏:……



汉语拼音:tào quān







  1. 圈套。使人上当受骗的计策。

    《再生缘》第四回:“ 长华 小姐听人言,緲緲香魂上九天……轻轻一跥金莲足,説道是:‘吾弟今朝落套圈。’”

  2. 两个套连的圆圈。

    鲁迅 《二心集·“硬译”与“文学的阶级性”》:“﹝我﹞细心地在字旁加上圆圈,还在‘硬译’两字旁边加上套圈。”



  1. It showed that there is migration of debris among the inner and the outer rings, as well as the surface of cage by the aid of the ball.


  2. Separate bearings, rings on each side must be marked on the surface of a sign of integrity.


  3. In the case of type bearings can not be separated, allowing a ring-side at the surface, marked with a symbol of integrity.


  4. the sand gathering net is sheathed at the bottom of the fixed lever of the sand gathering net through the upper ferrule.


  5. The common ceramic used for SKF bearing rings and rolling elements is a bearing grade silicon nitride material .


  6. Another ring for the difference between the base-level, allowing the ferrule at the base of the non-standard technology of surface markers.


  7. Retaining the rolling elements, where bearings are of a separable design and one bearing ring is removed during mounting or dismounting.


  8. Install the valve onto the copper tube and gently slide compression nut and ferrule up to the valve to engage.


  9. The ferrule terminal embodiment of the present invention includes a ferrule portion and a barrel portion.


  1. 活塞杆套圈

    piston rod swab holder.

  2. 锅炉烟管套圈

    boiler ferrule

  3. 套圈无心磨削

    centcrless grinding offing

  4. 套圈锁眼缝纫机

    hook and eye tacker machine

  5. 套圈二次精研

    two times of lapping of ring

  6. 什么是套圈公称宽度?

    What is the nominal width of the ring ?

  7. 同心圆绕射板套圈迥光板

    zone plate

  8. 轴承套圈自动分离冲床设计

    Designing of the Automatic Punch Machine to Separating the Inner and Outer Bearing Ferrules

  9. 他的那个家伙可以玩套圈游戏

    you could play horseshoes on that thing.

  10. 假捻器套圈定位装配新工艺

    The Assembling Process of Ferrule Orientation on the False Twisters

  11. 滚动轴承。镶入轴承和偏心锁套圈

    Rolling bearings. insert bearings and eccentric locking collars

  12. 套圈部分沿着纵向轴线弯曲以形成弯曲部分。

    The ferrule portion is bent along the longitudinal axis to form a bend.

  13. 车削套圈沟道曲率样板的设计

    Design on Curvature Sample Plate of Ring Raceway

  14. 套圈锻造模具用间歇供水冷却装置

    Intermittent Water Supply Cooler for Forging Mould of Bearing Ring

  15. 轴承套圈滚道超精机数控轴承套圈内圆磨床

    Bearing superfinisher CNC internal grinding machine for bearing ring.

  16. 利用外径超精机修磨套圈外径圆度

    Improving Roundness of Ring Outer Surface with Lapper

  17. 成功开发了圆锥套圈对称辗扩的新工艺。

    The symmetry rolling technology for taper ring is suggested.

  18. 套圈金相组织对磨加工几何精度的影响

    Effect of Metallographic Structure of Ring on Geometry Accuracy in Grinding

  19. 圆柱滚子轴承无越程槽套圈的磨加工

    Grinding of Rings of Cylindrical Roller Bearings Without Skip Distance Slot

  20. 本发明的套圈端子实施例包括套圈部分和筒部分。

    The ferrule terminal embodiment of the present invention includes a ferrule portion and a barrel portion.

  21. 球轴承套圈沟道数控车削的轮廓误差分析

    Analysis on Profile Error of Ball Bearing Ring Raceway Machined by Number Control Machine Tool

  22. 轴承内孔或外表面与套圈一端面连接的套圈表面。

    Bearing bore or outside the surface and the ferrule end face connected to a ring surface.

  23. 套圈壁减薄后圆柱滚子轴承承载能力的研究

    Study on Capacity of Cylindrical Roller Bearing When Reducing Race Wall Thickness

  24. 球装在两套圈之间,且在滚道内滚动,摩擦力很

    The Balls fill the space Between the two races and roll with negligible friction in the grooves.

  25. 套圈和钢球直径测量误差修正的数值迭代法

    Numerical Iteration Method for Modifying Measurement Error of Diameters of Steel Ball or Ring

  26. 球装在两套圈之间,且在滚道内滚动,摩擦力很小。

    The balls fill the space between the two races and roll with negligible friction in the grooves.

  27. 冷辗扩工艺应用于双沟球轴承套圈的试验研究

    The Experiment and Research of the Cold Rolling Expending Technique in Ball Race of the DoubleGroove BaH Bearing.

  28. 轴承套圈和垫圈得圆柱形表面, 用以在径向引导保持架。

    Bearing rings and washers cylindrical surface to the radial guide cage.

  29. 轴承套圈和垫圈的圆柱形表面,用以在径向引导保持架。

    Bearing rings and washers cylindrical surface to the radial guide cage.

  30. 圆锥滚子轴承套圈基准面不平度对滚道形状精度的影响

    Base Surface Unevenness of Tapered Roller Bearing Rings Effect Raceway Accuracy


  1. 问:套圈拼音怎么拼?套圈的读音是什么?套圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套圈的读音是,套圈翻译成英文是 ferrule

  2. 问:套圈儿拼音怎么拼?套圈儿的读音是什么?套圈儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套圈儿的读音是tàoquānr,套圈儿翻译成英文是 A kind of game in which many erect sticks or objec...