







汉语拼音:huí fù







  1. 回报;答覆。《古今小说·梁武帝累修归极乐》:“众僧见了,都惊异不已,来回覆长老,説果有此事。” 清 李渔 《巧团圆·迭骇》:“他差管家出来回覆,説这箇称呼甚是不便,以后切记要改。” 冰心 《离家的一年》:“还有你姐姐病着,好久没有回覆,也替我说一声。”

  2. 回绝。《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十七:“老姥道:‘既然舍人已有了亲事,老身去回覆了小娘子,省得他牵肠挂肚空想坏了。’” 清 李渔 《奈何天·调美》:“这样干名犯义的事如何做得!所以把花灯彩轿,摈相吹手,一概都回覆了。”



  1. we often work in the field . if our phone cannot be reached , please do not hesitate to leave a message or contact us by email.


  2. They told the messengers who had come, "Say to the men of Jabesh Gilead, 'By the time the sun is hot tomorrow, you will be delivered. '"


  3. This is often needed for routers giving their internal rather then their external IP address in a PASV reply.


  4. President Kennedy has asked you for a 1 page memo advising him on what to do about the PSAC recommendation- should he take it or reject it?


  5. Users get all up in arms over where the cursor should go when replying to a message.


  6. Fraudsters often create a sense of urgency to provoke you to take action immediately.


  7. At that time, I was wondering, and I think I did ask her. But she made no reply. And that was the end of the contact with her. . .


  8. Oracle did not immediately respond to a request for further comment.


  9. If you want the message to be known among the group, you can directly reply to an e group mail.


  1. 电子邮件自动回覆

    Autoresponders Unlimited

  2. 他们总会回覆。

    They always reply.

  3. 回覆政府询问编号。

    In response to Government Query No.

  4. 草率回覆一封信

    Threw off a quick response to the letter

  5. 这批信件都得回覆。

    All this mail must be answered.

  6. 提醒我回覆那封信。

    Remind me to answer that letter.

  7. 他们就回覆王去了。

    So they brought the king word again.

  8. 我尽可能的回覆他们。

    I answered them as well as I could.

  9. 如何回覆买家的问题?

    How to answer questions from buyers?

  10. 我尽可能得回覆他们。

    I answered them as well as I could .

  11. 下一页描述回覆程序。

    The next page describes the acknowledgment process.

  12. 我的信尚未见回覆。

    My letter remains unanswered.

  13. 我得信尚未见回覆。

    My letter remains unanswered.

  14. 这封电报要求立即回覆。

    The telegram asked for an instant reply.

  15. 几小时候,我收到了回覆。

    A couple of hours later, I get a reply.

  16. 看着身份证, 并回覆问题。

    Look at the card and answer the questions.

  17. 他疏忽了回覆那封信。

    He neglected to reply to the letter.

  18. 软弱的请求换来拒绝的回覆。

    He that asks faintly begs a denial.

  19. 她连我的信都不回覆。

    She didn't even answer my letter.

  20. 我的回覆在附呈的档案中。

    My replies are in the attached file.

  21. 我渴望能立刻回覆你的邀请。

    I am eager to reply to your invitation.

  22. 刊登和回覆讯息的费用是多少?

    How much does it cost to post message or to reply message?

  23. 苏菲亚立刻就回覆我的讯息。

    Sofia got back to me right away.

  24. 增加生命值并减少其回覆时间。

    Increases overall hit points and reduces their regeneration time.

  25. 我们将于12小时内回覆。谢谢查询。

    We will respond to all enquiries within 12 hours. Thank you.

  26. 我在查看达芙妮是否回覆信息了

    I was just checking to see if Daphne texted me back.

  27. 在回覆我的信件中,他允诺接见我。

    In answer to my letter, he granted me an interview.

  28. 属下要求评估时, 典型推拖的回覆

    Unworthy Responses to a Request for An Appraisal

  29. 我们等待你对上述请求及早得回覆。

    We await your early reply concerning the above request.

  30. 我们等待你对上述请求及早的回覆。

    We await your early reply concerning the above request.