


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 露 [lù]2. 露 [lòu]露 [lù]靠近地面的水蒸气,夜间遇冷凝结成的小水球:~水。白~。寒~。朝(zhāo )~。甘~。在室外,无遮盖:~天。~宿。~营。加入药料或果子汁制成的饮料或药剂:~酒。枇杷~。滋润:覆~万民。表现,……


古代帝王或诸侯在举行典礼时拿的一种玉器,上圆(或剑头形)下方:~角(jiǎo )(圭的棱角,喻锋芒)。古代测日影的器具:~表(a.测日影的器具;b.标准)。~臬(指标准、法度,如“奉为~~”)。古代容量单位(一升的十万分之一):~撮(喻小量……


1. 角 [jiǎo]2. 角 [jué]角 [jiǎo]牛、羊、鹿等头上长出的坚硬的东西:牛~。鹿~。犄~。~质。形状像角的:菱~。皂~。突入海中的尖形的陆地(多用于地名):成山~(在中国山东省)。几何学指从一点引出两条直线所夹成的平面部……



汉语拼音:bù lù guī jiǎo








  • 【解释】:圭角:圭玉的棱角。比喻才干不外露。
  • 【出自】:宋·欧阳修《张子野墓志铭》:“遇人浑浑,不见圭角。”
  • 【示例】:如彦高《人月圆》,半是古人句,其思致含蓄甚远,~,不犹胜于宇文自作者哉?
  • 【语法】:动宾式;作谓语;形容人深沉、不露锋芒


  1. na.
  2. 不露锋芒

  1. 钱不露白。

    Don't show your money.

  2. 真人不露相。

    Greatest genius often lies concealed.

  3. 出门不露财。

    When you go out to buy, don't show your silver.

  4. 猫儿不露爪。

    Cats hide their paws.

  5. 他丝毫不露感情。

    He displayed no sign of emotion.

  6. 半个字也不露

    not breathe a syllable.

  7. 伟人受苦, 声色不露

    Great souls suffer in silence

  8. 猫捉鼠前不露爪。

    Cats hide their claws.

  9. 她那是深藏不露。

    Well,she knows more than she's letting on.

  10. 艺术妙在含而不露。

    Art lies in concealing art.

  11. 钱包不露底,思想需保留。

    The bottom of your purse or your mind.

  12. 钱包不露底,思想需保存。

    Never show the bottom of your purse or your mind.

  13. 最高得艺术就是不露艺术。

    The highest art is to conceal art.

  14. 最高的艺术就是不露艺术。

    The highest art is to conceal art.

  15. 含蓄不露的比明朗的多。

    There are more obscure poems written and printed every year than clear ones.

  16. 妈的,他干吗不露一手呢

    Why doesn't he show his hand, damn his soul

  17. 技巧即表现为不露丝毫技巧痕迹。

    The artifice is in the absence of artifice.

  18. 他是个结实不露感情的人。

    He was an undemonstrative man, substantial.

  19. 个精明的商人善于深藏不露。

    Hes a smart businessman who is good at hiding his light under a bushel.

  20. 人们假装微笑常常能不露任何破绽。

    People are so often able to fake a smile to perfection.

  21. 别担心他,他是深藏不露的能人。

    Don't worry about him. He is more skilled than he looks.

  22. 应揭露这些不露身份的政界人士的身份。

    The identity of these grey men of politics should be revealed.

  23. 材料是上好的, 几乎不露一点儿皱褶。

    So fine was the material that it was scarcely creased at all.

  24. 材料是上好得, 几乎不露一点儿皱褶。

    So fine was the material that it was scarcely creased at all.

  25. 最强烈的感情往往是最深藏不露的。

    Our mightiest feelings are always those which remain most unspoken.

  26. 但是爱伦却佯装不知, 不露任何声色。

    But she made no sign that she knew or suspected.

  27. 二是讲究品牌。三是讲求含而不露。

    secondly, they are dainty about the brand and thirdly they are dainty about the implicit quality.

  28. 他的刀法真是好,改刀都不露痕迹。

    He is so skillful in using a carving knife that there is no possibility of improvement.

  29. 他的刀法真是好,改刀都不露痕迹。

    He is so skillful in using a carving knife that there is no possibility of improvement.

  30. 许多情况下,政府的行进是比较不露痕迹的。

    In many cases the advance of the state is less obvious.