


草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……


1. 家 [jiā]2. 家 [jia]3. 家 [jie]家 [jiā]共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:~庭。~眷。~长(zhǎng )。~园。~谱。~塾。~乡。~风。~训。~规。~喻户晓。如数~珍。家庭所在的地方:回~。老~。安~。居住……



汉语拼音:běn jiā








  1. 旧指已嫁女的娘家。

    《后汉书·梁节王畅传》:“臣 畅 小妻三十七人,其无子者愿还本家。” 唐 顾况 《弃妇词》:“今日妾辞君,辞君欲何去?本家零落尽,慟哭来时路。” 元 关汉卿 《四春园》第四折:“ 梅香 死本家超度。”

  2. 老家,原籍。

    南朝 宋 袁淑 《效古》诗:“讯此倦游士,本家自 辽东 。” 唐 李白 《赠张相镐》诗之二:“本家 陇西 人,先为 汉 边将。”

  3. 指原来的家。

    《南史·谢弘微传》:“北舍, 弘微 本家也。”

  4. 自己的家。

    宋 吴曾 《能改斋漫录·记文》:“后世子孙仕宦,有犯赃滥者,不得放归本家。”《水浒传》第十四回:“我昨夜梦见北斗七星直坠在我屋脊上;斗柄上另有一颗小星,化道白光去了。我想星照本家安得不利。”

  5. 同姓、同宗者。

    《红楼梦》第九二回:“ 雨村 老先生是贵本家不是?”《儒林外史》第十八回:“ 胡 府又来了许多亲戚、本家。” 李季 《当红军的哥哥回来了·心事》:“区委书记五十岁,和 志红 是本家,他也姓 杨 。”

  6. 方言。对第三者指称当事人。

    老舍 《茶馆》第三幕:“四角儿的跟夫,本家赏钱一百二十吊!”如:本家不来,别人不好替他做主。



  1. The second theory argues that brokers serve a certification role similar to that of venture capitalists or commercial and investment banks.


  2. And the first word is a member of the same clan surname, after the end of the word can be the finishing touch.


  3. Mom always tells us to do our best not to let those who look down on the same clan.


  4. And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.


  5. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.


  6. With just Chris Mihm as a true Center backing up Andrew Bynum, Mbenga would be a great investment.


  7. household, and he is to slaughter the bull for his own sin offering.


  8. It was in the Talamasca Motherhouse in England that the Vampire Lestat first made himself known to me.


  9. And Jesus said to them, A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and among his own relatives and in his own house.


  1. 就算你把本金寄还给宫本家。

    So if you sent the equity back, you had a profit.

  2. 你这浑小子!你说我是你的本家么?

    You're such a stupid fool! You say that I'm a member of your clan?

  3. 宫本家向你们购买七亩地。

    The Miyamoto family bought your seven acres.

  4. 孩子不会来玩。亲戚本家早不来了。

    Kids would not like to come here, nor would my relatives.

  5. 他的岁月既尽, 他还顾他本家吗?

    For what does he care about the family he leaves behind when his allotted months come to an end?

  6. 他对我声称是本家, 但是我却不认识他。

    He claims kindred to me, but I don't know who he is.

  7. 此后又有近处的本家和亲戚来访问我。

    After that, some family members and relatives close came to visit me.

  8. 以后本家物种也许能继续存在,也许会灭绝,说不准。

    The parent species may survive indefinitely thereafter, or it may become extinct.

  9. 你脸上长了个茄子呢,坂本家的闺女。

    You've got an eggplant on your face, little daughter of sakamoto.

  10. 而且头一字是本家的姓, 末后一字堪称画龙点睛。

    And the first word is a member of the same clan surname, after the end of the word can be the finishing touch.

  11. 您必须至第七世界本家,寻找本家的里页进入观看。

    You must going to Seventh World Main Site to searching ura page.

  12. 妈妈时常告诉我们要争气,不要让本家那些人瞧不起。

    Mom always tells us to do our best not to let those who look down on the same clan.

  13. 那么,杉,到坂本家的醉屋去找三蒲医生吧。

    Well, Sugi, walk up toward Sakamoto's tipsy house and look for Dr.

  14. 没有父母兄弟,没有本家亲戚,他的唯一的朋友是这座古城。

    He had no parents or brothers, no relatives at all, the only friend he had was this ancient city.

  15. 不过,如果他不是我们的本家,他就一定是因为爱你了。

    But if hes not, it must have been done because of his love for ee.

  16. 阿尔茨海默病在本家系中显示为常染色体显性遗传。

    The Alzheimer in this ancestry appears as autosomal dominant genetic disease.

  17. 为本家积蓄不义之财,在高处搭窝,指望免灾的有祸了!

    Woe to him who builds his realm by unjust gain to set his nest on high, to escape the clutches of ruin!

  18. 亚伦要把赎罪祭的公牛牵来宰了,为自己和本家赎罪。

    Aaron shall bring the bull for his own sin offering to make atonement for himself and his household, and he is to slaughter the bull for his own sin offering.

  19. 而现在,拉拉和西本家住在一起,过着像是真正国王的生活。

    Lala lives here with the Nishimoto family. And this king penguin is really living like a king.


  1. 问:本家拼音怎么拼?本家的读音是什么?本家翻译成英文是什么?

    答:本家的读音是běnjiā,本家翻译成英文是 a member of the same clan; a relative with th...

