







汉语拼音:yōu liè








  1. 优和劣。指强弱、大小、好坏、工拙等。

    汉 班固 《白虎通·号》:“德合天地者称帝,仁义合者称王,别优劣也。”《后汉书·南匈奴传》:“其餘日逐、且渠、当户诸官号,各以权力优劣、部众多少为高下次第焉。”《南齐书·豫章文献王嶷传》:“才有优劣,位有通塞,运有富贫,此自然理,无足以相陵侮。” 宋 苏轼 《寄周安孺茶》诗:“何尝较优劣,但喜破睡速。” 明 胡应麟 《诗薮·内编·古体中》:“而 汉 诗自然, 魏 诗造作,优劣俱见。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致方善境》:“盖同是锌版,亦大有优劣。”

  2. 谓评定高下好坏等。

    宋 王谠 《唐语林·品藻》:“ 祜 又有《观猎》四句及《宫词》, 白公 曰:‘ 张三 作猎诗以拟 王右丞 ,予则未敢优劣也。’” 元 刘祁 《归潜志》卷十:“二词至今人不能优劣。” 清 陈康祺 《郎潜纪闻》卷三:“太史则钻揅经史,譔著裒然,楛菀一时,优劣千古。”



  1. The technology of auditoriums has always been a crucial index when a theater is being evaluated.


  2. But a landmark new research paper underscores that the difference between a strong teacher and a weak teacher lasts a lifetime.


  3. We anticipate that this study will provide a simple and efficient method as a criterion for measuring process capability of a product.


  4. When consumers buy honey is often difficult to determine the pros and cons of honey-packaging often daze.


  5. SAN DIEGO -- The back end of a bullpen can be a fluid place, with roles changing based on performance and not always well-defined.


  6. He gave me a detailed account of the relative merits of solitary confinement in various prisons.


  7. At the mid and end of the adolescence, senior students' sexual psychology directly leads to the quality of the next generation.


  8. The traditional appropriate non-inferior solution just compares the improvement of two goals to define the point of M.


  9. The challenge of choosing an AOP tool for your project is in comparing the trade-offs of each approach without getting lost in them.


  1. 优劣等级法

    merit ranking.

  2. 判例制度优劣

    Advantages and Disadvantages of the System of Judicial Precedent

  3. 优劣序数法

    ordering method.

  4. 相对优劣性

    relative merits.

  5. 封面难断书优劣。

    Judge not a book by its cover.

  6. 决定优劣条件的人

    One who assigns handicaps.

  7. 质量优劣兼备的东西

    the curates egg

  8. 看皮难断树优劣。

    You cannot judge of a tree by its bark.

  9. 凭马具难断马优劣。

    You can not judge of the horse by the harness.

  10. 两者相较的优劣如何

    What are the relative merits of the two

  11. 这两种卡各有优劣。

    Each has its pluses and minuses.

  12. 谁来评判马匹的优劣呢

    Who is going to judge the horses

  13. 比较一计划与另一计划的优劣

    Weigh one plan against another

  14. 你能鉴别艺术的优劣吗?

    Can you discriminate between good and bad art?

  15. 论我国戒毒方法之优劣

    On the merit and demerit of Chinese drug rehabilitation

  16. 汽车联合战略优劣论

    How Strategic Alliances, Merge and Acquisition Strategy Delivering Competitive Advantages

  17. 比较一计画与另一计画的优劣

    weigh one plan against another

  18. 硼酰化钴质量优劣的判别方法

    Boron Acid radical cobalt quality fit and unfit quality distinction method

  19. 不能根据马饰论马的优劣。

    A horse is neither better nor worse for his trappings.

  20. 权衡一个计划与另一个计划的优劣

    to weigh one plan against another

  21. 他权衡这两个公司的优劣。

    He considered the relative merits of the two company.

  22. 这为我们提供了优劣的标准。

    This gives us a criterion of excellence.

  23. 我国果酒生产的优劣势

    The Advantages and Disadvantages of Ratafee Productionin China

  24. 这种香港经验的优劣,难下断语。

    It is hard to judge the merits and drawbacks of Hong kong's practice.

  25. 利润质量就是指实现利润的优劣程度。

    Profit quality points to the actor bad extent that realizes gain namely.

  26. 艾滋病疗法优劣排序的模糊综合评判

    Fuzzy synthetic evaluation about the sort of AIDS therapies

  27. 成绩并不意味着一个人的优劣。

    Performance does not mean that a person's strengths and weaknesses.

  28. 谈岗位技能工资与岗位效益工资之优劣

    Discussion on Merits and Demerits of Skill Wages and Benefit Wages of Post

  29. 金融工程在实际操作中的优劣分析

    The Analysis of Advantages and Limits of Financial Engineering in the Actual Operation

  30. 判断阻灭螺工程优劣指标的探讨

    Probe into the guideline judged to block and destroy snail project excellent or bad


  1. 问:优劣拼音怎么拼?优劣的读音是什么?优劣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:优劣的读音是yōuliè,优劣翻译成英文是 good and bad; merits and drawbacks

  2. 问:优劣参半拼音怎么拼?优劣参半的读音是什么?优劣参半翻译成英文是什么?

    答:优劣参半的读音是Yōuliè cānbàn,优劣参半翻译成英文是 a mixed blessing

  3. 问:优劣比拼音怎么拼?优劣比的读音是什么?优劣比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:优劣比的读音是yōu liè bǐ,优劣比翻译成英文是 eudismic ratio


基本信息词目:优劣拼音:yōu liè释义:用来表示一件事物好坏的意思。