


送给,给予:~仕(退休)。~辞。~电。~力。~哀。~命。招引,使达到:~病。~使。以~。专心~志。样子,情趣:大~。别~。景~。兴(xìng )~。细密,精细:~密。精~。……





汉语拼音:zhì qiàn







致歉 [zhì qiàn]
  1. 表示歉意。


致歉 [zhì qiàn]
  1. 向人表示歉意。




  1. And in what appears to be a curious, roundabout apology for his remarks, he dwells on the "moral values" inherited from his parents.


  2. A Walmart spokeswoman offered an apology to Craig and said the retailer was looking into how the incident could have happened.


  3. The company soon issued an apologetic clarification, noting that Mr Mackey had expressed his own views, not those of the company.


  4. The statement added that CCTV was sorry for the mistake and that it had apologized for any inconvenience caused to the three torchbearers.


  5. The Inner Mongoliabased Mengniu Dairy Group apologized to consumers on Sunday and said the tainted products have been destroyed.


  6. In court Friday, she apologized for her affair and for the drug abuse that led to her romantic involvement.


  7. General an apology a day to smile, actually can have their bottom line back to the origin from the dead, Is not this great power of a smile?


  8. A few days ago, kou Bin is browbeaten by the accused, stop to create, be in " start Chinese net " on publish excuse letter.


  9. He apologises in advance to his sources and to his mother, a professional historian, for mixing fact and fiction.


  1. 再次致歉。

    Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience.

  2. 应向某人致歉

    to owe someone regrets

  3. 给所有女人的致歉信

    The Apologetic Letter to Women

  4. 我为自己的迟到致歉。

    I apologize for being late.

  5. 要想致歉的话,随时欢迎。

    Oh, about that apology, any time you're ready.

  6. 要想致歉的话,随时欢迎。

    Oh, about that apology, any time you're ready.

  7. 我们收到了一封致歉信。

    We received a letter of apology.

  8. 我真诚地为那个错误致歉。

    I really do apologize for that mistake.

  9. 我再次代表诊所向你们致歉。

    Again, on behalf of the clinic, I am so sorry.

  10. 我为适才说的话向您致歉。

    I apologize for what I said just now.

  11. 我竟敢投以羞涩得致歉得微笑。

    I dare a smile in shy excuse.

  12. 我竟敢投以羞涩的致歉的微笑。

    I dare a smile in shy excuse.

  13. 我必须为他怪诞的行为致歉。

    I must apologize for his unusual behavior.

  14. 诚心致歉空气被我音乐弄脏。

    Im sorry for smudging the air with my song.

  15. 汉英致歉礼貌策略的定量分析

    The Statistical Analysis of Politeness Strategies in Chinese and English Apologies

  16. 她无奈之下写了一封致歉信。

    She wrote a letter of apology but only under protest.

  17. 我们为交货量短缺向贵公司致歉。

    We are sorry for the short delivery.

  18. 代我向约翰致歉,没去听他讲课。

    Give my excuses to John for missing his lecture.

  19. 他还转来一封首相的致歉信。

    He also handed over a letter of apology from the Prime Minister.

  20. 汉英致歉策略在社会距离中的分布

    The Distribution of Chinese and English Apologetic Politeness Strategies in Social Distance

  21. 他已经意识到自己的错误,向我们致歉了。

    He has realized his mistakes, and apologized to us.

  22. 对于造成各位的不便,我们再一次向各位致歉。

    Again, we're very sorry for any confusion that may have been caused.

  23. 我们谨致歉技术上得困难, 我们正在举行得当务之急。

    We would like to apologise for the technical difficulties that we are having at the moment.

  24. 我们谨致歉技术上的困难,我们正在举行的当务之急。

    We would like to apologise for the technical difficulties that we are having at the moment.

  25. 澳大利亚总理陆克文对过去虐待土著人致歉。

    Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologises for the past mistreatment of Aborigines.

  26. 我为桌子的四只脚向被砍下的树木致歉。

    My apologies to the felled tree for the table's four legs.

  27. 后来,第二条致歉微博也被神秘地删除了。

    Then, mysteriously, the second apology posting was deleted as well.

  28. 请代我向你母亲致歉,我给她添了不少麻烦。

    Give my excuses to your mother for having caused her so much trouble.

  29. 人有时会说错话。我为我的那些评论向你致歉。

    Sometimes the words just come out wrong. I apologize for the comments.

  30. 我为我的小步舞曲唱片向在深渊呐喊的人致歉。

    I apologize for my record of minuets to those who cry from the depths.


  1. 问:致歉拼音怎么拼?致歉的读音是什么?致歉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:致歉的读音是zhìqiàn,致歉翻译成英文是 To express apologies.; apology