


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……


1. 调 [tiáo]2. 调 [diào]3. 调 [zhōu]调 [tiáo]搭配均匀,配合适当:~和。~谐。风~雨顺。饮食失~。使搭配均匀,使协调:~配。~味。调停使和解(调解双方关系):~停。~处。调剂:以临万货,以~盈虚。调理使康……



汉语拼音:hé diào








  1. 调和。

    《管子·度地》:“天地和调,日有长久。”《素问·痹论》:“荣者,水穀之精气也,和调於五藏。” 南朝 梁 何逊 《七召·肴馔》:“剂水火而和调,糅苏蔱以芬芳。”

  2. 指调味。

    宋 司马光 《辞左仆射第三札子》:“多盐则太咸,多梅则太酸,和调适宜,最为难事。”

  3. 和睦;使和睦。

    《墨子·兼爱中》:“兄弟不相爱,则不和调。” 晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十一:“荐贤退恶,和调百姓。” 明 陆世廉 《西台记》第一出:“念乱图存,总须将相和调。”



  1. This reality highlights how important it is for you to conduct focused performance testing and tuning against your applications.


  2. This article introduces you to the important configurable parameters of Hadoop and the method for analyzing and tuning performance.


  3. Query performance evaluation and tuning is best approached as an ongoing process consisting of a series of successive refinements .


  4. Light-colored ink on a method of deployment and a slightly different-coloured ink, the ink in a light color to dark ink.


  5. As a database administrator (DBA), performance monitoring and tuning can be your most challenging business-critical task.


  6. This pattern is typically used to verify quality of service and tuning requirements of an application.


  7. The Classification Workbench tool allows easy creation, analysis, and tuning of a knowledge base from representative data.


  8. It can also create moods for every taste. Quartz lamps are often used for wall pictures, but LED colour tones are more adjustable.


  9. As a result, we had a spare parts replaced and adjustment, but after commissioning, failure is still not resolved.


  1. 他们英勇地和调来镇压他们的警察搏斗。

    They bravely fought the police called out to suppress them.

  2. 我们把红色涂料和黄色涂料混和调成橙色涂料。

    We mixed red and yellow paint to create orange paint.

  3. 酒精生产过程用能状况的诊断和调优

    Examining and Optimizing Energy Consumption of Alcohol Distillery

  4. 合成氨生产过程天然气消耗状况的诊断和调优

    Examination and Optimization of Natural Gas Consumption in Synthesis Ammonia System

  5. 分析了动态应变仪的测量原理和调平衡技术的原理。

    It analyses the measuring principle of dynamic strain gauge and introduces the principle of adjusting balance.

  6. 目得实现航空像机摄影高度自动测量和调焦。

    Aim To realize automatic height measurement and focusing of aerial photographic camera.

  7. 采用气弹簧张紧和调偏,精度高,故障率低。

    Using gas spring tension and bias, high precision and low failure rate.

  8. 基于瞬时幅度和调频率估计的机动目标成像方法

    Dynamic ISAR imaging of the maneuvering target based on the instantaneous amplitude and chirp rate estimation

  9. 按本文前面介绍的方法来配置和调优各个组件。

    Configure and tune the various components as described earlier in this article.

  10. 稠油热采井机采能耗影响因素和调平衡周期探索

    On the Influential Factors of Energy Consumption of Oil Pumping Wells of Heavy Oil Thermal Recovery

  11. 操息职员不差印版迟不缓锁定和调不静编制不白眼有佳。

    Operator on the printing plate quickly lock and adjust your system arbitrarydeclinegazehe is a plus.

  12. 不调和褶皱

    inharmonious fold.

  13. 指数调和映照

    exponential harmonic maps

  14. 球带调和数

    zonal harmonics.

  15. 谷类调和油

    cereal cookingoil.

  16. 调和营卫法

    Method of harmonizing nutrient and defense.

  17. 不调和生境

    disharmonic habitat.

  18. 蓝和绿不调和。

    Blue does not go with green.

  19. 善与恶不可调和。

    Good and evil are irreconcilable.

  20. 她唱的不调和。

    She is singing out of tune.

  21. 这颜色和那颜色不调和。

    This color does not go with that.

  22. 同周围环境不调和。

    It jars with the surroundings.

  23. 壁纸与地毯不调和。

    The wallpaper and the carpet clash.

  24. 把面粉和一些牛奶调和。

    Mix the flour with some milk.

  25. 标准的研究生调和分析教材

    Harmonic Analysis by Elias M. Stein

  26. 彩虹的不同色彩交融调和。

    The colors of the rainbow blend into one another.

  27. 利己主义与社会责任不可调和。

    individualism untempered by social responsibilities.

  28. 因此,我们必须对此加以调和。

    So we have to reconcile this.

  29. 这两种颜色配得很调和。

    These two colours blend well.

  30. 在平底锅里调和牛奶和奶粉。

    Mix the milk and the powdered milk in the saucepan.