


1. 抢 [qiǎng]2. 抢 [qiāng]3. 抢 [chēng]抢 [qiǎng]夺,硬拿:~劫。~夺。赶快,赶紧,争先:~先。~占。~购。~攻。刮,擦:磨剪子~菜刀。当面责备或讽刺:~白他一顿。抢 [qiāng]碰,撞:呼天~地。……





汉语拼音:qiǎng gòu








  1. All copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were published.


  2. A few years ago western buyers would have been queuing up to secure such a prized asset.


  3. Ms Walton and the museum have been on something of a buying spree for several years.


  4. The day after I won the title, a China Central TV reporter told me that all copies of every major Beijing newspaper had sold out.


  5. Privateequity companies might snap up the group, although it is not easy to get such a deal financed these days.


  6. "There seems to be a whole rush for Chinese banking shares these days, " he said.


  7. "There is a bit of a food-fight among investors to get hold of paper from US banks, " an executive at a big bank said.


  8. But some newspapers have continued to question why panic should be so widespread.


  9. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" sold like hot cakes. They were all sold out when I got to the store.


  1. 抢购便宜货

    to snap up bargains.

  2. 他们掀起一阵抢购浪潮。

    They started a wave of buying.

  3. 年韩战引起了抢购。

    The Korean war touched off scarebuying in 1951.

  4. 他们都争先恐后抢购廉价货。

    They were all scrambling to get the bargains.

  5. 以后还会有衣服抢购风。

    Later on there'll be a run on clothes, too.

  6. 大家急忙着去抢购特价品。

    There was a great scurry for bargains.

  7. 她问他, 他恍惚的注视抢购。

    she asked, snapping him out of his trancelike stare.

  8. 他们都争先恐後抢购廉价货

    They were all scrambling to get the bargains

  9. 本周出现了抢购雨伞的现象。

    There's been a rush on umbrellas this week.

  10. 珍宝被收藏家们以高价抢购走。

    The treasures were snapped up by collectors at high prices.

  11. 为你的客户提供马上抢购的嘉奖。

    Give your customers the perks of responding immediately.

  12. 这种物品很快就被抢购一空。

    The kind of articles were quickly snapped up.

  13. 最便宜的货物被很快抢购一空。

    The cheapest goods were soon snapped up.

  14. 最便宜得货物被很快抢购一空。

    The cheapest goods were soon snapped up.

  15. 最便宜的货币很快被抢购一空。

    The cheapest goods were soon snapped up.

  16. 促销的女装很快就被抢购一空。

    Dresses on sales were quickly snapped up.

  17. 那则政策公告引发了汽油抢购风潮。

    The policy announcement caused panic buying of petrol.

  18. 谣传物价要涨, 人们都去商店抢购。

    The rumour that prices were going to rise led to a rush on the stores.

  19. 蛋在减价出售, 买人的争着抢购。

    Eggs were on sale cheap, and the shoppers snapped up the bargain.

  20. 蛋在减价出售,买人得争着抢购。

    Eggs were on sale cheap, and the shoppers snapped up the bargain.

  21. 要是有什么便宜货卖,她就去抢购。

    If there are any bargains going, she'll snap them up.

  22. 顾客争先恐后地抢购最便宜的特价商品。

    Shoppers were scrambling to get the best bargains.

  23. 大减价时大批家庭主妇涌进商店抢购。

    A crowd of housewives crowded into the store when the goods were on sale.

  24. 炸弹释放被抢购和沃特甲板上滚下。

    The bomb release was snapped and the Vought rolled down the deck.

  25. 我立即抢购自己的话说,在最后一位。

    I immediately snapped at myself for saying the last bit.

  26. 很多居民在惊恐中大量抢购瓶装水。

    The contamination sparked a run on bottled water by panicked residents.

  27. 迅猛的通货膨胀和抢购造成严重的商品短缺。

    Rapid inflation and major shortages caused by panic buying.

  28. 人们挤破头抢购这款新的电脑游戏。

    People thronged to buy the new computer game.

  29. 上个月人们被一下子冲入抢购风。

    Many people were stamped into a wave of panic buying last month.

  30. 这支股票发行后不久就被抢购一空。

    The outstanding stock was sold out soon after launched.


  1. 问:抢购拼音怎么拼?抢购的读音是什么?抢购翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢购的读音是qiǎnggòu,抢购翻译成英文是 panic-buy; panic- bought