


1. 荷 [hé]荷 [hé]〔~包〕a.佩戴的小囊;b.食品名。〔~尔蒙〕“激素”的旧称。即“莲”。……





汉语拼音:hé mǎ






  1. I live in the heart of the American Midwest, the buckle of the bible belt as is often said of my small city.


  2. Gwen Cooper wrote a best-selling book about her energetic cat, Homer, who had to have both of his eyes removed.


  3. If it appealed to you, you could be reading Homer in the original Greek or Dostoevski in Russian.


  4. There was this man I'd never seen before was at the foot of my bed and Homer, who weighs like four pounds, was all puffed up.


  5. But it's an epic poem that fires the boy's imagination. Homer's The Iliad, an account of the Trojan wars is mythology with a message.


  6. Some few words passed between them in that sonorous language in which Homer makes his gods converse.


  7. It dreamed that it was a beautiful sunny day and that a caravan of foreign Frankish men had come on a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer.


  8. In the United States, Timothy McVeigh will seek a delay in his execution for the bombing of a government building in Oklahoma.


  9. 2My brother and his wife, who lives in Oklahoma, came to visit us back in September.


  1. 东方荷马史诗

    Homeric epic of the East.

  2. 荷马写了那怪东西。

    Homer wrote the oddity.

  3. 没错 就该杀了荷马。

    Yeah,just kill Homer,dude.

  4. 没错 就该杀了荷马。

    Yeah, just kill Homer, dude.

  5. 我要去俄克拉荷马。

    I'm going to Oklahoma.

  6. 我要去俄克拉荷马。

    I'm going to Oklahoma.

  7. 智慧超凡的荷马君临四方

    That deepbrowd Homer ruled as his demesne

  8. 这首诗有荷马的风格。

    This poem has a ring of Homer.

  9. 你读过荷马的原作吗?

    Have you read Homer in the original.

  10. 她来自美国俄克拉荷马

    She hails from Oklahoma.

  11. 她创作了俄克拉荷马

    She basically created the dances in Oklahoma.

  12. 查普曼的荷马 史诗译本。

    Chapman's translation of Homer.

  13. 查普曼得荷马 史诗译本。

    Chapman's translation of Homer.

  14. 这是荷马史诗的散文翻译。

    This is a prose translation of Homer's epic poems.

  15. 这是荷马史诗得散文翻译。

    This is a prose translation of Homer's epic poems.

  16. 要不我们干脆回去杀了荷马。

    Or we could go back and kill Homer

  17. 荷马生于历史上遥远的时代。

    Homer lived in the twilight of history.

  18. 一种回答就是听从荷马的忠告。

    Well, one answer is to follow Homer's advice.

  19. 荷马和俄耳甫斯的创世神话

    The Homeric and Orphic Creation Myths

  20. 荷马是一位永垂不朽得史诗作者。

    Homer is an immortal epicist.

  21. 我不想去奥克拉荷马送死。

    I'm not going to risk my life in oklahoma.

  22. 荷马史诗中关于政治领袖的术语

    Terms about Political Leaders in Homer

  23. 俄克拉荷马城,问这个做什么?

    Oklahoma city. what do you need this for?

  24. 俄克拉荷马城,问这个做什么?

    Oklahoma city. what do you need this for?

  25. 诗经与荷马史诗的比喻之比较

    The Comparison of The Book of Poetry and The Homer Epil

  26. 荷马的伊利亚特是着名的史诗。

    Homer'Iliad is a famous epic.

  27. 这本书被误认为是荷马的著作。

    The book is falsely fathered on Homer.

  28. 但荷马知道如此可辨认的标志的出现。

    But Homer knows that such legible marks exist.

  29. 他们认为他是接近荷马同样的诗人。

    They thought that he was approaching Homer as a poet.

  30. 诗人荷马认为没有凡人能与宙斯匹敌。

    The poet Homer believed that no mortal could rival Zeus.


  1. 问:荷马拼音怎么拼?荷马的读音是什么?荷马翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荷马的读音是hémǎ,荷马翻译成英文是 Homer

  2. 问:荷马史诗拼音怎么拼?荷马史诗的读音是什么?荷马史诗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:荷马史诗的读音是,荷马史诗翻译成英文是 Homeric Hymns



“荷马”是个多义词,它可以指荷马(古希腊诗人), 荷马(美国阿拉斯加州城市)。