




核算:~时。~量(liàog )。~日程功。测量或核算度数、时间、温度等的仪器:晴雨~。湿度~。主意,策略:~策。~谋。谋划,打算:~划。~议。姓。……



汉语拼音:shēng jì








  1. 产生计策。

    《鬼谷子·谋篇》:“事生谋,谋生计。”《晋书·杜预传》:“自秋以来,讨贼之形颇露。若今中止, 孙晧 怖而生计。”

  2. 赖以度生的产业或职业。亦指维持生活的办法。

    《陈书·姚察传》:“﹝ 察 ﹞清洁自处,貲产每虚,或有劝营生计,笑而不答。” 唐 白居易 《送萧处士游黔南》诗:“生计抛来诗是业,家园忘却酒为乡。”《花月痕》第一回:“小子奉母避灾 太原 ,苦无生计。”《人民文学》1979年第2期:“由于生活的逼迫,他不得不到处找门路、谋生计。”

  3. 资财;生活用度。

    《太平广记》卷二三引 唐 戴孚 《广异记·张李二公》:“ 张 曰:‘我主人颇有生计。’邀 李 同去。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷三:“这番却是死也!我些些生计,怎禁得他要起!” 鲁迅 《书信集·致杨霁云》:“以革新或留学获得名位,生计已渐充裕者,很容易流入这一路。”

  4. 保全生命的办法。

  5. 指生活。

    唐 白居易 《老来生计》诗:“老来生计君看取,白日游行夜醉吟。” 五代 齐己 《游橘州》诗:“渔家好生计,簷底繫扁舟。” 胡适 《文学进化观念与戏剧改良》:“大概百年来政治上的大乱,生计上的变化,私家乐部的销灭,也都与这种俗戏的兴起大有密切关系。”参见“ 生活 ”。



  1. After being in the hospital for a year, she had a lot of living to catch up on.


  2. One thing he needs to do is put aside his hobby of horse racing - likely to be his livelihood in retirement - at least for a season.


  3. "It was a dream come true and a huge step forward in my career, " he said. "Of course without thinking twice, I moved to Amsterdam. "


  4. There is no shortage of professional musicians who keep at it even though they have no hope of making a living that way.


  5. The main breadwinner in her family, she used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in Sri Lanka.


  6. They see a cash economy that they were not able to participate in back in the subsistence farm.


  7. They argue that this would allow workers to earn enough to make a living without having to do overtime.


  8. The girl who has got to make her way in life has got to be dauntless, and if she has a pretty, demure manner with it, then luck girl.


  9. Do you know how much he earns a month? He earns his living by teaching at a school.


  1. 食物,生计

    livelihood, subsistence, food swallow v.

  2. 勉强维持生计

    make both ends meet.

  3. 他们生计无着。

    They had no visible means of subsistence.

  4. 他是自毁生计。

    He has dug his own grave.

  5. 我勉强维持生计。

    I was barely existing.

  6. 我难以维持生计。

    I just cannot afford to keep myself.

  7. 写作是他的生计。

    Writing is his life.

  8. 财政部之生计长官

    paymaster general

  9. 这就是我的生计。

    It is how I earn my bread and butter.

  10. 只能勉强维持生计

    can barely hold their lives together.

  11. 叫我们如何维持生计

    when the kid actually gets here?

  12. 他靠写作维持生计。

    It was his writing that brought home the bacon.

  13. 他们在乡下谋生计。

    They rely on the countryside for their livelihood.

  14. 农民们只是勉强维持生计

    Farmers have only just managed to survive

  15. 你们谋求生计,火化死者。

    You earn your living and you urn your dead.

  16. 为维持生计而辛苦劳作

    to toil for bread

  17. 以维持我父亲的生计。

    To pay for my father's sustenance.

  18. 钓鱼是他们的主要生计。

    Fishing was their main sustainment.

  19. 我总是为生计而伤神。

    My brain is continually on the rack about the means of living.

  20. 生计维持或谋生的必需品

    Provision of support or livelihood.

  21. 男人应该担负起家庭生计。

    Men were supposed to bring home the bacon.

  22. 靠掘墓维持生计的人

    a person who earns a living by digging graves

  23. 美国瑶族生计方式的变迁

    Changes of Means of Livelihood of Yao People in America

  24. 失业的人不得不自谋生计。

    The unemployed had to make a living by themselves.

  25. 他母亲去世後他只好自谋生计。

    Hes have to shift for himself since his mother die.

  26. 照顾自己自谋生计独立生活。

    Care of or look after oneself support oneself.

  27. 他维持一个大家庭的生计。

    He keeps a large family.

  28. 他主要靠写诗维持生计。

    It was his poetry that brought home the bacon

  29. 这给许多人提供了生计。

    It affords a livelihood to a great number of people.

  30. 园丁努力干活以维持生计。

    The gardener works hard for his keep.


  1. 问:生计拼音怎么拼?生计的读音是什么?生计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:生计的读音是shēngjì,生计翻译成英文是 livelihood



【拼音】:shēng jì

【注音】:ㄕㄥ ㄐㄧˋ ◎ 生计 shēngjì (1) [Means of livelihood]∶谋生的办法 教育是为生活而不仅仅为生计作准备,是为生存而不是为谋生作准备 (2) [Living]∶生活的状况 但伙计本非仇敌,生计艰难,要求提高待遇,也正是人情之常。——柯灵《遥夜庥》 (3) [Plan] ∶谋划;产生计策 事生谋,谋生计。——《鬼谷子》